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diffrence between Space Wolves and World Eaters


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I've been reading 'A Thousand Sons' and the Space Wolves are discribed as much as the World Eaters.

Bloody, always want to destroy, no mercy.

They are just the same as the World Eaters.

So I would like to know the diffrence, because no legion is alike, even very widely diffrent.

Yet here, the so no diffrence.

So, SW vs WE, pre heresy, not talking about gene seed.

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the difference is motives. The World Eaters fight with a sense of vengence while the Space Wolves fight to create sagas and legacies.


The differences come from their respective Primarchs.


Angron of the World Eaters was raised as a slave and a Gladiator but he developed a strong sense of justice and he sought to free the other slaves with which he had been raised. He ultimately succeeded in leading a massive slave rebellion that taxed the resources of the entire planet to bring it a halt. The Emperor was watching all of this. When Angron and his fellow slaves were finally cornered, they spent the day digging their own graves a sign to the armies that had been sent to kill them that there would be no prisoners. The emperor took Angron and offered him freedom in exchange for taking command of the World Eaters. Angron refused, stating that he would die with those who had followed him. The Next Day, the armies attacked the Slaves and the Emperor abducted Angron from the battle. Angron never forgave the Emperor for that and has always hated the Emperor for it. That hatred is what fueled the World Eaters prior to the Herasy.


Leman Russ of the Space Wolves conversly was raised as a beast, by a she-wolf and ultimately adopted by a warrior King of one of the tribes of the Space Wolf Home world (The name escapes just now). The Warrior Tribes lead very harsh lives and few survive each season. They are driven to ever greater acts so that they will be remembered in song and Saga. When the Emperor first arrived and asked Russ to leave the planet and lead the Space Wolves, Russ flat out told him I bow to no man who hasn't bested me in a challenge. And so he challenged the Emperor to a series of Challenges. First: Eating. By the time the Emperor had finished his first great beast, Russ had emptied the entire store. The Next Challenge: drinking. By the time the Emperor had finished his first barrel Russ had consumed the contents of the entire cellar. The exact details vary between tellings at this point. One version says the Emperor declared Russ to be nothing more then a drunken glut while other versions say it was a formal challenge. Regardless the next event was combat. To which Russ failed when the Emperor landed a single smash with a power fist to the face.


So there's the differences. One fights for Story, tail and song, while the other fights for hatred.

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World Eaters fight to win, no matter what. Space Wolves fight to....eh drink later?


That's actually a pretty darn good way to put it. There's a running joke at my hobby center:


What are the three best ways to get a Space Wolf to attack the target you want?


  • Tell them that the Inquisition says they don't want the Space Wolves to attack it
  • Tell them that that guy insulted your father/lord/clans man
  • Tell them that guy took your ale.

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To begin the SW never butcher civilians and non-combatants, for which WE are notorious.

WE could be better compared to Flesh Tearers then.


Want to bet on that? I'm sure the Space wolves have killed those the deem unclean... who are not combatants... Although it used to be that World Eaters had Martial pride and also wouldn't kill random people because it was below them...

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To begin the SW never butcher civilians and non-combatants, for which WE are notorious.

WE could be better compared to Flesh Tearers then.


Want to bet on that? I'm sure the Space wolves have killed those the deem unclean... who are not combatants... Although it used to be that World Eaters had Martial pride and also wouldn't kill random people because it was below them...


Well the so called "Honour's End" incident between SW and Flesh Tearers in 837.M41 is quite a good example about SW behaviour towards butchering of civillians. Also the aftermath of the First Armageddon War, when Logan almost started the civil war when he saw the concentration camps erected by the Administratum and heard about proposed exterminatus of the population with whom he fough side by side.

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I think a lot of WE fans made the same connection as the OP. Probably why many of us where slightly unhappy with how the SW's where portrayed.


The differences in my mind.


1. World Eaters post-angron, really become about killing. Its no longer about the mission, the objective of the day, or anything else.

