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World Eater Advisor to the Blood Pact Stra-Ken


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This is Stra-Ken, a World Eater too cripped to be of use to his warband left behind to die on some forgotton backwater world.

Found by Urlock Guar he was rebuilt

They made him faster,stronger,better.

He spent over six million credits on bionics to Have a Superhuman juggernuaght lead one of his elite Death Brigages.

I figured if Col Straken has the stats of a Space marine Captain,I might as well model it to match.

He is armed with Plasma Pistol and CC weapon with a well used shottie on the floor discarded a long time ago.







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That is awesome. The backstory, the model, and of course, the gore. I would imagine his anger at being left behind (and his failings that made them leave him), combined with his angry-implants would push him to ridiculously high levels of insane rage?


If you don't mind me asking, what method do you use for the blood and gore? I have a few Word Bearers with bayonets who would like to have used them.

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Hey brother, that's an awesome idea. Great conversion too. Consider it 'borrowed', lol. On a side note, maybe a touch too much blood? It's a very well done model, but I feel like alot of the good details are being distracted by the wave of blood splatters.
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Fluff and rules wise it's an excellent idea, and a very nice model.


However, as it's a counts-as for a non board supported Codex, is it allowed here?! :) ;)



Edit: just to be clear, I'm kidding and damn right it should be!

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Love the gore. On any other model it might be too much but this guy is a World Eater and an extra angry World Eater with abandonment issues too!


When I first read the latest Guard Codex it struck me that Straken was roughly equivalent to a space marine captain with relic blade. I toyed with a couple of ideas around this. One was having an Alpha Legion marine leading a traitor guard force and another was an Ultramarine reserve captain leading a unit of Macragge Defence Force troopers.


Then my Alpha Legion love surfaced and I realised it should be an Alpha Legion marine pretending to be an Ultramarine captain (mis)leading a unit of Macragge Defence Force! Is there somewhere I can go to see more pics of your Blood Pact?

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A blood-soaked model from a gore-drenched Legion, I almost pity the normal human troops he "leads" into battle. It must be hard to stand out when your superiour officer racks up a kill count of a full platoon all on his own!


The blood splatter is very well executed, it really looks like it sprayed from a fresh victim but it still stands out from the red WE armour. Great background story and converting (lots of FW bits, nice touch) too, those Blood Pact troopers are lucky to have such a glorious model to lead them into yet greater slaughter.

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