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Terminators as Honour Guard

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I have recently started an Imperial Fists army and was hoping to include a squad of Thunder Hammer wielding Assault Terminators with a modicum of conversions as a Honour Guard for Captain Lysander. However upon reading the Codex it seems that honour guard must wear artificer armour. The stat values of terminator armour and that of artificer armour are identical and i was wondering whether having a terminator honour guard would really be that much of an issue. :cuss


Cheers for the help and advice. :D

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They are not identical, termi armour comes with a 5+ inv and costs 40pts compared to 35 with no inv. The main benefit of the honour guard is the wargear options and if your planning on just taking thunder hammers, which assault termis can take, why not just attach your hq to a termi assault squad?

As bad as it may sound i am hoping to convert the terminators, because of this i wanted them to represent something more than just a converted squad of terminators. As well as this i thought it would look really good if Lysander had a dedicated unit under his command, this unit is therefore comprised of his closest comrades and individuals who follow by his example which is why i wanted thunder hammers.


I understand that having a proper honour guard does offer more in terms of wargear, but terminators seem a better choice given their 5+inv save.

Dont want it to sound mean, but you are aware that Lysander cant have an honour guard and that even if he could, only one model (chapter champion) could even have a thunder hammer?


Why not just have a terminator squad with thunder hammers? You can call it whatever you want. It can be an honour guard... itll just follow all the rules of an assault termie squad ;)

Gunslinger's right, dude.


You're better off making a terminator assault squad. Yeah, granted, the concept (and chapter banner bonus) is cool, but its just not going to work.


I am making a Terminator Honour Guard and Chapter Council for the Praetors of Orpheus, I just don't intend to use them in games.



If you really want to you could cut/fire off the Crux Terminatus some how (that is what confers the invulnerable save) and say that its a special brand of articifer =P

Or you could take termies with relatively the same wargear and proxy.

Ex: Terminator with storm bolter and power weapon is really a standard honor guard with bolter and power weapon.

Ex: Terminator with storm bolter and power weapon is really a standard honor guard with bolter and power weapon.


You could try that, but neither of the codex entries for terminators allow for 5 terminators with power weapons.


Same issue arises.


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