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Daemon bomb of old


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So I have an opportunity to play in a tournament that allows all armylists from 3rd edition forward...as I have Word Bearers, I can finally have real daemons in my army this time! Thus, I want to drop the daemon bomb because I can. Does anybody remember how they were built? I vaguely remember bikers and daemons and not much more...
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I think it was primarily Bikers and Daemonettes/Bloodletters. Turboboost forward and deploy the nasty daemons in the opponent's face. Daemonettes were especially big because this was back when rending was on the "to hit" roll not the "to wound".


The idea seemed to be to assault as much of the opponent's army as you can with as many armor ignoring weapons as possible.

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My friend back in the 3.5 use a Daemon Bomb force where it was one unit of Terminators being 6 strong with his army being Slannesh. Then it was pretty much Greater Daemon, 6x units of Daemonnets (sp?) & then the mounted Slannesh Daemons for Fast Attack.


Terminators deep strike, you killed them if you could. Greater Daemon pop out & then ton of rending Slannesh Daemons assaulted you.


Though if you scatter into a unit or off the table your army was wipe out on one turn as my other friends who try a Khorne version found out. His one was also Terminators, but tons of Khorne Daemons.


Other than that, it was five years ago, so trying to rememeber most of it.



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which demon bomb ther were like 5. the WB had 3 . the biker list [so a demonic lord ,2x3 bikers rest points in demons] , the infiltration minimax [stature lord , 2x5 minimax , demons sometimes they put havocks inside for anti skimer] one with demons support and the 8 man csm with 2 plasma infitration builds that use 50/50 set up for demons.
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which demon bomb ther were like 5. the WB had 3 . the biker list [so a demonic lord ,2x3 bikers rest points in demons] , the infiltration minimax [stature lord , 2x5 minimax , demons sometimes they put havocks inside for anti skimer] one with demons support and the 8 man csm with 2 plasma infitration builds that use 50/50 set up for demons.


The first one is the one I'm familiar with, basically a Word Bearers Dark Apostle Biker rush with a ton of Bloodletters and Daemonettes as Troops.

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use the searchy and for how many points. WE used mostly the biker build [at least i never seen any other list for them], EC had a infiltration build and the everyones favorit syren prince demon bomb. some AL players used culitists demon bombs , but those were rare. BL had free game with marks and BL khorn was using 1-2 units of BL . DB worked best in 1250-1500 at more they were not as effective and at 1k they suffered from the eldar syndrom.
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Anything older than 5th edition was deleted, so I can't search for it.


The point cap is at 1850. That might allow me to take more expensive options like the chosen and whatnot.

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Anything older than 5th edition was deleted, so I can't search for it.


The point cap is at 1850. That might allow me to take more expensive options like the chosen and whatnot.


Dakka Dakka's still got a lot of the old lists in their archives. Here's one guy's 1850 Black Legion list from 2006:


1850 Black Legion


113 - Lord, Stature, Flight, 2CCW, Frag, MoCU, Pers Icon


145 - Lieut, Bike, Dark Blade, Melta, MoCU, Pers Icon


306 - 6 Bikers, 2 Melta, Asp Champ, PowFist, Visage, Mutation, MoSlaanesh, Icon, SkRiders


115 - 5 CSM, Las, Plas, Inf, MoCU, Icon


115 - 5 CSM, Las, Plas, Inf, MoCU, Icon


115 - 5 CSM, Las, Plas, Inf, MoCU, Icon


208 - 8 Bloodletters


90 - 6 Daemonettes


90 - 6 Daemonettes


120 - 8 Furies


90 - 6 Furies


168 - 6 Mounted Daemonettes


175 - Defiler, Indirect


1850 points - 64 models, 11 scoring units (but a very fast list...)



And his Word Bearers list at 1850:


1850 Word Bearers


113 - Lord, Stature, Flight, 2CCW, Frag, MoCU, Pers Icon


125 - Lieut, Bike, Dark Blade, Melta, MoCU, Pers Icon


133 - 6 CSM, Las, Plas, Inf, MoCU, Icon


133 - 6 CSM, Las, Plas, Inf, MoCU, Icon


124 - 6 CSM, Autoc, Flam, Inf, MoCU, Icon


(I could shave these to 5 men each and give both Defilers indirect)


208 - 8 Bloodletters


90 - 6 Daemonettes


90 - 6 Daemonettes


90 - 6 Daemonettes


120 - 8 Furies


168 - 6 Mounted Daemonettes


156 - 4 Bikers, Plasma, Flam, MoCU, Icon


150 - Defiler


150 - Defiler


1850 points - 66 models, 12 scoring units



The Word Bearers one most resembles what I remember the "classic" daemonbomb being, though I did see several Night Lords lists that were predominantly Furies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The basic idea of Daemonbomb is simple - Take a few squads of Bikes with Icons/Teleport homers, run them as fast as possible into the enemies' lines, and summon multiple large units of Daemons. CC ensues, and the Warp-beings tear apart the opponent like a bulldozer through tissue paper.


Yes, it's that simple.



HOWEVER, it will not run as easily in 5th edition as it did in previous rules. There are 2 things that take some of the power away from this list -


1) You can no longer sweeping advance into adjacent units. Certian armies toppled like dominoes, and that is simply no longer possible.

2) Rending got completely nerfed in 5th. It used to give you a wound on a 6 to hit, making the math-hammer gods smile upon your dice. Currently rending is nice, but not silly broken like it was in 4th.


My suggestion is to take Multiple small units of Bikes, give them Icons, turbo-boost them into the enemy, and summon as many bloodletters as you can fit in your list. The old bloodletters are expensive, but they are a very good unit.

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On the plus side, Daemonettes still get the old rending, because they don't have the Rending USR. They have daemonic talons which have their own special rules, which still "rend" you could say on a 6 to hit.
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