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Scout Bikes


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An idea I gotr a while back and I've just been wondering about goes something like this. Most of my lists have either no, or one fast slot used up. Its ust goes against my defensive style. The question is, if you've got a lot of fast slots empty, would you fill them up with the basic scout biker squad with a p-fist sergeant (and possibly melta) just for that first turn infiltrating assault against some key strategic units? Its 95 points of suicide units, that probably wont last until the next turn. But If you get first turn, you could potentially fire a melta (for 115 pts) and hit a tank that hasnt moved with S8 (and do this on up to three units) and even if you dont, you could tie up 3 units and keep them just that longer away from your main force.


Obviously this would be in games 1500 and more, since you dont want to throw away a large part of your army, but this strategy, even if it wouldnt always reclaim the points spent on it, might al a minimum make your opponent a bit more worried in the first turn.


It probably wouldnt be as effective against hoardes, but even there a smart strike could delay a few units, or pop that wartakk, tie down those nobs etc.


What do you think?


And if yes, are 3 scouts enough really? against regular 10man squads, the fist probably wouldnt get to hit in regular combat.. but against those IG tank lines...

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It's reasonable enough an option, though I deplore suicide units in Space Marine lists! (goes against my morals)


Problem is you are spending upwards of 300pts on some extremely fragile units that won't be as useful if you go second. Also, if the opponent puts everything into reserve you will also lose the advantage. Such points are valuable and squandering them will hurt your list.


Haven't got a solution for you, just my initial feeling towards the combos.

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Ofcourse you could equip them with Grenade launchers, deploy them as scouts so you can decide to put them up close vs horde, or a bit back against mech and have the ability to drop 18 small blast templates on the enemy.

That's probably what I'd do if I spammed scout bikers.

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You just have to remember that scout biker sergeants can only pick one weapon upgrade. You cannot take a fist and a combi-melta.

Also, only the normal scout bikers (ie, not the sergeant) can take grenade launchers.



Scout bikers, dispite having the 4+ save, are surprisingly durable. Don't forget they're T5, and against non-marine armies they'd need 6s to wound them with most weapons or in combat. Add to that the 3+ cover save they can get, and you have a manuverable, durable unit that can tackle a wide range of enemies. The twin-linked bolters also helps mitigate the lower BS on scouts.



So yes, a "suicide" biker unit could work. Especially as you'd be auto-hitting vehicles on the first turn. Clusterbombs are quite handy too, as combat orientated units will more often then not be using cover to avoid your shooting.

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I'd almost always pick a unit like Typhoon Speeders before I'd take Scout Bikers. Those will be useful against every list, and seem to fit the sort of list you're describing. Oh, and they're cheaper.


Scout Bikers are more of a fun choice... they can work, but you have to build your list around them. They're not a unit you can just drop into a list and have success with. They can catch people off-guard sometimes, but it doesn't take much to bubble-wrap your more important vehicles and completely negate them. So among other things, I'm not really a fan of the suicide scout bikers.

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adding a dagger in the off hand, all depends on the kind of blade your using as your main weapon. if you using a katana (bikes) as your main, you don't use a Sai as a second.. you use the wakaskiz(sp) same as you can use a single pair of nuckucks(sp) but if you have the skill, and training a pair is twice as deadly. but can still be countered.

IF you used x3 3man scout bike squads, with lets say x5 5main tactical squads all with Teleport homers, and couple with 2 full tactical terminator squads w/ Assault cannons Plus HQ's in TDA to add more weight and endurance..

then yes, by all means.. not to say i dont like your PF alpha strike add on... i think it has merit, but i think it would do best with a drop pod list with at least 3 if not 4 pods, on turn 1. so that 7 pods total.. ($$$)


another idea for your 3 FA shots, would be 3 Assault squads in rhinos, with a single flamer and combi melta/melta bomb/stormshield, maybe add in the HKM for 1st turn fun. (it's 360 in points)


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