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Emperor's Wolves/Blood Disciples Help


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Hi folks, been messing around with Chaos Marines for about three weeks, coming from playing Space Wolves for 3 weeks. Just coming back to the game from a 12 year hiatus. Started with Space Wolves, cause thats what I played when I played back then, but well though I like em, and they are powerful, I am finding myself being drawn to Chaos on this go around.


Thing is, since I came back, I bought a bunch of space wolf stuff that I have put together, but luckily have not painted, and I have a few things for my chaos marines, but not nearly as much as my space wolves.


So was doing some studying, and I remembered somewhere, reading about Emperor's Wolves, and that a branch of them had turned to Chaos. Then found the branch that had, the Blood Disciples.


So gonna use my Space Wolf mini's, plus my chaos minis, convert back and forth with various bits, and use the Chaos Marines Codex, cause well, just personal choice, I cant bring myself to use a loyal Space marine List for a Chaos Marine List. Though to be honest, for Blood Disciples and their fondness for Raptors, Blood Angels would probably be better, but just cant do it. :) Will deal with what I have and win with it. :)


Granted its the Lexicanum, so not sure how accurate. But I read there, their colors are black and gold, but then I remembered in the Chaos Marines codex, seeing Blood Disciple Raptor, and they are not black and gold, but more of a, what looks to be a copper, bronzish color.


Anyone know where I could find more info on this chapter if any. As in were they Chaos Ascendant, or did they follow a certain god, as in Khorne? And what their colors would be.


Looking to start converting stuff the next few days, so gonna see if I can dig anything up, but any help would be awesome.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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I'm not really sure what you're asking for. The current Chaos Space Marine codex is geared to playing Renegade Space Marines more then anything else. So just take your Space wolves and paint 'em as you wish and use the CSM stats. LD 9, 2 CC weapons and a bolter. There ya go.
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I guess my main questions were if anyone knew anymore info on the Emperor's Wolves/Blood Disciples and what chaos gods they primarily followed and color scheme, and if they had a known symbol, like the Ultramarine symbol and such.


Most likely the info I have found, is about all there is out there, but just in case I missed anything, thought I would ask.


I enjoy the fluff side of the game as much as I do, the playing and winning or losing, so just wanted to get it right, when I started on everything.

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I guess my main questions were if anyone knew anymore info on the Emperor's Wolves/Blood Disciples and what chaos gods they primarily followed and color scheme, and if they had a known symbol, like the Ultramarine symbol and such.


Most likely the info I have found, is about all there is out there, but just in case I missed anything, thought I would ask.


I enjoy the fluff side of the game as much as I do, the playing and winning or losing, so just wanted to get it right, when I started on everything.



Like Nimh said, all we know is that the Emperor's Wolves 8th Company got lost in the Warp (IIRC) and when they came back they'd fallen to Chaos.


For the symbol, I'd assume a wolf's head. The Red Wolves chapter has a wolf's head that wouldn't be out of place in the Space Wolves for their symbol, so you could draw some inspiration from them.


As for who they're dedicated to, it's up to you. They're probably either Undivided or Khorne, just based on the name.

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Thanks, yeah I was thinking wither undivided or khorne also. Which helps a bit, since I already have 5 oop raptors colored in Khorne colors.


Will think about it and come up with some stuff. Will post pics of the army once I get things together and painted.

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