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Following the fluff of the Flesh Tearers...


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The company uses few vehicles apart from rhinos, razorbacks, and whirlwinds.


Now, I'm interested in building my force along the lines of the fluff. Thinking of using tactical and assault squads in rhinos/razorbacks. Placing Seth into a LR type, or maybe a rhino in smaller games. I'll also be staying within the Chapter's structure of four remaining companies, and will include a death company.


How would I use whirlwinds in my force? Are they good against all types of opponents?


There's no mention of jump pack troops, and they're a successor to the Blood Angels, so would including assault JPs/Sang Guard squads be within the fluff I'm aiming for?


Thanks in advance for eveyones' help/opinions/suggestions.

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I don't have my BA Codex with me right now (I'll edit this once I do), but I think that there would be no problem. The article on the Lexicanum describes them as having both standard JP Assault squads in addition to vehicle-mounted Assault squads. For the moment, my belief is that you're fine to use JP squads and priests.


The Guard, though...the Flesh Tearers, so far as I am aware, despise excessively ornate decorations, and as such, I doubt that there would be many Sanguinary Guard in their Chapter. I would think that you could field them, but only conservatively; probably no more than one squaad per game, if we're being fluffy with the list.

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Sound like a plan forming to me!




I really what those Baal Predators, and maybe some Las-Preds for anit-tank.




Should I deep-strike my JPs, or set them up normally? Should they be squads of 5 or increased to 10?

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Should I deep-strike my JPs, or set them up normally? Should they be squads of 5 or increased to 10?


I would say that it depends on how you're using everything else. If you're having vehicle-based assault squads coming in, deep-striking JPers aren't necessarily a good idea. Similarly, if you're having those Baal Predators come in from reserves on the sides, consider carefully when everything else is coming in so you don't get chopped apart piece-by-piece.


As for 5 or 10, that appears to be personaly preference.

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And, if all else fails - you can field absolutely any squads or vehicles that you want, all nicely painted up as FT's. And its totally fluffy. Right up until the point comes when you're actually fielding the entire chapter. Just because the chapter as a whole doesnt have a great deal of vehicle support, doenst mean that it hasnt been pooled together for the particualr strike force that your tabletop army represents...
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The company uses few vehicles apart from rhinos, razorbacks, and whirlwinds.




How would I use whirlwinds in my force? Are they good against all types of opponents?




I use 3 HKwhirlies with my army. The random pieplate spreading can be good and bad. But, with a priest, any accidental plates on oneself will probably be somewhat shrug-offable due to both 3+(/2+) and 4+ FnP.

Pinning is always fantastic as it increases the relative speed and survivability of my assault force. Especially versus bikes and other large footprint unit types. Amazingly, they do pretty well in such numbers versus clumps of tranports and passengers even with PA. Versus horde armies, they're godly. Light troops in area terrain don't like whirlies.


I use sniper(+ML) scouts as troops to add to the army's chance to pin infantry and immob/wpn destroy light vehicles ie. transports... which are common.

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As per the other topic, Sanguinary Guard Artificer armour has not been gaudily decorated and ornamented. It is 10,000+ years old relics which are revered by everyone of the blood line of Sanguinius. They were worn by the heroes who stood side by side as the Primarch's personal Honour Guard.


Regardless of how beat up the rest of your army looks, the Sanguinary Guard will be POLISHED. I would never take more than one unit though, cos to be honest most of them are probably dead by now. 400 man chapter and all that.

