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Veteran Company Heraldry

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I am currently converting a Rhino for my Sternguard and I want to make a basic Crux shape out of plasticard for the top hatch. But I can't find one anywhere! I've scoured the internet for hours and can't find a decent image. Its only for tracing so doesn't have to be detailed. If anyone has seen that picture in the old codex of the entire Ultramarines chapter, they had a few Rhino's at the front with the Veteran symbol on. If anyone had a good copy I'd really appreciate it.



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Best thing to do is to construct the crux from primitives - essentially 4 sectionsof a circle for the sides of the cross sections and then flat ends t cap them. The alternative is to have a square with rally just very thin sections cut out at 45 degree angles from the corners, to give a simpler version of teh shape, not the curved version


I would draw on a piece of paper, and first describe a square section of the right size, draw the principal axes of the square (lines through the centre of each side...) and describe a circle from the centre of the square with a radius equal to the length of the square sides..

Using the compass set to a slightly smaller radius, at each point where the above circle hit the principal axes of the square, describe an arc in the square - the sides of the crux elements. Square off the edges and there you have it

Its not really drawing its geometry.


Draw a square using a ruler and ste square, lines through the square using a ruler, circles using a compass etc


Yoou could even do the same using MS Office Draw packages - I did a partial version in Excel, not too bad...

Thanks, I've tried that and the images are too detailed and chunky. Its really only for an outline - I just want the symbol on the top hatch of the Rhino similar to Tactical/Assault/Dev.


I have managed some success at creating one in Word.


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