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Raven Guard Shadow Captain Lanius


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Hey guys, after the interest shown in my assault squad sergeant a few days ago, I thought I'd share my Raven Guard Shadow Captain conversion model with you all. I've spent a good while on these new models trying to get my painting up to a good level, and I've really experimented with getting a 'realistic' effect with this army. He has the name Lanius at the moment, named after a genus of the shrike family. Hope you like it:


Thanks for looking, and all comments welcome!


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the backpack grenade launcher is a good idea. however, you already have stuff on the jump-pack making it too cumbersome.


maybe stick with something like the M203 http://world.guns.ru/grenade/gl07-e.htm

or maybe "Servo skull mounted" ;) like floating around


the paint job is awesome by the way! realy inspiring, particularly the white (even more since I have to paint an apothicary soon ;) )

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Cheers for the kind words guys, the servo skull is definately a good idea, I'll talk about that in a sec. I've taken the AGL off now, I'm pretty finicky with my models and won't stop until I'm 100% happy with them. So I've actually ordered the scout bike grenade launcher and grenade feed off ebay to see if I could pull something off with that, but if not I'll definately look into the servo skull idea. I quite like the idea of a servo raven, it would suit fluff wise perfectly, but I have no idea what model could do a decent representation? Anyone any ideas?


Also, could we have some more angles please? :D




Oh and when I've sorted out a decent AGL conversion I'll post them up on here!

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Power Armored Njal Stormcaller has a cyber-Raven with its wings spread, and Terminator armored Njal has one perched on his shoulder.





I don't know how easy it would be to find Power Armored Njal tho.

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I don't think the problem with the AGL is the placement, I think it's the size. The one you've used is just too big to go on the backpack, it just looks odd. I think the Scout GL will have the same problem.


What I'd suggest is a more subtle approach, something more like the old Terminator Captain grenade launcher setup:


You'll need to magnify the image/page to make out any detail on the PF w/grenade launcher, but I'd be aiming for something like that. Think the pop-up guns on Tony Stark's Iron Man suit (in the movie), a pop-up GL would be a heck of a surprise which is quite RG-ish and could be mounted on a JP.


The other thing to remember is that in the olden days Marines had 'coin-sized' frag grenades and other cool los-tech equipment. Captains and senior members of a Chapter are likely to have access to that kind of previous generation of gear (like digi-weapons) which should open up some more subtle modelling possibilities.

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The other thing to remember is that in the olden days Marines had 'coin-sized' frag grenades and other cool los-tech equipment.


That's interesting.. I didn't know that.. I wouldn't have been paranoid and gone into using the IG one before if I'd known that. The scout bike launcher came today, and while it looks the bees knees, like u said it's still a bit big to look at home on the pack sadly, I'm gutted about that though because it looks great.. I'm going to experiment with some sort of smoke launcher/ bolter scope conversion tomorrow now.


Oh and thanks for the raven links guys, much appreciated!

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Hey guys, after much thought and deliberation I decided to go with the servo skull AGL conversion idea, and I quite like how its come out. I figured a raven would clutter up the model a little bit too much at this point, but there is definately going to be one or two featuring in the army somewhere. Hope you all like it!


Oh and there's one or two different angles in my gallery for those who were interested above.

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Looks very nice.

A third option for the AGL would be to mount it in the top middle of the Jump pack, like a small smoke launcher.

Just like the Shrike model has.

But having a personal grenadeskull is groovy too!


I like the weathering on the white parts.

Got any more Raven Guard stuff coming up?

Would be nice to see more ;)

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