2. SW are still about loyalty to Russ, and the Emperor. Post Angron WE's, are not imo loyal to the Emperor, as they are loyal to Angron, who is not loyal to the Emperor, again imo.

3. World Eaters seem to have an insight, or in Khârn's example, an outlook that is pretty accepting of the core nature of the Astartes. Manufactured killing machines. Thats their purpose, its what they are made for, and its what they do. Space Wolves hold to their culture, WE's just kill.

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2. SW are still about loyalty to Russ, and the Emperor. Post Angron WE's, are not imo loyal to the Emperor, as they are loyal to Angron, who is not loyal to the Emperor, again imo.



You actually nailed it very correctly - unlike Codex chapters, SW loyalties lay with Russ (first) and only then with the Allfather. In this sense both chapters are a bit similar.


And speaking about "Thousand Sons", the book was off course the TS perspective. Let's wait for "Prospero Burns" perspective. Teaser was very promising.

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Hmm...Im not so sure about not slaughtering innocents? Seems like opening fire on an unsuspecting world from space (Prospero) would cause a few innocent deaths eh? As for more focus....World Eaters focus on WINNING, on Victory at any cost, going further then the enemy etc...Space wolves purpose seems to the be glorification of the individual.
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Hmm...Im not so sure about not slaughtering innocents? Seems like opening fire on an unsuspecting world from space (Prospero) would cause a few innocent deaths eh? As for more focus....World Eaters focus on WINNING, on Victory at any cost, going further then the enemy etc...Space wolves purpose seems to the be glorification of the individual.

It is... but it isnt?


Khorne Beserker- I want to kill things.

It doesnt matter what nearly as much as it matters how- through personal brutal violence. The love of slaughter, the love of a duel, the love of violence for its own sake above all else. A bezerker will kill until there is nothing left because all he wants to do is kill. They die willingly only because its just another form of brutal violence, and not all of them are that far gone.


Space Wolf- I want to kill things to prove my worth to the chapter.

A personal Saga isnt without self aggrandizement to be sure, but the value of ones self is paramount only as it increases the value of the chapter, wich in turn is a reflection of how well it serves the interests of the All Father, who comes before the needs of oneself. A space wolf will die for the greater good of the imperium, to succeed in his mission, and to bring honor to his chapter.


Its a subtle, but important, difference. A SW puts their oaths to the imperium, to the emperor in particular above all things. This is why they kill. A Khornate doesnt need a reason to kill, its what they are driven to do, or even just obsessed with.


Though to be honest, Khorne is probly the most likely way a SW could fall. When pride in a job well done turns to just simple pride, and pride turns into a love of that wich brings it *battle* and a love of battle turns into a simple love of slaughter. Wich is why Wolf Priests are a common sight, and chosen from the older, wiser, and more knowledgeable wolves.


As for Prospero- well see. The book comes out soon. In the older fluff the SWs were taking the word of the Warmaster what the word of the Emperor himself was, that Magnus had turned rogue and had to be taken down, hard. Russ had no reason to love Magnus, true, but he also had no reason to think that the Emperor hadnt sanctioned the order.


SW are not lobotomised , WE are.


Yeah, Im sure the lack of rage inducing neoro-implants helps, alot.

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SW are not lobotomised , WE are.


Yeah, Im sure the lack of rage inducing neoro-implants helps, alot.


HA HA! Yeah, if anything the SW are more unhinged then Berzerkers.



Though to be honest, Khorne is probly the most likely way a SW could fall. When pride in a job well done turns to just simple pride, and pride turns into a love of that wich brings it *battle* and a love of battle turns into a simple love of slaughter. Wich is why Wolf Priests are a common sight, and chosen from the older, wiser, and more knowledgeable wolves.


Ultimately, yes I can see a SW falling to Khorn, but in the short term I actually think a Wolfie would be more likely to fall to Slaanesh. I mean Slaanesh is the God/ess of Excess. Can you really tell me that the Space Puppies aren't known for their excesses? I mean eating, drinking, erm... other activities that are probably better off not being mentioned.

