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Marines and Daemons.

Marshal Wilhelm

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Greetings Naughty Marines,


I have a question.

What with the bland daemons your Codex gives you, have any of you played with Daemons from C:D whilst using C:CSM?


If this has not happened, do you think you can combine the two without just creaming the best bits from both Dexes and getting something that will make your gaming friends sad faced?

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dont think that could be power gaming . now PMs that start hiting stuff with poison and power weapon attacks because of tally is something different.

in non apo games it would probably end with people saying it is too unbalanced[not me , but a lot of people aka sm players , didnt like the demon bomb lists in 4th ed. ] , because of csm icons letting demons charge on turn they come from reservs. funy thing it would make bikers viable.

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