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Other than the main planet of Nostramo?


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Hellios, we're kinda trying to move back on topic dude.


While that info about the NL and Nostramo was interesting I do not think it answers the OPs questions as to What happened to the system after Nostramo was destroyed and could anyone shed any light on any other planets (although I assume he would be ahppy to know about other bodies) within the system...

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To be honest, I'd like to think Ive read just about every piece of fluff that concerns Night Lords and I dont think Ive heard a single thing about nostramo's system or any of its neighboring planets.


I assume the system is still under imperial control, but its just now some back water dump like many systems on the fringe.

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i got alot of great info from everyone. Reason behind me asking is because I haven't found that much fluff on the matter and I was thinking of using the system for a sucessor chapter for a kinda Dark founding chapter. But I needed to know if the NLs would have recruited or had a stronghold on any other planet or moon in that system.


Plus I tried to find the where the System is located in the Imperium and all I get is unknown...that is rather annoying.

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