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Ultimately, yes I can see a SW falling to Khorn, but in the short term I actually think a Wolfie would be more likely to fall to Slaanesh. I mean Slaanesh is the God/ess of Excess. Can you really tell me that the Space Puppies aren't known for their excesses? I mean eating, drinking, erm... other activities that are probably better off not being mentioned.


Well, yeah, the popular image of them - merry drunken vikings in the space <_<. I believe that the SW in the imaginary universe of 41st Millenium are quite professional at what they do, otherwise they would not survive. Also excessive drinking and eating are nothing for the astartes metabolism - it does not leave you badly out of shape. I suppose the SW don't do that on a daily basis either - rather on specific occasions, which also serves as some kind of stress discharge (if they feel such things at all). At least that better than idle pre-heresy World Eaters, which simply start to sparr and maime each other (as depicted in the Battle for Abyss).

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The SW go "Weapons Free" in a population center. If that isn't butchering civilians, I don't know what is.


I wouldn't quite call it butchering. It's softening the target for an invasion, which didn't really work thanks to the physic shields the Wolves were unaware of. The problem was that the Thousand Sons mingled with the civilians on their world, making simply assaulting combatants difficult. I imagine if the Military and Civilian sectors were seperate (like the Fang on Fenris) the Wolves would largely ignore the civilian populace unless they suspected them of treason/chaos/sorcery.


Colateral damage happens to all military organizations, including real ones. It doesn't mean that those forces actually want to kill non-combatants.


With regards to the difference of World Eaters and Space Wolves it's been covered pretty well. The World Eaters strive to make war, whereas the Wolves aim to make a tale of themselves.

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As for Prospero- well see.



The SW go "Weapons Free" in a population center. If that isn't butchering civilians, I don't know what is.


all space marines do that , even the more "human friendly" , if the target planet is seen as the enemy.

the difference between a SW and a WE is that for the SW the fight no matter how much fun for him does end , a SW does and can find stuff other then being in a fight . for a WE there is only the killing , they kill everything that moves and if they run out of targets they turn on each other or the crews of their ships , some lords like huron supply them with fresh "offerings" so they dont start to rampage around the ships when there is no fighting.

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I believe I dont open can of worms with this post, but WE have one huge advantage over SW: much more diversity. SW companies differ from each other, but thats nothing compared to how can WE warbands differ from each other, some may be just full of mindless killers and some may even turned from path of Khorne (I mean if wolves can turn from their path why not WE?)
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I would find it very unlikely a WE could ever really turn from the path of khorne.


1. They seem to have a murderous streak prior to meeting Angron.

2. They then went more CC/Killy with Angron.

3. They then had parts of their brains removed to make them even more CC/Killy/Crazy.

4. They then dedicated themselves as a LEGION to Khorne, and killed anyone who didnt follow suit.


For both physical, and call it philosophical reasons, I dont think it would be possible, minus total mental reconditioning and physical therapy (aka more Brain Surgery) for a WE to leave the embrace of khorne.

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I believe I dont open can of worms with this post, but WE have one huge advantage over SW: much more diversity.

I am not sure it is a can of worms, but it is simply a flat out ridiculous claim. :cry: (Meaning it in an amused, not a harsh way.) I will be the first to tell anyone who claims the World Eaters are just masses of Berserker infantry and nothing else, especially not tanks, about their awesome war machines of Khorne. But that does not really make them very diverse. The World Eaters have a very direct approach to warfare and in how they apply their forces. They do not embody the virtues of diversity or adaptability. Their entire doctrine is focused on crushing the enemy with their might, a might that, as an Astartes force first and a force blessed by the Blood God second, is all but unstoppable. But they are certainly not very diverse. They do not have tricks up their sleves. The enemy does not have to wonder what kind of strategy or tactic the World Eaters will employ against them. The enemy will not be surprised by what odd units the World Eaters might throw against them.


The Space Wolves are usually also seen as quite direct and ferocious warriors, but at least the background attributes a certain cunning to them, and aludes to a few Wolf Lords that use feints or stealth to overcome their opposition.


