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beginning a new Warband


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So I have gotten a Chaos Battleforce today with two packs of iron warrior upgrades. My plan is to make a warband that is part Iron Warrior (or Iron Warrior faction) and part of my own homebrew warband the Angels of Light.

So far I have:

-Lord with Daemon weapon and jump pack

-winged daemon prince/greater daemon (balrog conversion)

-1 Chosen/Possessed Squad

-1 Raptor Squad

-2 squads of Thousand Sons

-1 Squad of Chaos Marines

-1 Squad of Khorne Berzerkers

-1 Squad of Havoks

-1 Rhino

-1 Defiler


Anywhere I can get some good info on Iron Warriors? I have read Storm of Iron, I have Imperial Armour 7 and the Chaos Codex. Other than Siege, any other major traits?

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paranoid? Who said that? I'm not paranoid...oh. The Iron Warriors. Funny how I seem drawn to teams that are like me (Dark Angels [i'm rather secretive], Daemonhunters [i'm not terribly trusting], Iron Warriors [who said I'm paranoid?], Dark Eldar [i like fast things])...
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Well it's not pure Iron Warriors, they just make up the majority. It is lead by some former members of my DIY Chapter, and the Thousand Sons are the personal bodyguard of the Daemon Prince, Ganrithor. I have to overhaul their article but as a whole this warband is the Angels of Light, but it comprises both Ganrithor's lot and Iron Warriors. Like the Red Corsairs but only really two different warbands. Might make a Warsmith once I get the parts -cough- Honsou -cough-

Thankyou for your concern though. I really should have mentioned it in the first place.

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I must warn you though that a lot of those units don't work well in the theme of IW.

Not strictly true, the IW will use Thousand Sons/Zerkers to fulfill roles they don't have (and to reduce IW casualties). I have Zerkers in my IW army (hired as specialist assault troops, and treated with EXTREME prejudice by all the IW's) and occasionally take "Thousand Sons" (Normal IW's with antique las-weapons capable of piercing power armour (with huge harnesses and powerpacks granting Slow and Purposeful). The "Sorceror" has WT and MBombs, represented by a Servo Harness with Melta Attachments, and a "refractor field generator" (jokingly referred to by me and a few others as a "Field Lattice Generator") to represent the Invuln save)


As for Possessed, that's a No-go, unless they are "bionic mutations".


Oh and OP? Welcome to the world of the Paranoid. Everyone welcome, unless you are suspicious-looking... Are you suspicious looking? I think you are. Are you? ARE YOU?! [/paranoia]


I like IW's because I'm paranoid, and I just LOVE barrier tape :)

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They aren't actually possesed. They are my Chosen/command Squad...I just used possessed models with some kitbashing...building them now in fact. They are the remnants of the old Company under Ganrithor (Daemon Prince). While I am concentrating on IWs, the Angels of Light are the Raptors, Chosen and the current HQ...the rest being IW. I plan to modify the 'Zerkers to be the assault Iron Warriors, the first guys into the breach.
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I must warn you though that a lot of those units don't work well in the theme of IW.

Not strictly true, the IW will use Thousand Sons/Zerkers to fulfill roles they don't have (and to reduce IW casualties). I have Zerkers in my IW army (hired as specialist assault troops, and treated with EXTREME prejudice by all the IW's) and occasionally take "Thousand Sons" (Normal IW's with antique las-weapons capable of piercing power armour (with huge harnesses and powerpacks granting Slow and Purposeful). The "Sorceror" has WT and MBombs, represented by a Servo Harness with Melta Attachments, and a "refractor field generator" (jokingly referred to by me and a few others as a "Field Lattice Generator") to represent the Invuln save)


As for Possessed, that's a No-go, unless they are "bionic mutations".


Oh and OP? Welcome to the world of the Paranoid. Everyone welcome, unless you are suspicious-looking... Are you suspicious looking? I think you are. Are you? ARE YOU?! [/paranoia]


I like IW's because I'm paranoid, and I just LOVE barrier tape :o


Yes but in the case of using the Thousand Son rules within an IW theme you don't use 1000 Son mini's.

That's why I warned him of it.


But he seems aware of it already. Just wanting to play it safe by telling him.

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I wasn't aware about an hour ago, but now I am. Luckily I work wround the 1k sons issue by calling them the bodyguards of the Daemon Prince, and thus not technically affiliated with Iron Warriors.

In Summary:

-Main Troops and future vehicles=Iron Warriors

-Specialists, 1k Sons and HQ=DIY warband (Angels of Light)


Thanks for all the advice. Now it's late and my eyes hurt from the computer screen and making my Chosen. See you all later.

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I have just finished Dead Sky, Black sun and have been reading Lexicanum intently for the last few hours. I even plan to have Honsou in my army. And before I get hit with the fluff-hammer (sounds painful) I plan to have him AFTER he assaults Ultramar and loses...because the Ultramarines never lose. My warband will be like a haven for characters I feel are very cool and were "killed in action". Next on the list, Eliphas the Inheritor.
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Thanks for all the advice. Now it's late and my eyes hurt from the computer screen and making my Chosen. See you all later.

Same! :D


Welcome to Chaos, now sit down and let me tell you why you chose the wrong Legion ;)

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To Iron Warriors players, how do you paint the construction stripes on your models?

