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Aurora Terminators

Garden Ninja

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I recently finished a commission to paint up some Aurora Chapter space marines.


I've always thought that there was a lot of character in the secondary space marine chapters- they could be similar to one of the big five, but they always have just a little hint of fluff for you to work off of.


Anyway, here are some termiantors:





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nice..how did you paint them? :)


The colors on them are P3- I used a base of Ordic Olive and highlighted by mixing it with Frostbite. A few layers, getting each step closer to frostbite did the trick rather nicely.


Did you have any questions on the other colors or weathering?


These look realy nice, shame it was only a commission as a whole army would be great!


Well, I've worked with this client on other forces before, and he had me paint up a pretty huge force two squads at a time.


(unfortunately, his other force was non-power armored, so it didn't get posted up here).


As I paint more Aurora marines, I'll be posting them here.

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These look utterly amazing. That seems to be a running theme throughout your works :lol: .


Still, they weird me out a little bit, but that's just the reaction I have to anything of the Aurora chapter that isn't a tank. For some reason I envision them as a chapter of nothing but tanks.

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so you used non gw paints? (sory for the stupid questions...not much of a painter!)


Not a bad question at all.


I tend to use a mix of paints, although I have a bit of a preference for the P3 brand. The bright colors coat well- even over black undercoats, and the general lineup contains a lot of the slightly neutral pallet that I love to use.


These look utterly amazing. That seems to be a running theme throughout your works ;) .


Still, they weird me out a little bit, but that's just the reaction I have to anything of the Aurora chapter that isn't a tank. For some reason I envision them as a chapter of nothing but tanks.



You know, I'm going to have to quote you in my next post.

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