A few weeks ago we had claims that the Space Wolves and the Black Templars are more flexible than a Codex Chapter, and now the World Eaters are supposedly more diverse than the Space Wolves. What will you kids think of next? ;)

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I believe I dont open can of worms with this post, but WE have one huge advantage over SW: much more diversity.

I am not sure it is a can of worms, but it is simply a flat out ridiculous claim. ^_^ (Meaning it in an amused, not a harsh way.) I will be the first to tell anyone who claims the World Eaters are just masses of Berserker infantry and nothing else, especially not tanks, about their awesome war machines of Khorne. But that does not really make them very diverse. The World Eaters have a very direct approach to warfare and in how they apply their forces. They do not embody the virtues of diversity or adaptability. Their entire doctrine is focused on crushing the enemy with their might, a might that, as an Astartes force first and a force blessed by the Blood God second, is all but unstoppable. But they are certainly not very diverse. They do not have tricks up their sleves. The enemy does not have to wonder what kind of strategy or tactic the World Eaters will employ against them. The enemy will not be surprised by what odd units the World Eaters might throw against them.


The Space Wolves are usually also seen as quite direct and ferocious warriors, but at least the background attributes a certain cunning to them, and aludes to a few Wolf Lords that use feints or stealth to overcome their opposition.


A few weeks ago we had claims that the Space Wolves and the Black Templars are more flexible than a Codex Chapter, and now the World Eaters are supposedly more diverse than the Space Wolves. What will you kids think of next? ^_^


I'm inclined to agree with this. Some one once described the Imperial guard as being like an anvil or a hammer that is used to smash the opposition while the Space Marines are much more akin to a blade used to cut the head of the enemy. With that analogy in mind, the World Eaters are that blade being used by a rabid monkey to stab as many times as possible as quickly as possible has hard as possible and as viciously as possible. World Eaters typical display all the finesse of a Drunk Minotaur duel wielding war hammers in a china shop. The only "tactics" they display is which group hits the enemy first and weather they're pulling a trigger on a Plasma pistol or a bolt pistol.

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I believe I dont open can of worms with this post, but WE have one huge advantage over SW: much more diversity.

I am not sure it is a can of worms, but it is simply a flat out ridiculous claim. :( (Meaning it in an amused, not a harsh way.) I will be the first to tell anyone who claims the World Eaters are just masses of Berserker infantry and nothing else, especially not tanks, about their awesome war machines of Khorne. But that does not really make them very diverse. The World Eaters have a very direct approach to warfare and in how they apply their forces. They do not embody the virtues of diversity or adaptability. Their entire doctrine is focused on crushing the enemy with their might, a might that, as an Astartes force first and a force blessed by the Blood God second, is all but unstoppable. But they are certainly not very diverse. They do not have tricks up their sleves. The enemy does not have to wonder what kind of strategy or tactic the World Eaters will employ against them. The enemy will not be surprised by what odd units the World Eaters might throw against them.


The Space Wolves are usually also seen as quite direct and ferocious warriors, but at least the background attributes a certain cunning to them, and aludes to a few Wolf Lords that use feints or stealth to overcome their opposition.


A few weeks ago we had claims that the Space Wolves and the Black Templars are more flexible than a Codex Chapter, and now the World Eaters are supposedly more diverse than the Space Wolves. What will you kids think of next? ^_^

Well I wasnt talking about tactics but degrees of their lust for fight and customs (although you might be surprised even with tactis, yes one of their favourite tactics is throwing entire force directly at the enemy, but they also prefer drop pod assult). I mean there is warband of insane berzerker madmen following Khârn seeking just bloodlust and there is warband of Skulltakers (I know not originally WE but now has a leader and members of WE) with custom of polishing armour with bones of enemy

containing members of several other warbands absorbed by skulltakers.

And dont be so quick about BT too, ADB wrote here somewhere "Im sure every crusade has its own customs."

Again it is not about tactics but mentality and customs.

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