"Construction Stripes", more commonly known as "Hazard Stripes" or "Barrier Tape". Well, I paint them freehand personally, starting with Lyanden Darksun as base, then 1:1 Lyanden Darksun/Sunburst Yellow then Sunburst Yellow, then freehand in the Black over the top.

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To Iron Warriors players, how do you paint the construction stripes on your models?

"Construction Stripes", more commonly known as "Hazard Stripes" or "Barrier Tape". Well, I paint them freehand personally, starting with Lyanden Darksun as base, then 1:1 Lyanden Darksun/Sunburst Yellow then Sunburst Yellow, then freehand in the Black over the top.


Oh I meant the stripes. I can't paint straight lines worth crap. *Laughs*

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To Iron Warriors players, how do you paint the construction stripes on your models?

"Construction Stripes", more commonly known as "Hazard Stripes" or "Barrier Tape". Well, I paint them freehand personally, starting with Lyanden Darksun as base, then 1:1 Lyanden Darksun/Sunburst Yellow then Sunburst Yellow, then freehand in the Black over the top.


Oh I meant the stripes. I can't paint straight lines worth crap. *Laughs*

Use the smallest brush you have, and above all TAKE YOUR TIME! That's all I do, and it looks great.

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@Skirax: Wrong legion? I'm not sure I understand. I figure Honsou is going to lose against the ultramarines so I want him in my Army. As I stated, his Iron Warriors are "allied" with my DIY warband, the Angels of Light. The info on all that is in the IT article that you can view through my sig...just down a tad. Right...there v v v
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@Skirax: Wrong legion? I'm not sure I understand. I figure Honsou is going to lose against the ultramarines so I want him in my Army. As I stated, his Iron Warriors are "allied" with my DIY warband, the Angels of Light. The info on all that is in the IT article that you can view through my sig...just down a tad. Right...there v v v

I'm a Word Bearer, and we need to have a... 'talk' *hefts Crozius*

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Well I do like the Word Bearers...maybe I can include more Chosen and have them the followers of Eliphas (I like saving obscure characters :) )

I guess we can loan you some... as long as they are used only to further the glory of CHAOS!

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With the Iron Warriors, who are Chaos in name only; my Angels of Light who are Chaos but a little untrusting of the Ruinous Powers...some zealous Word Bearers would go down a treat. And I'm sure they would know how to resurect my Daemon Prince Ganrithor if he dies in an upcoming battle.
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If I may add my own questions here, rather than start another thread asking basically the same question.

Faced with the mounds of plastic marine parts that fill my bitz boxes and having both a Space Wolves and Codex bike/terminator army I find myself tempted by the dark side, in fact my renegades are provisionally titled the Dark Sons. Colour scheme red arms and greaves with grey elsewhere.

The fluff behind them is that they were declared renegade after refusing to exterminatus a planet they'd already delivered from a Chaos cult, and then fragging the Imperial Navy vessel and Inquisitor who did it anyway.

Like the Thousand Sons, the road to Tzeentch is paved with good intentions, and now the Sons are on the lam, cut off from all resources that they can't capture or build themselves.

When contronted by a Lord of Change, sent to inform them of the nature of their new patron, the Chapter's Chief Librarian Julius unleashed a psychic attack so fierce that it banished the Greater Daemon, but burned out his powers at the same time.

Merely amused by this, Tzeentch continued to supply them with his favours. After all the Lord of the Winding Path has all of time to achieve his end.

In game terms the army is led by a Chaos Lord with the mark of Tzeentch, representing the powerless Chief Librarian, and consists of power armoured marines, bikers, and Rhino based tanks. These being basic technologies that the limited resources of the Sons can keep functioning. Obviously every squad carries an Icon of Tzeentch, and the 5++ may help keep them alive.

Obviously that limits troop selection to Chosen in power armour, basic Marines, bikes and Havocs.

Is it possible to build a competitive list with these limitations?

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Every list has the ability to be "competative", you just need to know it's strengths and weaknesses.

lol. :rolleyes:


compatetive compering to what ? to a oblit/DP build ? its weaker . a pure 1ksons build ? its strong [but then again that is not hard to do]. you will be carried by csm mostly ,as bikers are very bad , havocks bad and chosen maybe medicor [in a fluff build . so if we are talking about being compatetive they are bad too]. This means that against armies played nowadays you will have A problems with anti tank or problem with stuff like MC/HQ/TEQ[because you can only meta one type of units without using oblits]. B you will use a sub par HQ [a lord with a tzeench weapon] , that costs more then a basic lord [which is cheaper and better in hth, what of course doesnt mean he is good]. C. IoT.... sucks hard just like IoN. with +4 cover everywhere it is actualy better to use cover instead of inv and in hth a +5 inv does not save enough power weapon/rending class attacks to stop your opponents from assaulting.

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Most units have something that is anti-(insert unit here). I try and give all my squads anti-heavy infantry/light vehicle weapons (Plamsa Guns), anti-Horde (Flamers) or anti-vehicle/hero (missile launchers). If a squad doesn't have the necessary wepaon to take something on I ignore it and target something I can kill. Little upgrades like MeltaBombs can fix this issue, and what Space Marine nowadays doesn't have frag and krak 'nades as standard?
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