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The First Heretic: A review


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Hi all,


I bought The First Heretic (TFH) at Games Day and read it on the coach back. It's a strong performance and I'd rate it as one of the best of the Horus Heresy books to date. In places I would rate it as equal to or above Horus Rising. In his blog, Mr ABD makes a reference to the difficulty of topping Dan Abnett's introduction of Horus. In my opinion, the confrontation between Lorgar, Gulliman and the Emperor is easily on a par, possibly exceeding it for emotional impact. There is also another scene towards the book that also hits the very heights of what we have come to expect from the best writers in the Black Library stable.


Unfortunately, due to the scene mentioned above and the constraints of writing a HH novel that has to cover specific events in the canon, the book does feel as though it peaks early. There is also the nature of Lorgar himself as a character to consider. ABD does an excellent job of portraying him as essentially the most tormented and flawed of the Primarchs (but consequently perhaps the most human?). This is necessary, given that it's Lorgar's need to find a divine spirit that will accept his adulation that ultimately triggers the Horus Heresy, as though he were the flaw in an otherwise perfect crystal that when hit at the right place, causes the whole construction to shatter.


As a result of this characterisation, the book fails to exalt the Word Bearers in the same way that Soul Hunter did for the Night Lords. By this I mean they lack a certain WOW factor. Personally I've always felt that the more Satanic nature of the Word Bearers should spill over to their Primarch in some way and I was left feeling a little disappointed, given Lorgar's general lack of bad arsery. However, again even if this was an angle the author wished to pursue, that particular niche has already been taken by Horus (whose fall has the theme of pride, twinning him with Lucifer).


I predict that Mr ABD will find himself the target of those who will accuse him of favouritism. Not wanting to give spoilers in a review, let's just say that the Night Lords nearly steal the show at one point. I don't think this is nessarily valid criticism, as they are used in a way to reinforce the author's main themes. But at the same time, I don't think that this was what the general audience was looking for in a book about the Word Bearers, possibly as it violates a major staple of 40K fiction: take the group that will be the protagonists and make them AWESOME (as done by good effect in Soul Hunter, Titanicus and Brothers of the Snake). Again, it's worth noting that this approach would have jarred unpleasantly with the fact that in this book, the protagonists ruin a shining beacon of light for humanity to satisfy their own inadequecies and superhuman immaturity.


The combat is a bit inconsistent. One of the major battle scenes failed to ignite my interest, but others definitely grabbed it.


In my mind the "Dark" trilogy by Anthony Reynolds still reigns supreme as "The Book of Lorgar" for Word Bearer fans. TFH's focus is telling the events that shape the galaxy, the Imperium and the Legion, but I doubt it will inspire many to collect a Word Bearer army. However, it does paint an excellent picture of their origins, the source of their hatred and provides us with a beautiful depiction of the possessed, their state of mind(s) and the transformations they undergo.


In short, I'd say that it deserves four bolter shells out of five, possibly dropping to a solid 3-3.5 if you're a die hard Word Bearer fan. It again proves that Mr ABD has the technical skills to be one of the leading lights of the Black Library, but constrained by the task of having to add flesh to the framework of the Horus Heresy, I got the impression that he couldn't bring his full talents to bear. Bring on Blood Reaver say I!

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Thanks for the review!


While the Word Bearers are not my Legion of choice when playing 40K, I think they have one of the most interesting origin stories of the Traitor Legions and am really interested to get more details about it as described in this novel.


I can only hope that the fluff and fiction in the next Chaos Codex reflects some of the flavor of the excellent fiction coming out of the Black Library these days. (Well, except maybe "Hunt for Voldorius," which I thumbed through in a bookstore and put back. I just didn't find the scenes I read in that very compelling at all.)


Now, if ADB tackled an Alpha Legion novel set in the current 40K era, that would be my ideal Black Library book. Not that I disliked "Legion" by Dan Abnett...I think it's great. But Alpha needs some more camera time, I think.


Sorry, I'm rambling...again, appreciate the review, I agree with a lot of your points about Lorgar and Horus' symbolic roles, and I'm looking forward to the book.

