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I don't wanna end up as a furie!


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Hello people,


I decided to create an army for Chaos. I was first appealed by the furiousness of Khorne, but Tzeentch tricked me out of it with promise of awesome spells. Then i got sick and Papa Nurgle helped me out.


So i kinda can;t decide what Entity to go for, which was my plan at first, because building a strong themed felling with mono god lists is easy.

But i don't wanna end up as a furie! (which is said, are those that couldn't dicide to be Undivided, or one of the Big 4, and switched to much..)


So i started thinking about Undivided. But i have no idea at all how such a list would look like, while still being amazingly themed. (as in what units in it).

and i wondered if you guys could help me out. i need to be competive, but i don't want Undivided just so i can take everything. It must be good themed, not just an excuse.


I like it when i don't have landraiders, and when i don't have a lot of the same. I hate painting 'rank and file'.



Anyhows, hope to hear something soon, less i'm turned in a furie!

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Undivided is basically anything goes. However, you can tailor Undivided into particular Legions if you're looking for a unifying theme to your forces. Night Lords, Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors, Word Bearers, and Black Legion aren't necessarily beholden to any one Chaos god, but can opt to sample from them all or use none as they see fit. Likewise, you can choose to just make your own warband with your own colors/heraldry/etc.


As for unit composition, that's fairly variable as well. I recommend checking out the links at the top of the forum, the Handbooks, and give them a read to get an idea of what kind of force you're wanting to build.

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What i'm afraid of is that the Undivided is being used as an excuse to field whatever you want. Hey! i want Zerkers and Sonic marines led by a tzeentch Sorcy and a nurgle DP!. And now i call it Black Legion, cuz then fluff wise it fits!

Imo, you lose theme.



Correct me if i'm wrong, but f.ex the Word Bearers. They field CSM (since cultists are not in this Codex). And have daemons to support. that gives as theme, roughly. CSM with demonic support.

The only thing with me then is what icons and all (especially on HQ, cuz the marine one is quite alright).


So basically what i wanna know is, how to create an Undivided Force that is themed with awesome models and rules OR if it's better to go for Mono-god (which one then ;)).


For example, how would an Alpha Legion list look like?

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Alpha Legion would, theoretically, be led by a Lord, have some basic CSMs with Icons of Chaos Glory or none at all (risky, but do-able), maybe a couple of Chosen squads for infiltration purposes, some Havocs and maybe a Predator or two for heavy support. Daemons optional as you see fit; Raptors a maybe but probably not worth the points.
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What i'm afraid of is that the Undivided is being used as an excuse to field whatever you want. Hey! i want Zerkers and Sonic marines led by a tzeentch Sorcy and a nurgle DP!. And now i call it Black Legion, cuz then fluff wise it fits!

Imo, you lose theme.


You don't have to do that. Making a fluffy Black Legion force would be more like an Undivded Lord with a couple of Undivded Marine units and come Cult units to back it up. You don't have to make random combinations.

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There are also some post on how to "re-fluff" your legion. Like you get an all Nurgle army, then the sonic weapons would be pus-weapons that shoot strings of deadly vomit, the berzerker would be those nurgle worshippers that went insane with transformation and went into a black rage of killing. etc etc
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Best thing you can do is to read about the existing legions and warbands. This will help you get some ideas on the feel and style of each. Then you can pick one you like and do your best to translate it to the tabletop. Granted, the latest codex leaves a lot to be desired for this, but as the poster above said, you can do a lot using 'counts-as'. Try not to go to far though. For example, berzerkers in a Nurgle army feels a bit off to me, as close combat savagery doesn't really fit the lovable, putrescent style of papa Nurgle.


In short - do a little reading first! The old Index Astartes articles are great for background on the legions and the Red Corsairs. You can also finds loads of info on lexicanum.

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There are also some post on how to "re-fluff" your legion. Like you get an all Nurgle army, then the sonic weapons would be pus-weapons that shoot strings of deadly vomit, the berzerker would be those nurgle worshippers that went insane with transformation and went into a black rage of killing. etc etc


can't find that re-fluff thingy. Can you link or guide me to it?



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Lord Erebus, the Dark Apostle – 150 points

Chaos Lord, Plasma Pistol, Personal Icon, Daemon Weapon


Toumanez, Coryphaus to Lord Erebus – 160 points

Wings, Familiar, Gift of Chaos, Warptime


10 Chaos Space Marines, Squad ‘Golden Light’ – 225 points

Aspiring Champion with Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Flamer, Icon of Chaos Glory

Chaos Rhino – 35 points


10 Chaos Space Marines, Squad ‘Brazen Glory’ – 225 points

Aspiring Champion with Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Flamer, Icon of Chaos Glory

Chaos Rhino – 35 points


5 Possessed, Squad ‘Blessed Touch’ – 145 points

Champion, Icon of Chaos Glory

Chaos Rhino – 35 points


Total: 1000 points

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but now a tactical question. How big would you do a noise marine squad?


Depends on the squad's purpose


Assault? 7-10 guys, no Sonics or Blastmaster. Doom Siren Champion with Power Weapon/Fist (depending on the rest of your army but Fist is the default) in a Rhino. Basically treat them like Berserkers with a fancy flamer and Bolters


Shooty? 6-8 guys, all Sonics, no Blastmaster, Doom Siren or Champion. Rhino optional but a good idea. Relies on lots and lots of dakka and enhanced mobility.


Camping? 5-6 guys, Blastmaster, no Sonics or Champion. Rhino optional for protection or maybe to mount a Havoc Launcher on. Cheapish scoring unit that can lob S8 cup cakes around the board. Other 4-5 guys are bullet sponges.

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I'm trying to figure out a renegade warband, much like the red corsairs.


They are pirates. My lord is just as cool and badass as huron (fluff wise, just have to think of a nice story for him) and ofc has a Daemon prince as pet (that badass he is).

The Chapter 'worships' undivided. But i don't like the HQ options for Undivided. I prefer my DP with wings and MoT with warptime and either doombolt or BoC. And my Lord with DW, MoT and wings or instead of him Huron (counts as). C&C for this would be epic.

But that makes them both influenced by MoT so less undivided (so any opinions/suggestions for this?)


After reading that link to refluffing stuff, i was thinking about some noise marines. I would never field them with their own fluff, so they are count as. (would love to get some opinions for this though, as for the count as).


As for the warband, it's gonna focus on short/medium range firefights, then assault and finish it off. They will have good daemonic relationships (i want a GD en LD just for the variety in models). For the rest i'm still thinking.


Tnx at least for all the help so far.


Edit: I'm doubting between a Lord with MoT, DW and wings, and a Sorcy, wings, warptime, doombolt, familliar. Around the same point costs.

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