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The Black Legion....


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Hello all!

So, I have a question for all you undivided devotees of chaos. It's sort of a painting question, but also relates to the setup of my army.

I've got some possessed marines, and was wondering, do the Black Legion use possessed all that much? I haven't really seen much fluff that says they do.

And this leads to my predicament. I was contemplating painting them and some spare regular marines as Word Bearers instead. But, I already have some WE Berzerkers, and some TS Rubrics, and I'm wondering if this will make my army seem, I don't know, crowded, if that makes sense :devil:

I guess what I'm asking is, should I go for an entirely unified Black Legion force, or shake it up a little with additions from other legions?

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Before Abbadon put his foot down the BL was quickly going extinct because of the rate of daemonic possession in the legion. If they have found a way to save the body of the possessi then i can't see any reason why the BL would have a high percentage of possess.
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When it comes to black legion basically anything goes, thats one of the big plus points to playing a black legion army, the big minus of course being fielding abaddon. When you say black legion or black crusade I assume you mean you also don't like black berserkers and thousand sons rubrics either. I think i'm probably biased but black crusade armies are totally justifiable, though of course realistically they'd never be 1500 point games even 3000 would be far short. At the end of the day it's a game with plastic soldiers, if you want to paint them a certain way you do that, there are loads of ways of justifying certain groups coming together. Plus if you do go all out with the black crusade theme you'll never get bored of painting one scheme you've got at least nine or ten to paint to even start with, and whatever units you like the look of are all fine, just good luck storing the damned thing once you start reaching double figures in the thousands for points :P
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I have an idea, why not simply paint the shoulder pad with the icon in the color of the Black Legion, to give each model a "unifying" prospect.

I like it; it's like the Deathwatch color scheme, but in reverse. It would be a good way to emphasize you're army's "different, but united" theme.

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I have an idea, why not simply paint the shoulder pad with the icon in the color of the Black Legion, to give each model a "unifying" prospect.


I did this with my Black Legion but in reverse; the respective Cult troops have a single shoulderpad done in their originating color, so a Red Gore one for Berserkers, Enchanted Blue for Rubric Marines, etc etc. I call them "auxiliaries", basically attached squads "donated" to the Legion from other Chaos factions.

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