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Now, if ADB tackled an Alpha Legion novel set in the current 40K era, that would be my ideal Black Library book.

If A D-B was to write about the Battle on Eskrador I would be all for it. That and the Battle for Calth. ;)



As for "The First Heretic", I am curious whether there is more on Guilliman in it than the two excerps we seen?

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Hi all,


I bought The First Heretic (TFH) at Games Day and read it on the coach back. It's a strong performance and I'd rate it as one of the best of the Horus Heresy books to date. In places I would rate it as equal to or above Horus Rising. In his blog, Mr ABD makes a reference to the difficulty of topping Dan Abnett's introduction of Horus. In my opinion, the confrontation between Lorgar, Gulliman and the Emperor is easily on a par, possibly exceeding it for emotional impact. There is also another scene towards the book that also hits the very heights of what we have come to expect from the best writers in the Black Library stable.


Unfortunately, due to the scene mentioned above and the constraints of writing a HH novel that has to cover specific events in the canon, the book does feel as though it peaks early. There is also the nature of Lorgar himself as a character to consider. ABD does an excellent job of portraying him as essentially the most tormented and flawed of the Primarchs (but consequently perhaps the most human?). This is necessary, given that it's Lorgar's need to find a divine spirit that will accept his adulation that ultimately triggers the Horus Heresy, as though he were the flaw in an otherwise perfect crystal that when hit at the right place, causes the whole construction to shatter.


Unfortunately, as a result of this characterisation, the book fails to exalt the Word Bearers in the same way that Soul Hunter did for the Night Lords. By this I mean they lack a certain WOW factor. Personally I've always felt that the more Satanic nature of the Word Bearers should spill over to their Primarch in some way and I was left feeling a little disappointed, given Lorgar's general lack of bad arsery. However, again even if this was an angle the author wished to pursue, that particular niche has already been taken by Horus (whose fall has the theme of pride, twinning him with Lucifer).


I predict that Mr ABD will find himself the target of those who will accuse him of favouritism. Not wanting to give spoilers in a review, let's just say that the Night Lords nearly steal the show at one point. I don't think this is nessarily valid criticism, as they are used in a way to reinforce the author's main themes. But at the same time, I don't think that this was what the general audience was looking for in a book about the Word Bearers, possibly as it violates a major staple of 40K fiction: take the group that will be the protagonists and make them AWESOME (as done by good effect in Soul Hunter, Titanicus and Brothers of the Snake). Again, it's worth noting that this approach would have jarred unpleasantly with the fact that in this book, the protagonists ruin a shining beacon of light for humanity to satisfy their own inadequecies and superhuman immaturity.


The combat is a bit inconsistent. One of the major battle scenes failed to ignite my interest, but others definitely grabbed it.


In my mind the "Dark" trilogy by Anthony Reynolds still reigns supreme as "The Book of Lorgar" for Word Bearer fans. TFH's focus is telling the events that shape the galaxy, the Imperium and the Legion, but I doubt it will inspire many to collect a Word Bearer army. However, it does paint an excellent picture of their origins, the source of their hatred and provides us with a beautiful depiction of the possessed, their state of mind(s) and the transformations they undergo.


In short, I'd say that it deserves four bolter shells out of five, possibly dropping to a solid 3-3.5 if you're a die hard Word Bearer fan. It again proves that Mr ABD has the technical skills to be one of the leading lights of the Black Library, but constrained by the task of having to add flesh to the framework of the Horus Heresy, I got the impression that he couldn't bring his full talents to bear. Bring on Blood Reaver say I!


I really like that review, dude. You nailed a lot of my intentions (and reasons, and thoughts) pretty clearly. And regarding the combat, there's one or two moments where I was desperate to show something, but was mindful of not really showing it too much before the Dramatically Appropriate Moment later in the series. It was something I was really hesitant about - and now kinda regret being so careful. But whatever. Lesson learned. If you can't see a flaw in your own work, you're not looking hard enough.


In truth, I sincerely doubt it'll inspire anyone to create a Word Bearer army, too. While I'm immensely proud of it (for the reasons you just noted) it's also very much about the Word Bearers of the era, who are verrrrrry different to the ones we're used to.