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  • 4 months later...
fluff wise there a pure assault army so no (dev or tactical squads) with alot of death company. i have always seen them with less jump packs then blood angels for some reason. I dont know why but thats just how people have always modelled them.
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I too have seen the Flesh Tearers as a less JP than BA chapter and have focused my army around that. How ever I would not Agree with the No Tacs/Dev units due to one of our few Pics Is of a Tac squad in the CA book. As for the Sang Guard question I would Feild Up too 2 MAX I would use the Standard Minis but make them look a bit more Beat up and chipped I plan on having a Unit or 2 painted up for my FT and as part of my future Sang guard army sporting Black wings and a slightly darker gold to the Normal SG and will possibly have damaged wings.But as far as our stuff goes I will be scratched but still work Perfectly :D
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fluff wise there a pure assault army so no (dev or tactical squads)


That couldn't be more wrong:

Each Marine is fully expected to be proficient in Tactical,Assault and even Devastator duties, as well as being skilled in the operation of all the Chapter's remaining vehicles. In theatres of war individual squads will rapidly change their role to suit the mission and equipment on hand.

Hence why the colour scheme example art in the BA codex and also the FT IA article were both of Tacticals.


And, if all else fails - you can field absolutely any squads or vehicles that you want, all nicely painted up as FT's. And its totally fluffy. Right up until the point comes when you're actually fielding the entire chapter. Just because the chapter as a whole doesnt have a great deal of vehicle support, doenst mean that it hasnt been pooled together for the particualr strike force that your tabletop army represents...


Quoted for Truth.

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Unless you're getting into Apocalypse levels, you can reasonably field any possible list from the Codex as Flesh Tearers. Especially at low points values.


On Sanguard:

Canonically speaking at least, only the Angels Encarmine's Sanguinary Guard looks different; the other successors look the same as the Blood Angels. Remember that Sanguinary Guard aren't just an elite unit like Vanguard Veterans, they're a very specific organization founded during the Great Crusade, and their wargear is hereditary. Flesh Tearers may be less ornate overall, but the Sanguinary Guard artificer armor is part of what being a Sanguinary Guard is. Not using it would be like the pope refusing to wear a mitre because he's not a hat person.
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I too have seen the Flesh Tearers as a less JP than BA chapter and have focused my army around that. How ever I would not Agree with the No Tacs/Dev units due to one of our few Pics Is of a Tac squad in the CA book. As for the Sang Guard question I would Feild Up too 2 MAX I would use the Standard Minis but make them look a bit more Beat up and chipped I plan on having a Unit or 2 painted up for my FT and as part of my future Sang guard army sporting Black wings and a slightly darker gold to the Normal SG and will possibly have damaged wings.But as far as our stuff goes I will be scratched but still work Perfectly :lol:

Your probably right about that, its just FT have always been betrayed as a more agressive version of the BA,being called the Flesh tearers is strongly hinting at it anyway. I do remember reading soming about them being skilled in all fields.

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It's not their first rodeo, and they understand the need for tactical flexibility depending on the foe, just as much as applying their unmatchable strengths when needed most. Very calculating when it comes to killing, in theory and in practice. I always thought a good representation of the mentality was in in the 3rd Swallow novel, where in a wooden gladius honor duel between a BA and a FT, the Blood Angel notices that the Tearer is striking him in very particular and specific places, and then cold realization hits him that the Tearer is slowly and subtly killing him.
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Not maintaining Artificer Armour which dates back to the Great Crusade would be the greatest insult. I can assure you that while the rank and file marines will look worn, weary and battered from constant combat, a Flesh Tearers Sanguinary Guard will still look like they just rolled off the assembly line that morning.


However one thing I will be doing is taking other measures to make them look darker.... remember these are the highest ranking veterans in the chapter who have shown the ability to overcome the Black Rage. In my eyes a Flesh Tearer veteran doesn't look like the heads on the sprues of the Sang Guard. They don't have pretty boy haircuts and flawless features. They have spent the last 100 years or more at the very forefront of combat. They will be scarred. They will be missing eyes. They will be grizzled. So if you are going to be using a bare head on your Sang Guard, make him look like a Flesh Tearer who has come up through the ranks of full frontal assaults.


For an example, this is my Counts As Dante conversion, who I have named "Malach, Captain of the Flesh Tearers Saguinary Guard". If I don't use Dante, he can quite easily stand in as a Sanguinary Guard sergeant model.




Also I will be painting my wings black, a subtle change but one which makes the SG take on an entirely different mood.

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