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Salutations Brothers!


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Greetings everyone!


I've been lurking around here for a while, and only now have decided to join in the fun and games.


I'm currently working on my own Chapter called the Imperial Reivers, of which I'll try to upload a picture soon! I've also been writing up some background fluff for them as well, which has been easier than I thought it'd be!


Hope to join in on some discussions soon!



Oh, and here's some history about myself, so read on only if bored :P


I'm based near Edinburgh (Scotland) and I've been into the hobby since waaay back in '92, when I first played the demo of Space Crusade on the Sinclair Spectrum. It wasn't long until I had a copy of the board game! From there, it was on to WH40k (2nd Edition).

Unfortunately, I've not actually played a proper game since 3rd Edition came out, as I couldn't be bothered to learn the new rules, and the pals I gamed with went their own paths or lost interest.


Still, I kept up the painting side of things off and on for past 10 years! :lol:

I used to play as Blood Angels, but sold off all my miniatures about 5 years ago as taking up space. I've been doing individual figures for the past 10 years and only now started up again with a proper army, maybe with the idea of gaming with them.


I've always been interested in the whole fluff/background/history of the Warhammer 40k Universe, and have a good collection of the novels and PC games.


Thanks for reading.

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