Which is ironic, considering they're the same people, but 10,000 years of following a new religion and literally living in Hell can definitely inspire a few changes in you.

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Which is ironic, considering they're the same people, but 10,000 years of following a new religion and literally living in Hell can definitely inspire a few changes in you.


Funnily enough, I think the Word Bearers work a lot better in the 41st millenium (admitedly as a result of the Horus Heresy). Given the hideous threats humanity faces in the form of the Tyranids and Necrons and the Imperial credo of "The End justifies the Means" there is the niggling possibility that they may in fact be right in thinking that unification under chaos might be humanity's only chance of survival. Naturally this is something of a contradiction and the "humanity" in question would be utterly debased, but that tiny sliver of possibility adds a lot of resonance to their cause.

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In truth, I sincerely doubt it'll inspire anyone to create a Word Bearer army, too. While I'm immensely proud of it (for the reasons you just noted) it's also very much about the Word Bearers of the era, who are verrrrrry different to the ones we're used to.

That somehow hasn't stopped an imense increase in popularity for the Alpha Legion with the release of "Legion". But perhaps a lot of readers have not realised that no matter what secret mumbo jumbo the cabal may have been up to, the Alpha Legion of today consists of Chaos Marines spreading Chaos cults and wiping out Imperial outposts all over the galaxy. And then there was this huge misconception started by "Lord of the Night" that the Night Lords were some tragic wronged heroes. I guess those Black Library novels can be confusing. Especially if the author approaches the material in a manner that is different from the straight forward fluff descriptions or short stories.

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In truth, I sincerely doubt it'll inspire anyone to create a Word Bearer army, too. While I'm immensely proud of it (for the reasons you just noted) it's also very much about the Word Bearers of the era, who are verrrrrry different to the ones we're used to.

That somehow hasn't stopped an imense increase in popularity for the Alpha Legion with the release of "Legion". But perhaps a lot of readers have not realised that no matter what secret mumbo jumbo the cabal may have been up to, the Alpha Legion of today consists of Chaos Marines spreading Chaos cults and wiping out Imperial outposts all over the galaxy. And then there was this huge misconception started by "Lord of the Night" that the Night Lords were some tragic wronged heroes. I guess those Black Library novels can be confusing. Especially if the author approaches the material in a manner that is different from the straight forward fluff descriptions or short stories.


The popularity could well be down to the fact that the stories give the legions more depth rather than them being from the cookie cutter cut bad guy mold. Like every hero every villain has a story behind them

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What makes the Alpah legion cool is the whole 'who knows?' aspect... what are they doing, why are they doing it and if we know those things do we know it or do we just think we do and was it they who wanted us to think that... is it a bluff? a double bluff or even a triple bluff... The downside being not much was known about the Alpha legion... but not word has got out they have twice the primarch and hence are so much cooler than all those conventional ones that only have one... yer you know who you are...
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What makes the Alpah legion cool is the whole 'who knows?' aspect... what are they doing, why are they doing it and if we know those things do we know it or do we just think we do and was it they who wanted us to think that... is it a bluff? a double bluff or even a triple bluff... The downside being not much was known about the Alpha legion... but not word has got out they have twice the primarch and hence are so much cooler than all those conventional ones that only have one... yer you know who you are...


The counterargument to that is that you've only got half the Primarch you used to have, if Guilliman's scribblers aren't lying. :rolleyes:

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I believe those were Inquisitor Kravin's scribblers.


Also, we don't really know any less about the Alpha Legion than we know about the Night Lords or the Word Bearers. Well, we do not know their home world. Apart from that we do know how they operate, what they do, and what their motivation is. Alpha Legion cells may be more elusive to the Imperium than a Word Bearers host or a Night Lords warband, but their nature is no less obvious to us players. Much like how the Imperium may not be aware of the Dark Angels' agenda, but we as players know what it is about. We have to, because we are supposed to identify with them and play them. You can tell aplayer that the whereabout of his force's Primarch is a mystery, or even that their past has been forgotten, but you have to tell them what their force's motivation and modus operandi are.

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