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Shadow Captain

Centurion Tom

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Hi guys.


Long time lurker finally painted a model and thought I would post. This is my first ever 40k model and only the 3rd model of any kind I have painted in the last 10 years. Sorry for the bad picture, don't have a great camera or the best of lighting. I also have to say sorry to ravenguard2010 as when I saw his version of a shadow captain I gave mine a sword as well. His right arm was originally a lightening claw but it looked a bit odd. I hope you like, c&c is welcome, i'm still improving as a painter and any tips would be great. The sword is a light blue, I tried to do a lightening effect but failed miserably, and in the end just washed it with Ice Blue adding white to subseqeunt wash's. I think it looks quite good but I cant get a picture of it where it really shows.











I'm now working on a librarian, and putting together an assault squad. I have also done a command squad because I think they look cool.

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Hello there :jaw: Welcome to the B&C!


May I ask how you did your white? Did you just apply a few layers of white, or did you build it up from grey? It looks good, but maybe if you did a few more highlights on the metal, etc... it would look better. For gold, you could do a 1:1 mix of Scorched Brown and Shining Gold, then do a Shining Gold highlight and then do an extreme highlight of Mithril Silver :jaw:


Will keep an eye on this thread. If you have any more questions, just ask :)



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With the white I Started with Atranomica Grey, a wash of Badab Black, and worked it up to white, but I think I did to many coats.


On the gold I did Snakebite leather mixed with Shining Gold, then Snakebite leave mixed with some yellow colour and Shining Gold, then Burnished Gold highlight. I will add a bit of Mithril Silver in to, have never managed to get a silver highlight on gold to look good though. Doing highlights is still a new thing to me, I never did anything like that when I painted models when I was younger, I'm tempted to go down my local store and get a painting lesson.


Ravenguard2010, the forgeworld kit is amazing. I brought 6 Raven Guard upgrades, 2 Corvus pattern armour sets and Mr Korvydae.

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