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Other than the main planet of Nostramo?


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Other than the main planet of nostramo, did the night lords recruit from any other planet in that system?


Also what happened to the Nostramo system? I mean other than the Main planet being destoryed. was it ever re-found or taken back over by the Imperium or just left to rot? any knowledge would be very helpful.

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Other than the main planet of nostramo, did the night lords recruit from any other planet in that system?
There was the moon Tenebor, but there is no mention of it being inhabited.


Also what happened to the Nostramo system? I mean other than the Main planet being destroyed. was it ever re-found or taken back over by the Imperium or just left to rot? any knowledge would be very helpful.
Night Haunter destroyed Nostramo, the only planet mentioned in the source material. I do remember that the system also had a dying sun which might explain why Nostramo was the only inhabited planet (because of the presence of adamantium there).
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I think they only recruited from Nostromo.

A big reason why the Nightlords started getting out of hand was once the Nighthaunter left Nostromo.

It started to slide back into scum and villany quite fast,which is how the Legion started to fill up with psychos and generally bad apples.

Which is also the reason he destroyed it,as stop the soruce of the cancer.

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As my recollection goes, there were neighboring planets in the system being vaguely mentioned (although no names were mentioned ) as old fluffed stated that nostramo's population was getting jipped big time and having to sell their adamantine for dirt cheap. It also mentioned that nostramo entered a state of prosperity and wealth when night haunter took over since he fixed the trading system and wouldnt put up with getting the @#$% end of the deal.



As far as recruiting goes, though, I believe they only recruited from nostramo, otherwise Night Haunter wouldve probably destroyed the entire system (which wouldve been cool anyway) but i digress. :D

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You know, I dont actually think there was much of any repopulation of the legions from terra by the time most of the primarches were found. It seems to me that at the dawn of the legions, terra was just still pretty barbaric in terms of social structure and so there was an indefinite number of harder warriors ripe for the picking of the legion. After time though, and as the imperial empire grew and grew, terra became the very center of this vast galactic power. The world became far too bureaucratic and 'pencil pushing' for lack of a better phrase at the time of prime of the imperium to aspire many new warriors and those who were, I think, were probably inducted into the adeptus custodes or the imperial forces charged with the defense of terra.



The legions, like their chapter inheritors, were charged with their own recruitment. This came to the conclusion that each primarch would generally recruit from their own homeworld, a place of their birth and a people they felt akin to and trusted. Curze 'trusted' his people simply for the fact that at the time he was still under the naive belief that his regime of order still stood and that human beings were inherently good (his worse mistake) and so he believed his people would see the vision he saw, and would understand what would be essential to the establishment of the imperium. He thought his people wanted peace and prosperity, until finally he would come to the harsh realization that this ideal was pure folly.

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As far as I am aware it was common practice for the Legions to only recruit from their own home world. I.e. the Wolves only recruit on Fenris, the Dark Angels on Caliban, the Blood Angels on Baal, the Iron Warriors on Olympia, the Salamanders on Vulkan, etc. There were a few exceptions. The Ultramarines had recruited from the entire realm of Ultramar. The Alpha Legion's home world was not known, and they perhaps recruited from different worlds.

From what I have read about the Night Lords, though, it seems they only recruited on Nostramo.

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That is true I forgot about the original Terrans.

Every Legion had em.

It is one of my favorite backstories that has come out of the Heresy series the stress between Terrans and thier Brothers from across the Stars.

It seems to me ultimately the Terran marines are what really saves they day due to the fact they truly fought with the Emperor as thier military commander and are loyal to him before the Primarchs.

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It seems to me ultimately the Terran marines are what really saves they day due to the fact they truly fought with the Emperor as thier military commander and are loyal to him before the Primarchs.


Hmm...I hate (er, love) to say it, but in my personal opinion, I don't think that a single Terran Night Lord stayed loyal. By the time the Heresy rolled around, every NL was soaked to the shoulderblades in the blood of the innocent. I'm thinking that Curze either completley corrupted his wayward Terran sons to the point that they proudly walked into the darkness at his side :devil: , or the Terrans felt their sins were faaar beyond redemption and followed him into heresy out of guilt and a lack of any options. ;)

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or the Terrans felt their sins were faaar beyond redemption and followed him into heresy out of guilt and a lack of any options. ;)




Night Lords do not feel guilt.

