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What is the Effrit Stealth Squad?


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As far as I know; one of the Alpha Legion's primarchs (Omegon) is/was leader of a Stealth force called the Effrit. What does this imply. I knwo their armour is black but that's as far as my knowledge extends. Are they even a Chaos squad? If anyone has information about the Effrit; i'd be grateful.
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It is assumed that they are an elite power armor unit within the Alpha Legion at the time of the heresy, and likely still currently function (much to the respect of Black Legion "Justaerin" terminators in 40k).


They would probably specialize in the extremes of covert operations, information gathering, fear and confusion sowing, as well as have responsibility and contact with Hydran Cultists (as well as probably recruiting key people to it, depending on the operation), more so than their Legionnaire bretheren.


Since their existence was only added in Legion, think of them as a unique unit that was fleshed out of AL history, which has many excellent modeling and gaming possibilities. For chaos - Chosen with infiltrate (and nice customized and silenced bolters) or for loyalists, Sternguard with a drop-pod-esque counts as deployment and special ammunition, or even heavily modified scouts.


Also, Brother Nihm is 100% correct. Abnett has an interview (check you tube) where he brings that information to light.

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There's actually very little in the way of evidence for the Effrit Stealth Squad in Legion itself. *Warning: this post contains spoilers from Legion*



The name of the squad extends from the list of Dramatis Personae at the beginning of the book, where Omegon was listed as being from the 'Effrit Stealth Squad'. However, being at the beginning of the book, and obviously not wanting to list Omegon's true identity before the 'big reveal' means that there may be some doubt if that was Omegon's official position. Also, it is not entirely clear of the Effrit denotes a type of squad, or the unit designation of one of a number of operational stealth squads. Equally, Pg 279 of Legion has Pech and Herzog mention that Omegon leads 'the Stealth Squad', (Emphasis mine) but their tone suggests they are not being entirely truthful; whether that is because of his unique origin, or that he does not in fact command a 'steath squad' is again unclear.


Assuming that Omegon does indeed command a stealth squad, and as far as his armour is concerned, it is described as 'black' on Pg 304 and as 'gleaming blue/black infiltrator armour' on Pg 373. However no other Alpha Legionnaire is mentioned as being clad in that type of armour specifically. Pg 170 of Legion describes how standard Alpha Legion armour was able to walk through sensory light beams without setting them off; I would guess this ability would be extended to members of the Stealth Squad.


As far as doctrine/tactics are concerned, since there is no mention of a stealth squad in action, we can only guess. On Pg 366, Omegon leads the first wave of teleporting Legionnaires before signalling Alpharius to come in; maybe insertion security is one of their specialities?


In addition, disguised Alpha Legionnaires fight on Pg 32, but there is no mentioned direct link between these individuals and Omegon/Stealth Squads.


That is about the entirity of information I know of regarding these squads. Anything else you hear of is just speculation and conjecture; but on the other hand, it allows you to model/play a stealth squad however you feel you imagination will allow.


For an example of a painted 'Stealth' squad (Chosen CSMs) look here.

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