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Night Lords Helmets?

Brother Kirus

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I really wish i were eloquent enough to defend the bat theme.




That's all i got.


Number 1, no you are NOT batman. Please put the spandex tights away. Seriously, you have no business what so ever wearing them.


Number 2, if you want to try and defend this please do.




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I really wish i were eloquent enough to defend the bat theme.




That's all i got.


I think there are bat winged helmets and then there are bat winged helmets.


Your converted ones, and the old Raptor ones, look very cool (I'd like to know what bits you used for those as well, if you wouldn't mind). Really, really very cool.


The metal GW ones on the other hand are enormous, ugly things which I wouldn't attempt to defend.

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Though I am sure that if the design was changed it might actually work.

One way could be to change the angle of the wings so that they were more 'back-swept' and closer to the helmet's surface.


Regardless, the NL heads are too small compared to regular marine helmets so most of them end up being silly anyway, wings or not. :D

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Hmm… I thought that we were done with this topic… But apparently not (-: So here is what I have to say about “winged” helmets.


I think that original idea was to use wings as “heraldic decoration for the evil knights of 40k”, similar to decorations that were used by real medieval knights… While the idea was interesting, the execution of this idea - not so much…


I agree with Brother Nihm that a change of design might change peoples prospective. I am still planning to use “winged helmets” in my new army but only a few and I am thinking about more ecstatically pleasing approach.


As for “sneaky not infiltrators” subject (which is not what I wanted to discuss in this topic) While I agree that NL are not infiltrators, I am not buying “experts of concealment” explanation either. I am struggling to picture an 8-9 feet tall warrior with a nuclear backpack that is “hiding” in the middle of the fight - batwings or no bat wings…


Also, since I saw my favorite BL author posting in this topic I decided to get this topic back on track and asked A D-B couple of questions about NL appearance.


I really liked the description of NL terminators that you gave in your book and I was wondering about the lion shoulderpad…


1) Is it specific to all terminators or it is different from one company/warband to another?


2) Is the lion head on the right shoulder or left?


Thank you.

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Personally, I hate the bat-winged helmets and replaced them all on my Raptors with Mk VI Corvus helmets with the beaks partially clipped off and a grille added, making them more like the current Raptor helmet. Looks decent, wish FW would cook up some real Night Lords conversion kits with a ton of old-pattern claws and baroque helms.


About the bronze/gold. . .just use Tin Bitz. Dark and menacing metallics. :)

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