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Want a good codex? Shouldn't have betrayed the Emperor.


Ha ha that made me chuckle!


that did make me giggle.




nothing wrong with the codex really, just teh feel of it.


Iron warriors use basilisks, we cant have them!

many renegades still have drop pods, we cant have them

ngith lords lose the rules for having been from nocturne.


its this stuff that bugs me, i like the renegade idea but they should have made it as part of a legion based codex, everyone gets the special rules they want while keeping renegades easily adaptable.

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Want a good codex? Shouldn't have betrayed the Emperor.


Ha ha that made me chuckle!


that did make me giggle.




nothing wrong with the codex really, just teh feel of it.


Iron warriors use basilisks, we cant have them!

many renegades still have drop pods, we cant have them

ngith lords lose the rules for having been from nocturne.


its this stuff that bugs me, i like the renegade idea but they should have made it as part of a legion based codex, everyone gets the special rules they want while keeping renegades easily adaptable.


You could always play a some random warband under the old codex.. by using default rules like the black legion... and if your warband was from say the world eaters you could use the world eaters rules... this is how it should be... and you should be able to play world eaters with normal rules if you wish as well...

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Sometimes I wonder why people miss old legion rules so much. I mean diversity they confined was great (although some armies of one legion tended to be practically same). But woule they be that great in 5th ed? I think that at least one rule for each legion was particulary degradated. Take NL and their terryfing visage as example. It would be much more worthless as in 5th ed there are loads of fearless units or can reroll failed tests. Oh and I really doubt that WE would be playable as they would always disembark from their transports and madly running towards closest enemy.
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Sometimes I wonder why people miss old legion rules so much. I mean diversity they confined was great (although some armies of one legion tended to be practically same). But woule they be that great in 5th ed? I think that at least one rule for each legion was particulary degradated. Take NL and their terryfing visage as example. It would be much more worthless as in 5th ed there are loads of fearless units or can reroll failed tests. Oh and I really doubt that WE would be playable as they would always disembark from their transports and madly running towards closest enemy.


They may have needed an update, yes. But I'd still take those old Legion rules over this current codex.

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as in 5th ed there are loads of fearless units or can reroll failed tests.
I don't know about where you play but around here there's a ton of armies where having that particular ability on my models would rock, hard.
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What this really boils down to is that Chaos needs a new codex, perhaps not as badly as the Necrons and Dark Eldar, who I understand are up for the next two releases.


It isn't so much a theme issue, the Codex, as the fact that the army just doesn't have the flavor and variety that you see in Imperial Guard, Tyranids, and how many variations of loyalist have we seen now? Barring any rules elaborations, which everyone has their own opinions on, and which GW will accept or ignore to their heart's content, what I'd like to see is more VISUAL variety in chaos forces.


Most Chaos armies these days are a demon prince or two, and a whole mess of rhinos and guys in power armor. And obliterators. Perhaps even a Defiler or three or some Vindicators if you're really going out there. MOST I said. Not yours or your best buddy who has a whole force on bikes or whatnot. I know there are people out there with the all noise marines army, and when they post their lists here everyone points out to them just how badly they're going to get owned in anything that even whiffs of a competitive game.


Visually, we have Space Marines with spikes and horns plus two demon princes and the odd heavy. This is far more saddening than mixing of cults. Especially when there is such an amazing font of background material from the Black Library that could be used to create a unique looking force. Granted, if the demon princes and nurgle marked marines are still tops with a new codex then people will keep fielding that same force, but GW could at least give us some better options and more variety right across all the categories. Let's just leave aside things that we COULD take, but only if we enjoy losing badly (Possessed, Dreadnoughts, and Spawn spring to mind).


Just off the top of my head I'd like to see:


Cultists - Planetary Defense Force traitors and cultists. Maybe with an option for a sorcerer as a unit leader.

Mutants - And here's a second option for troops that isn't a loyalist + spikes.

At least an ally option for proper marked demons and not Mr. Generic Demon

A Demon Prince with a variety of gifts that can be modeled and are worth taking. Kai Gun anybody?

A plastic dreadnaught kit to stand up to all those damned loyalist variations

An option for looted imperial equipment. Just an option to take one IG Heavy for that PDF rebels feel.

Some new and completely unique vehicles. Heavy is a crowded category, but maybe a chaos answer to the land speeder?

Yeah, OK, Spiky drop pods. There's room there for Chaos Dreadclaws to be a unique looking vehicle.

A strong incentive to not pick and choose from all four of the god's marks. A bonus if the whole army used no mark, glory, and/or one mark. Extra hitty if only Khorne, glory, and unmarked. Extra magic if only Tzeench, glory, and unmarked, and so on.


In other words, Chaos would look better and give us more options if it was Forces of Chaos, rather than just Chaos Marines.

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It would be cool if they made two codex's for you guys like they did back in the day. They had tzeentch and nurgle together and khorne and slaanesh in a second book. In fact one of those books is whet got me into 40k when at hobby/comic store 20ish years ago they had one of the books and after flipping through the book I saw the picture of the emperor and horus facing off and bam GW had me hooked I bought the book got all my friends interested(addicted) in 40k and we came back and stated buying miniatures, paint and the all the other books.
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as in 5th ed there are loads of fearless units or can reroll failed tests.
I don't know about where you play but around here there's a ton of armies where having that particular ability on my models would rock, hard.

Well I play against armies tailored for 5th ed (mainly orks, wolves, chaos).



totally agreed with variety of C:CSM compared to new armies

Although there can be one issue specific for our dex and thats unit combinations. In other dexes you can take any combination of units and any warger fot them and you are not considered to be ufluffy.

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I think one of the things that really made Abbadon as great as he is is that he can unite marines on a legionary scale, of all different religious backgrounds. I am of the thought that any lord or prince strong enough can unite some berzerkers from here, plague marines there, so on and so forth, but never in their dreams can they recruit a crusade level force that Abbadon can.

However, I do support the idea of the chaos codex getting a little more support on the next run. I have played chaos, for both 40k and fantasy since I started the hobby 10 years ago or so, and this codex did seem to be a little bit of a let down. But I am rolling with a Word Bearers army that are going to use cultist rules for counts as rules. For penitents, brothers who have sinned against the gods, I will be using either berzerker or plague marines rules. Etc etc.

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