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getting the most out of assault marines?

chaplain belisarius

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This is coming from a Chaos perspective (where Assault Marines are basically jump pack CSMs) but you really need either a Chaplain or Librarian attached to get the full effect. I also think that a Power Fist is mandatory, Tac Squads can get by without a SCCW or the cheaper Power Weapon but Assault Marines need something to hurt the big guys. Besides the HQ unit will bring their own PW to the squad.


I think Flamers are normally the better overall weapon, its cheaper, safer and against MEQs 3 Flamer hits = 1 Plasma shot. That being said, if you're going to go hunt MCs or light armor, the Plasma Pistol is a better buy.


I think they fit an important role in a Codex Marine list and thats of counter/assault. Optimally you want to direct your long range firepower onto an incoming assault unit or MC to weaken it then pounce on it with the Assault Marines to hold it up/finish it off. By themselves, they aren't hardcore enough to handle a dedicated assault unit like a big squad of Berserkers or Genestealers but supported by a Tac Squad or some other kind of shooty unit, they'll be much better off.



P.S. Oh yeah, they're also good at going after buried shooty units or artillery units as they have Frags to dig them out of cover and Kraks to kill the light armor.

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Has to be 10 man unless you take a chaplain. They die just as easy as tactical marines so you need the numbers. These guys retreat 3D6 so a chaplain helps them get to where they need to be. If your going 10 man, take the thunderhammer. Powerfists are nice, and do pretty much the same job, but thunderhammers help against multi-wound T5 or eternal warriors. If they take an unsaved wound from a thunderhammer, they strike at I1 for the next round of assault. This helps massively against harder to kill stuff, like canifexes if you are the unfortunate position.


I run mine with Shrike, 10 man, thunderhammer. They have fleet, and can infiltate or outflank with Shrike. Because marines cannot assault anywhere nearly as well as other codexes, you have to be smart with them. Bully weak units (devestators or firewarriors come to mind) or use them to clean up weakened units. Don't hit that genestealer brood, for example. Take 2 flamers and hit them with that instead :pirate:

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Most has already been said. They're just not up to par against most modern dedicated CC units. Take 10 w/ 2xFlamers and a Fist or Hammer. Adding a JP Chaplain helps a lot. Only take on non-CC specialist or weakened squads with them and they'll do fine. Also, make sure you get the charge. With their mobility you have no excuse not to, but it is required for them.
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I'm musing with them at the moment:


10 Men, 2 Flamers, Hammer/Pair of Lightning Claws. Stick them in a Land Raider (I reckon a Redeemer) and have a lot of fun as a "muppet-mower" squad.


Season to taste with a Librarian/Chaplain to make things a little more spicy - re-rolling "to hits" or to add an extra Flamer template/Str6-strikes-at-initiative goodness.


The only thing that concerns me with a unit like that, is that Vanguard are 10pts more for more attacks (albeit without the Flamers and with a Power Weapon not a Thunder Hammer/Lightning Claws); which may mean they function better in that role - at a slight cost increase - if you don't go overboard with the upgrades.

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