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Aurora Chapter Land Raider

Garden Ninja

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So, I posted up some Aurora Chapter terminators, and one of the reactions I got was this:


Still, they weird me out a little bit, but that's just the reaction I have to anything of the Aurora chapter that isn't a tank. For some reason I envision them as a chapter of nothing but tanks.


Well, they aren't a chapter composed entirely of vehicles, but they do have their fair share:





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really nice job. I'll bite, as you teased in your last post showing off the terminators, and ask: how did you do the weathering?


my only criticism is that the battle damage is very off. especially the splotches of silver on the side of the armor which look unusually consistent in size and shape. I would


a)use a dark, dark green or dark brown instead of black,


B ) concentrate the damage on the edges of the armor where it would be worn the most,


and most importantly c) get more random, chipped looking patterns of damage - especially avoid the splotches in random locations on flat surfaces. it really ruins the effect


that would greatly improve this model <_<


maybe try the sponge technique

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Yeah, I think the ninja actually changes in size quite a bit, so he's horrible for scale.


Thanks for both the praise and the criticism, I'll be taking that into account on my next project.


As for my weathering, the easiest way to do mud is to thin down a paint into a wash. I often do this with medium browns and greys - just use colors that aren't so dark that they'll just look like shading.


Apply the wash thinly over the lower parts of the mini. If you're adventurous, you can do this several times, getting either thinner as you go up, or thicker as you go down (either method works, and I tend to use a "poke at it until it looks about right" method).


Also, for mud, don't worry too much about matt medium. The unevenness that you get from water actually helps the dirty look you're going for.

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