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Good additions to a multipurpose CSM army


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So, my army is mostly shooty as it is an emperor's children army.

So, what are the good support infantry units, that can really win the game?

While having a couple of fluffy lashes, at least one obliterator unit is an obvios choice, but what about chosen or havocs? For example chosen with 4 plasmas or havocs with 4 autocannons?

Give any game-winning suggestions on such sort of a support unit

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I'll preface this with a simple note: I don't play a lash build, I've never seen it as a really competitive choice in the all mech or nothing environment of 5th ed. I've seen it work very very well though, and am willing to give my opinion anyhow.


You really have four good options for HS: Oblits, Defilers, Vindis, or Predators. I occasionally use a 6 man 3 autocannon havoc unit for my IW, but they are difficult to get into position if there's no suitable terrain in your deployment zone, or if you roll dow deployment. I use them because they're fluffly, and ludicrously good at wrecking rhinos, and they slot in at exactly the cost of a 2 man oblit team, so I don't have to otherwise tweak my list.


To take advantage of lash's ability to bunch up troops, we want a troop mulching template, ideally attached to a choice that can also destroy transports(as they deny you the opportunity to use lash) at range. Oblits are the logical choice, as they each pack a lascannon and a plasma cannon and are typically taken as multiple squads of 2-3, and though the defiler shouldn't be discounted, the BS3 ordinance blast is a little inaccurate(or rather, random) for de-meching your opponent. Posessed Vindis have the same issue and a fraction of the effective range, but have the power to pulp any target. Combi-preds and autocannon havoc squads could be useful for de-meching, but they will lack the potency to demolish the dismounted troops.


Thus I put forth that Oblits will probably serve you best, as always. If you feel you already have all the anti-infantry firepower you need, you may look at combi-predators or other choices that will be drastically more effective vs transports for the same or less cost.

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Other, none-Heavy options are Terminators with Combi Weapons.

The smallest squads are known as "Termicide" and are usually 3 Terminators with 3 Combi-Melta. Deepstrike down and fry an enemy tank or artillery piece and then hope to live long enough to assault something the next turn. It is kind of a throw away squad but @ 105 points, its ok.


Other people have success with slightly larger squads of 4-6 that usually add in a Heavy Flamer (its dirt cheap) and 1-2 Fist weapons for added anti-tank/MC.

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I've used a squad of 5 Chosen with 4 Plasma guns. They worked wonders. Infiltrated to the min distance to a squad of Loyalist Terminators, supported by a Squadron of 2 Landspeeders. I got lucky enough to make 1st turn and then fried all but 1 of those Termies. By game end, I had taken all 5 termies, and both Landspeeders... I lost 1, maybe 2 of the Chosen in the deal. Not a bad trade... but, YMMV.
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