Night Lords will never atone for the sins they have committed.

Those atrocities were done in full conscience.

And they were acted out willingly.

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Hmm...I hate (er, love) to say it, but in my personal opinion, I don't think that a single Terran Night Lord stayed loyal. By the time the Heresy rolled around, every NL was soaked to the shoulderblades in the blood of the innocent. I'm thinking that Curze either completley corrupted his wayward Terran sons to the point that they proudly walked into the darkness at his side , or the Terrans felt their sins were faaar beyond redemption and followed him into heresy out of guilt and a lack of any options.



I tend to agree with you. I think the main difference between Terrain NL and NL are more “noble” killers that followed orders of their father (genetically they were his sons even before they met him) and cared more about the end goal (what ever it might have been) then about their personal desires.


As a matter of fact I think it will be very appropriate to compare NL to SS formations. The back ground and history of these two entities is very similar….

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As a matter of fact I think it will be very appropriate to compare NL to SS formations. The back ground and history of these two entities is very similar….


ummmm, ixnay on the ss'say, man. Anything noble can be twisted, that's how we get politicians. Thay will not go to ANY end to accomplish the means, but they have no fear of getting their hands dirty. I compare them more with organized crime; mafia crime lords with power armour, if you will.

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SS, not really. They believed in a racial purity regime and would stop at noting to exterminate their enemies but they were not users of terror tactics and Night Lords were not ones for religious ideals and petty racial matters.


Nazis=Black Templars, not Night Lords.



Crime Lords, not so much. The mafia is too simple minded and they were more into bribing then outright maiming and total genocide. All they cared about was buisness and money. Night Lords have very little care for useless material wealth. Both in pre and post heresy. In pre heresy they fought for the order and prosperity of the imperium. Post, they just fight for the sheer thrill of it all. Not the gold that comes with it.


Mafia=Red Corsairs.


Its kinda pointless to compare Night Lords to any historical groups as no historical group can even lick the dirt the night lords piss on. They're like children to Night Lords.

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SS, not really. They believed in a racial purity regime and would stop at noting to exterminate their enemies but they were not users of terror tactics and Night Lords were not ones for religious ideals and petty racial matters.


Nazis=Black Templars, not Night Lords.



Crime Lords, not so much. The mafia is too simple minded and they were more into bribing then outright maiming and total genocide. All they cared about was buisness and money. Night Lords have very little care for useless material wealth. Both in pre and post heresy. In pre heresy they fought for the order and prosperity of the imperium. Post, they just fight for the sheer thrill of it all. Not the gold that comes with it.


Mafia=Red Corsairs.


Its kinda pointless to compare Night Lords to any historical groups as no historical group can even lick the dirt the night lords piss on. They're like children to Night Lords.


Heh, that's what I get for comparing. Point conceded, brother. Ave Dominus Nox.

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Heh, that's what I get for comparing. Point conceded, brother. Ave Dominus Nox.



All good man. ;)


Ill be honest Ive tried to do it before but when you get down to it, there's just no way to compare the silly little mafia or right winged extremists to a legion of super human killing machines who commit planet-wide genocide on a daily basis.


Know what I mean? :D

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...SS, not really. They believed in a racial purity regime and would stop at noting to exterminate their enemies but they were not users of terror tactics and Night Lords were not ones for religious ideals and petty racial matters...


Are you kidding me? SS used terror tactics like no one else (aside of NKVD maybe). Public hanging, leveling villages where suspected partisans might leave… SS doesn’t necessary mean Nazi buy the way :)


Ill be honest Ive tried to do it before but when you get down to it, there's just no way to compare the silly little mafia or right winged extremists to a legion of super human killing machines who commit planet-wide genocide on a daily basis


Same idea, just different scale… :P


ummmm, ixnay on the ss'say, man. Anything noble can be twisted, that's how we get politicians. Thay will not go to ANY end to accomplish the means, but they have no fear of getting their hands dirty. I compare them more with organized crime; mafia crime lords with power armour, if you will.


