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Sergeant Third Class Baradiel


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Hi everyone, im back with a new addition to my list of Space Marines. Today i am going to showcase a model made using parts from Scibor's Monstrous.


This is Sergeant Third Class Baradiel of the prototype Tactical Squad called Hazard Team. He's a true blue Space Marine of the Hollow Eye Clan unlike the rest of his squadmates who are prototype supersoldiers devised by the Clan's Apothecaries and Techmarines to supplement the dwindling capability of the Clan's ability to reproduce real Space Marines as they have little in the way of facilities capable of extracting and cultivating geneseeds anymore.


He is a no-nonsense and level headed person like many of his brethren and was taken out of his original squad in Boar Company to lead the Hazard Team in Echo Company (Long a Company meant for fielding various prototype personnel and equipment). A hardened veteran of many wars, he manages to keep his team of borderline psychotic or emotionless(due to the processes that turn them somewhat more or less similar to Marines) mates in line.




Background of Echo Company and Hazard Team


Echo Company is a special case within the Hollow Eye Clan and follow wildly different structures and doctrines from the rest of the chapter's other 4 companies, even the rank and command structure is different. It is an experimental company set up by the Queen of Ashurea, the Clan's host planet, with the approval of the All Seeing himself.


Due to the fact that as renegades with little in the way of facilities or knowledge capable of reproducing Imperial equipment, or worse, to produce more Space Marines (the Clan relies on roping in renegades or re-using recovered progenoids to maintain their numbers), the All Seeing had requested resources from the Ashurean Queen for research into alternative production methods of birthing Marines that are less time consuming and stringent. The results are the various faux Marines of Echo Company fielding weapons, armor and equipment of a totally original design.


The men and women of the Faux Marines corps are mostly either borderline psychotic or emotionless due to the psychological conditioning they are put through to eliminate fear, a trait Apothecaries tried to imitate from a regular Marine. Many were already mutants before as many regular Ashurean recruits did not have the physiology to take the modifications and mutagens that turned them into super soldiers with varying effects. As such Faux Marines have capabilities that are almost unable to determine, some stronger than others, some faster, some with incredible regenerative capabilities. Many use prototype weaponry and equipment handpicked by each individual soldier to offset the weaknesses they are unable to inherit.


Hazard Team is the 8th Team to be created. All previous 7 Teams are dead, their Sergeants re absorbed into their parent company. They all either had candidates that expired during the modification process, went berserk during the psychological conditioning and had to be put down, were left handicapped vegetables after the whole process or died quickly in their first few engagements.


In game for friendly matches, Hazard Team will be played using the same points and rules for the Tactical Squad, but their stats will be determined by die rolls before the game, only one Hazard Team is allowed in the army and is counted as a Troop choice.

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Beautiful model and pose, and I generally like the color scheme (although the picture is a little dark). The helmet looks a bit funky though, and you can see some blemishes on the shoulder rims. I'm also not particularly fond of the gold flecks.


As for the fluff, if I knew what half of it meant, it's probably good. It's just that there's so much stuff that I have no idea what it is, and to be honest, some of that genetic-engineering stuff sounds a little... heretical.

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It's a nicely sculpted model, and the posing seems good, but that paint job isn't too great, I'm afraid.


White needs to be thinned out incredibly for it to go on well. If you're starting with a black prime, build up with successively brighter thin layers of gray (Start with Chaos Black/Adeptus Battlegray, Pure AB, AB and Astronomician Gray, AG and Skull White, and about two final layers of Skull White.


Keep your layers REALLY thin. At least 1:1 mix with water, probably more since Adeptus Battlegray and Astronomician Gray are Foundation paints, and so a bit thicker. Always be careful around recesses - I see one of the vents on the backpack is filled in with white paint. Make sure your brush is an appropriate size. This is a centerpiece model, so you don't want to use assembly line paint techniques.

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I have to agree with the above. Your paint is way too thick, you should always start off with a dark colour and work your way up.


For my oranges I sometimes use eleven or more layers, just as an example.


For golds, I go from a black undercoat and use about five or six layers of brass before moving onto gold colours, and then silver highlighting.


If you were able to rework the model somehow to build it back up that way I'm sure it'd look much better. Right now its sadly not that great to look at, but that's also because I despise Scibor's inherent lack of imagination (or perhaps variety) when it comes to 'ornate' armour plates. They all look like bloody garden decorations from Lórien (Elf Kingdom from LOTR), whether they're Templars, Ultramarines, Custodes, Inquisitors, you name it.


My $0.02,

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