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Lord Howland Greywolf

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I only really decided to read the rule since I found them at GW website and I think I may be hooked.


But I would like to ask "How good is the Armageddon class cruser?"

One look at this ship and I fell in love (any who saw the star treck film when kirk looks up at a partaly built enterprise can picture my emotions). Its got adiquate speed and manoverabilaty but with armour and firepower to rival a battleship (and an armourd prow to ram stuff. *sigh* cavemen truly do belong in space).

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i like the armageddon a lot, 4 lances and 6 weapons batteries to one side is enough to put hits on the enemy without need of help from other ships. just a shame its a battlecruiser and therefore its numbers are restricted. if it was possible i would build an entire fleet around them.
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Armageddon factors prominently into my secondary fleet build. I've had very good experiences using it and the 1:1 CB CA in the armageddon list lets you field two pretty easily. Not that this is necessarily the best list due to not having any AC whatsoever, but you can field 4 armageddons in a 1500 point list if you took two endeavours and two dauntless (using reserve rules). Gives you a pretty hefty lance punch for an IN fleet and decent batteries as well as a ton of torpedoes but you loose out on AC, battleships, escorts, and nova cannons.
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I'm also a big fan of the Armageddon Fleet List primarily because of the Armageddon and the Apocalypse BB. The Armageddon is just a better ship than the Overlord when facing your most common enemy, Chaos. It's also quite good against any of the other fleets except Eldar. But then again the Imperials are particularly ill suited to dealing with the Move-Shoot-Move mechanic so it's not real surprising. :wacko:


BFG is damned fine game and I doubt I'll ever forgive GW for letting it fade away. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll update and reprint it someday.

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Thats good news. My faverout ship is one of the best ships of its size in the list (or at least thats what I'm hearing).


@vaaish: I don't understand the abrevaitions. Well I assume IN means Imperail Navy but the others I'm not too sure about.


@Brother_Dan'l: Yeah I think I agree. On the plus side at leat the rule books are free to download now but it is a shame that they will not be updated.


As for a list I think I know how they work.


Armaggedon Fleet List:


Armaggedon Class: Able Gunner (My flagship and workhorse).


Tyrent Class: Los Fernos With incresed range on guns (short range punch).


Dictator Class: Void Mother (for a little bit of small ship punch).


Cobra squadren (3): Vespa (manoverability and torpedo launchers mostly).

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