You have a point here. When I read “Soul Hunter” I couldn’t help but compare the NL warband to Russian brotherhood(organized crime groups in 80-90s) or Italian mafia….

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I have to disagree.


public hanging was not an uncommon thing during that time period and so the value of terror kinda drops significantly.


As for the leveling villages thing, we're taking about war here. That tends to happen.


The SS, I will admit, applied some terror tactics, but only the very basics and many of the atrocities they committed were out of hate. That destruction and death was the end, never the means to the end.

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I believe it does. While the german wehrmacht personell were generally not members of the nazi party, the SS was not part of the wehrmacht and was indeed a formation directly associated with the nazi party.


Associated yes, but it doesn’t mean that they are one and the same. Let’s see…

36th Waffen SS Division - about third of this division were ethnical Russians who were not part of the nazi party. Division is famous for suppressing Varshava’s uprising.

30th Waffen SS Division – 90% of this division were Russians and Ukrainians. Again not part of Nazi party.

21st Waffen SS Division – Muslims. Not part of Nazi party…

We can continue on… the point is – Not all SS were Nazi! Majority but not all!


...public hanging was not an uncommon thing during that time period and so the value of terror kinda drops significantly....


Yes, but not public hanging of civilians. No matter if it is 20th century or 2nd century, executing civilians is still a terror tactic!

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Night Lords have very little care for useless material wealth.

Actually, the 2nd and 3rd edition Codices state that material rewards are the one thing besides the thrill of battle that motivate them to fight.

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Despite that still disagree with you on this, I think we can all agree that we've gone WAY off topic so lets revert this thread back to its original purpose...


Agreed! Back on topic... IA article gave me impression that there were other inhabited planets in Nostramo system however I am not sure if NL recruited from those planets.

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Nostromo was a mining world that had been taken over by extortionists. Prior to NH taking control himself, the world was ruled through fear and terror. If you tried to fight against a "nobel" (IE the big boss who had more guns then you) you tended to have an accident in a back ally on your way home. The ultra-elite few prospered at the expense of the general masses. What money was made by the mining was taken by the elite with only token payments made to those who worked and died to recover the metal.


Oh we sold 1,000,000 units of mineral for 10 credits per unit. We made 10,000,000 credits. For the 200,000 people who worked to mine it, here's 500 credits.


Thats what Nostromo was before Nighthaunter took over. When Nighthaunter took over he like wise ruled through an application of fear and terror, though it was himself who administered the reasons for fear.


Oh we sold 1,000,000 unit of mineral for 10 credit per unit. We made 10,000,000 credits. We used 10,000 people to mine it. Each of them will get 1,000 credits. What? I have 1,001 credits? Here take 2 of my credits!


Thats what Nostromo was after NightHaunter took over. No one dared have more then anyone else and no one dared waste anything.


When Nighthaunter took over the Night Lords legion the majority of the legion were terran born. I've never read anything that talks about what happened to the legion after he took over but before the uglyness started creeping into the legion from Nostromo. I've always assumed that the Night Lords had a moderately high turn over rate due to the nature of warfare they chose. So I wouldn't be surprised to find that the early legion members were mostly killed in action during the early centuries of battle.




Sorry, had to take care of something.


While I've never heard it stated that the Night Lords recruited from other worlds, I find it very unlikely that they could have maintained a legion level strength with out recruiting from other worlds. Legions were 10,000 strong at the minimum with most being being 500,000+. I think the Ultra Marines were reported has having over 2million Astartes. You can't pull those sorts of numbers from a limited population where only 1 in 100 of the youth (most of which died on Nostromo if I recall).

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SS, not really. They believed in a racial purity regime and would stop at noting to exterminate their enemies but they were not users of terror tactics and Night Lords were not ones for religious ideals and petty racial matters.


If we are talking about crusade era... and we change religious to a Ideology in general and racial matters... then yes the NL were about that... the entire Imperium of Man is about that. Nazi Germany is a good representation of the Imperium of Man and the GE from Star Wars... however with all such things only so much can be made of it... While Ultramarines are 'like' the Greeks and Romans they are most certainly not the Greeks and Romans...

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