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Hi from the UK


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Hi, I've been into the fluff of 40k since back in the days of rogue trader, buy and read the books, but never really got into the whole gaming aspect until recently when a friend and her family got into the hobby.


Started with Tau (still have them) but then realised that I should stop focusing on the "less popular" armies and go for what I wanted in the first place, which was Space Marines... specifically either my own Chapter or Blood Angels.


I've now got a few bits (around 196 models!) for Space Marines, some given to me after helping out a friend who didn't know I was into "those little men games", some bought, but I have very little idea of how to form an army, so all of this is a learning experience.


That's why I've signed up, so I can hopefully learn from everyone here, and actually maybe try a game or two of this hobby that I've been into for... oh lordy... 20 years?!


I feel old! :(


Army wise, I've got the makings of a Blood Angels Army (although I started painting up my AoBR stuff in red gore/black/bronze, which actually fits in reasonably well!), including a few of the older characters (Dante, Tycho, Lemartes, Corbulo, Mephiston), too many tactical marines, some assault marines, some death company and a rhino. Unless there's some decent foot slogging suggestions, I think I need more in my army.


See you on the field!

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Welcome to the Bolter and Chaisnword then, Brother!

We have an excellent Blood Angels sub-forum, since that seems to be where you're heading.

As for your army composition, I hear that Assault Squads is the way to go with Blood Angels. And you needn't necessarily buy new models, just get some jump packs and stick them on your Tacticals (and Chainswords, I guess). The Blood Angels will be able to help you better than I though.


Again, welcome.

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Well I have some assault marines. 5 from the battleforce, 5 death company, 10 that came in the case the guy gave me (10 plastic, 10 metal with metal jump packs! yay!), and finally 5 beaky 'space wolves' that are low on the wolf-emblems, that need arms and packs, so that's 25 once I've got the bits and built them!


Just need to find a reputable bits store. Most of the ones I've looked at seem to be a bit... dodgy? I'm sure there's a post or two about them so I'll search the forums in a bit.

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