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Finish Space Wolves

Iron-Daemon Forge

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Hi everone


Here some photos of my Space Wolves force. Been work on the army since the codex was release, went through many models to get to a stage I was happy with & a lot of play testing as I was aim my Wolves to be this year tourmament force.


My Space Wolves are themed around saving the planet Asgard VII Prime where all sorts of crazy stuff is going on (my background for the UK Throne of Skulls should explain this). My force is a highly mobile force (I just like mobility warfare to be honest) which is able to reach any battle zone as soon as possible, have a lot of Purity seal, runes & honour markings.


Overall army




As you will notice my Space Wolves have Black Helmets. I wanted this to be an honour marking toward the Space Wolves Gate of Morkai to show that they fear no death like any good Space Marine, but being Wolves this has a bigger meaning & is a bit more personal. I also have an army badge on all the left knee pads which is a red strip with the Squad icon/rune upon them.


I have also painted on some blue Viking runes to act as my Spot colour. As you will notice I went for a Darker Grey armour over the usually light blue-ish grey colour. The Viking runes are meant not to overtake the models, but help add that brightness & contrast to draw in people’s attention. Also I put some hidden messages in my Wolf Standards in Viking writing like “get it around you” & “so’s your face”, it is just a bit of banter! I did this on my Iron Warrior force with Chaos Runes, but they are a bit to rude to repeat.


With the darker armour I painted my Space Wolves with Adeptus Battle Grey, making sure to leave the gaps in the armour joints black, then I gave the whole model (along with the detail like ammo pockets & knives) a wash of Badab Black. Once this had dried I would highlight the model with Codex Grey. Then I would the highlight the sharp edges, like the edge of the armour plates with Fortress Grey. Again with the armour being a bit darker, this is to help bring a bit more attention to the model from the onlooker during a tournament. Overall I am just not a fan of bright colours & I believe my local GW Manager is trying to dare me to paint an Imperial Fist army next.



Rune Priest Dilios Gunnar w/Chooser of Slain




For my Rune Priest conversion, I chose to loosely base my idea around the 2nd Ed codex Wolves art work on Njal Stormcaller. I wanted to pose him to show he is casting Jaws of the World Wolf or Living Lighting. While his Chooser of Slain is a Servo Skull which I scratch built. The Raven Models I saw on the GW site, lacked detail & did not have that stand out factor to me, while the Servo Skulls, I have made many in the past for my Iron Warriors force, stand out & add another focus point.




Mark of the Wulfen models






I went for shield over any tattoos or different helmets. This was purely done to make life easy during a game. As in the heat of battle, you will forget or pick up the wrong model by mistake & only notice when it is too late, more so when you’re playing your army in the undercoat stage or shiny model stage. Also I like the art work of the Lone Wolf, I thought it would be cool to have that but as part of a unit. I use the old Beastman shield & glue on the Rune stone, as a mark of honour for fallen squad members. You get these on the current SW Pack set. I added some purity seals to represent their faith.




Rothgar the Skald






I have always been a fan of Dreadnoughts, in fact they pretty much been in all Marine armies I have collected in the past. For my Space Wolves, I went for a mix between normal & Venerable Dreadnought. This was more down to the pose, as the Venerable Dreadnought gives you a bit more freedom with the head, allowing you to make him a lot scarier than he is. Normal Dreadnought bits were used to tone down the Venerable look as in my list they are just your normal bog standard Dreadnought


One of the four Wolf Guards in my army, check the Viking runes on his power fist :mellow:


Wolf Guard Rethel



Long Fangs Wulfric




Grey Hunter sqauds














You will also notice Legion of the Damned Space Marine in the above photos. These are my object marker

To be honest I have always been a big fan of the Legion of the Damned models since they were first released all those long years ago (can’t believe 14years have passed since I started the hobby). With the release of the current ones, I wanted to include these into my Space Wolves force, I did not care how, I just wanted to have some in. But sadly Space Wolves cannot take Legion of the Damned as a unit for gaming reasons. So the next best thing was to use them as Object Markers. I saw an old art work on the GW web site that had two Legion of the Damned save a Blood Angel trooper from a horde of Orks. This added into my background, which is base on a planet called Asgard Prim VII which my Space Wolves are current on a campaign. As said above the world has got a lot of crazy stuff going on, that draws all the foes of the Imperial & cover Asgard VII Prime into a shadow of chaos & despair. It also helps when playing missions so people do not get confuse, they know they are object markers.


Here the art work of the LotD save the Blood Angel



Hope you all like them. Photo seem to drown out most of the detail like some of the highlight.


You can also see a video of my army (under all the photos he took from tournament) by my friend Dave Blog, from a recent tournament my SW took part in - ELG Counter Attack in Edinbrugh by the ELG wargaming club





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Love it. Where is the WG's head from? I don't recognise it.


Raven Guard Captain Korydae



Pick up a few Korydae when I was down in Nottingham/warhammer world in July. Just the current Tactical marine heads lack detail. While the Wolves once are brillaint & I use a few 3rd ed bare heads, wanted to try add a bit more.

Really wish Forge World brought out a conversion pack of Space Marine bare heads along the line of Korydae, etc....



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