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Sanguinary Guard Project


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I was never a fan of the wings. I think they would just get in the way. :D




Here is the second article in the series. Enjoy !








Bellum Aquila

Bellum's name is an honor bestowed upon him by the Chapter Master and literally means War Hawk. Bellum had succumbed to the Black Rage, which is very rare for the Blood Saints. On the eve of battle while the Death Company Chaplain was preparing his lost brothers for war Bellum had a vision of a peaceful angel clad in glowing golden robes whom whispered muted prayers to him freeing the War Hawk from the dark curse. Bellum is gifted with an extremely high pitched piercing war cry that is amplified by his helmet and forces the enemy to cover their ears or suffer a momentary loss of hearing. Several times Bellum has been called upon to lead the Sanguinary Guard into battle when they are not serving as a retinue for the Chapter Master. All attacks lead by Bellum are swift and crushing. Under his command the Sanguinary Guard are often called upon to assassinate the enemy commander, which they will do by dropping in from a low flying thunderhawk. Bellum carries the squad's other ancient infernus pistol and is also a crack shot. Many unfortunate tanks have been breached by the War Hawk's fickle shot so that his squad can quickly come to grips with the enemy within and finish them.



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Hi guys! Time for the third article.


Enjoy ! :D








Captain Mortalis

Captain Mortalis leads the Blood Saints Second Company and is an expert in the art of extreme jump warfare. On a few seldom occasions the Chapter Master will call upon Mortalis to lead his Sanguinary Guard into battle for protracted durations operating behind the enemy lines. Captain Mortalis is an expert at guerrilla tactics launching lightning quick assaults into the rear of enemy formations to turn a battle or break the foes' will by destroying a key unit. Captain Mortalis is the only member of the Chapter to have served as long as the Chapter Master and as such wears an ancient venerated suit of artificer armor that was crafted back before the days of the dark heresy. His armor is fitted with a tiny golden chalice that holds one rare drop of blood from Sanguinius. As such his armor is impervious to attacks which would utterly render other suits and is sometimes whispered to grant eternal life.



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The Neophyte




Andromeda is the newest edition to the Blood Saint's Sanguinary Guard and is also currently the youngest. Andromeda served as a terminator first before being called to join this most elite cadre. Andromeda is haunted by dark visions of death and seems to have a touch of pre sight. Often either the Chapter Master or Bellum Aquila will confer with him on the eve of battle to learn if his latest vision might shed some useful insight. Great things are expected of Andromeda and it is thought by many that he will one day advance to the rank of Captain if he can survive long enough.



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Here is the next Initiate ! ;)






Void Walker

The Void Walker is mystery to most of the Chapter as his true origins are unknown, even to other members of the Sanguinary Guard. The Void Walker's armor is fitted with an ancient and coveted power fist capable of leveling dreadnaughts with one mighty blow. Only the Blood Saint's Chapter Master knows of this Initiate's origin and it has been quietly rumored he is either a cloned son or dark doppelgänger from an alternate universe. It is the duty of the Void Walker to destroy enemies impervious to the Glaive Encarmine once close combat has begun. Often in battle he seems to remain unseen only showing himself at the precise moment to punch his armored fist through the exposed rear armor of enemy dreadnaughts. The Void Walker has even toppled mighty daemon princes, sending them back to the cold embrace of the warp. As his true name is unknown his title is seldom spoken and then only in a hushed whisper. The Void Walker is said to have an extremely violent temper, often not wanting to leave the battlefield only until the very last of the enemy have been purged by brutal death.

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Here is one of the final articles in this series. I hope you are enjoying them. :D


If we can refrain from comments like those by I am Legion that is appreciated!








Initiate Fidelis

Brother Fidelis is the Chapter's Standard Bearer. Fidelis has the great honor of carrying the holy standard into battle and is a focal point for the entire army. The standard was woven back on Baal Secundus by a blind Saint using long strands of highly polished gold intertwined with raw platinum. The Chapter insignia is the symbol for infinity and hides a divine mystery dating back to ancient Terra, which is only learned when a privileged battle brother joins the rank of Sanguinary Guard and is raised to the rank of an Initiate. As long as the standard is held aloft by Brother Fidelis the Blood Saints will not break. The role of the standard bearer is very dangerous as the veteran must fight with only one free gauntlet and many have died serving in this function. Brother Fidelis' Angelus Bolter is mounted on his free wrist, he is so adept that he can both shoot and fight with his Glaive Encarmine using the same arm. Only the bravest veterans are selected as the Standard Bearer and upon death in battle another black candle is lit back on Baal Secundus byCommander Dante to pay homage to their great valor. Brother Fidelis seems to have an uncanny lucky streak, often surviving extreme misfortune by some odd twist of fate, and has served as the Standard Bearer longer than any other before him.



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Here is a group shot...



Fwah! What beautiful synergy! They go so well together it's obvious they're a squad. The multiple level effect is a bit distracting though, and I imagine it makes it difficult for LoS on the table-top.

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Actually all the models except for Captain Mortalis (the Sanguinor) and The Chapter Master (Dante) are on the ground level - the other five models are at approximately the same height, so far it hasn't been a problem regarding LOS. The Sanguinary Guard do stick up above models like a rhino - if someone says they can shoot them when they are behind a vehicle that is fine. They'll still get a cover save and shoot over the vehicle. Like I said so far no problem.


Here is the recipe for golden armor - I saw this technique posted over on the BA forum and tried to improve it a bit. :)


1) Solid black basecoat. Let this dry overnight.

2) Solid layer of Mithril Silver on all raised areas on armor. This layer should be thorough with no black spots sticking through. Let this dry overnight.

3) 8-10 washes of Sepia. I let each layer dry for several areas - this step transforms the silver to gold. Let the final wash dry overnight.

4) Lightly glaze over with wash of Shining Gold (3 part distilled water to gold paint). This step makes the gold sparkle a bit (ala Twilight :P). Let this wash completely dry).

5) One light wash of yellow (I used yellow Wonder Wash). This step really helps to make the gold pop.

6) Black wash in the greaves and recesses for better definition.

7) Finally highlight edges with first Mithril Silver then Chainmail Silver. That's it.


It takes a long time to go through all the steps but it's actually quite an easy technique.


0b :P

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Actually all the models except for Captain Mortalis (the Sanguinor) and The Chapter Master (Dante) are on the ground level - the other five models are at approximately the same height, so far it hasn't been a problem regarding LOS. The Sanguinary Guard do stick up above models like a rhino - if someone says they can shoot them when they are behind a vehicle that is fine. They'll still get a cover save and shoot over the vehicle. Like I said so far no problem.


Here is the recipe for golden armor - I saw this technique posted over on the BA forum and tried to improve it a bit. :)


1) Solid black basecoat. Let this dry overnight.

2) Solid layer of Mithril Silver on all raised areas on armor. This layer should be thorough with no black spots sticking through. Let this dry overnight.

3) 8-10 washes of Sepia. I let each layer dry for several areas - this step transforms the silver to gold. Let the final wash dry overnight.

4) Lightly glaze over with wash of Shining Gold (3 part distilled water to gold paint). This step makes the gold sparkle a bit (ala Twilight :P). Let this wash completely dry).

5) One light wash of yellow (I used yellow Wonder Wash). This step really helps to make the gold pop.

6) Black wash in the greaves and recesses for better definition.

7) Finally highlight edges with first Mithril Silver then Chainmail Silver. That's it.


It takes a long time to go through all the steps but it's actually quite an easy technique.


0b :P

I would try it out if I had all the paints, but I'll keep it in mind.

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