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Hello Everyone.


A little bit about me:


From America! "yay shipping costs!"


Well, started in "Fantasy WH" got a few units of Vampire Count (2 units for those of you wondering) but that when I was a kid I didn't really know what the heck, I was doing so never really fallowed trough with it. I'm Not a hard core Warhammer guy "yet" :) But I plan to change that I am vary new so new as in I only started buying my units yesterday and today but I guess you got to start somewhere. Anyhow been playing Dawn of war since it came out and started reading the "Fluffy/Backdrop" of 40k about a year or so ago I started with Commissar Cain then jumped around on the internet sites like lexicanum and this one then started the Space Marine Omnibus books and now on Space marine battles "Rynn's World,Helsreach, Ect.." well thats the reason im here today! "Ok and my love of Space Marines"



"What is not started today is never finished tomorrow" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Well as stated above im new so.

Goal #1 Get an army set up

Goal #2 Start DIY Chapter already working on this so some time soon going to throw it up in that Thread

Goal #3 Learn all I can from you guys and then some more "Knowledge is power, guard it well."

Goal #4 Play a Game for once!

Goal#5 Celebrate? I think so.


Well thats a little bit about the "new guy"

Thanks for reading.

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Well as stated above im new so.

Goal #1 Get an army set up

Goal #2 Start DIY Chapter already working on this so some time soon going to throw it up in that Thread

Goal #3 Learn all I can from you guys and then some more "Knowledge is power, guard it well."

Goal #4 Play a Game for once!

Goal#5 Celebrate? I think so.

Welcome to the Wonderful Funderful World of Warhammer 40,000, and to the Bolter and Chainsword.

I think I can help you with some of your goals.

#1: The Assault on black Reach is how I started mine, it has everything you need to start playing, even an opposing army (filthy Greenskins). Although perhaps for a more complete force, the Space Marine Battleforce or Megaforce (is that still up?) would be right up your alley (just don't forget an HQ unit as well).

#2: This is one of my favorite parts of the hobby. To get you started, I recommend you visit the excellent Liber Astartes sub-forum, and read the Guide to DIYing, or the Octaguide (or both), and have a look at some of the existing IAs.


Again, welcome, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

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Thanks <_<


Yeah I got the Black reach box as well as 2 other boxes 1 Assault Sq the other another Tact Sq

Not to sure what is a better move get HQ or a Rhino? Because doesn't the SM captain that came in BR count as an HQ unit?


Newb question.


It been some time since I have put together minis whats good glue to use? I know not white glue at all

but how about Testors glue? or should I stick straight with GW?



#2: This is one of my favorite parts of the hobby. To get you started, I recommend you visit the excellent Liber Astartes sub-forum, and read the Guide to DIYing, or the Octaguide (or both), and have a look at some of the existing IAs.


And yeah I have been looking around there for quite some time. I hope to get my Chapter up there this weekend or so :D

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Yeah I got the Black reach box as well as 2 other boxes 1 Assault Sq the other another Tact Sq

Not to sure what is a better move get HQ or a Rhino? Because doesn't the SM captain that came in BR count as an HQ unit?

Yes, he does, so you can just get a Rhino anyways! Most people recommend you get the Razorback kit however, as for only 2 extra dollars you get the option to field a Razorback, and if you keep the guns unglued, it can be used as a Rhino. Myself, I never cared that much.


It been some time since I have put together minis whats good glue to use? I know not white glue at all

but how about Testors glue? or should I stick straight with GW?

I stuck straight with GW plastic glue, it's quite good if you use it properly. And depending on how much you use, it can be easy or difficult to remove glue pieces. It's up to you really, any plastic glue works, I just suffer from Brand Loyalty.


And yeah I have been looking around there for quite some time. I hope to get my Chapter up there this weekend or so <_<

Look forward to reading it, then.


EDIT: Oh, and your signature: I saw a Space Marine tribute video with that song. Although I prefer C0mm1ssar's work (or however you spell his name).

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I prefer the 'liquid glue for plastics' from Revell, it has a long and thin dropper which makes it perfect for marines.


For metal I use Loctite.


Should be cheaper than GW's (it was last time I checked, which is years ago).

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while i'm sure there is better out there, i'm a fan of the old stand by, of "krazyglue" yes, you have to clean contact points, yes, it does not hold as well over time or impact (but you can break/remove arms with less risk of over damaging your models) only thing i've found to be true, is you HAVE to hold your parts together, for the full 30 seconds, but i have also found that if you know what your going for, you can lay out all your parts, base, legs, torso, head arms shoulder pads and backpack... work backwards thru that list, and apply daps to each peice, and then start piecing it together... takes a few tries and can get real hectic really quick, BUT, i've glued an entire tactical squad together, in like 12-15 mins....

<sry for that rant, too many glue fumes i guess, or lack of proper venting...

if you look for it, you can get Krazy glue with "skin guard" not as strong but doesn't insta bond with skin like regular krazy/super glue does.. my .02

oh and good to have your along for the ride. Good luck in your service of our Carrion lord's will.

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Ok thanks for the info guys :wacko: its much appreciated.


The song totally needs to be the SM theme song but thats just me. So I take it really any kinda glue as along as its liquid? now with "Krazyglue" I was told that it leaves a crummy looking residue is this true?


And alright looks like my next model will be a Razorback and hey $2 is $2 if I can save for another model why not. ^_^ yes he is referred to that like in the big overview of every kinda of 40k book

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