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What would the Priests like to see


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Hmm... how about:

-crozius arcanum

-true apostles with good rhetorics (litanies of hate, increased moral for troops,maybe the option to draw some enemy units to your side)

-fanatic worshipper marines (much like BT)

-more diverse daemons

-cultists...tons of cultists

-relics, idols, smoke censers, whatever one usually associates with medieval religious fanaticism.


I guess thats what I would like to see...

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1. God-Specific Options!

(Not narrowing down the host by leaving out either daemons, or marks and gifts, of specific chaos gods - that was the huge mistake of the previous CSM codex and the misfortune of the codex daemons entering the stage.)


2. Cultists!

(Even if they are worse than chaos spawns.)


3. Summoning Control!

(Some wargear or special rules that makes it easier for us to summon when we want.)


4. Daemon vehicles!

(More of them! A possessed skimmer fast attack choice for example.)

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I'm still an inexperienced Word Bearer, but I have a few thoughts on a Word Bearers codex, if it were to come about.


I think its much more likely it would be part of either a new CSM codex, or a Chaos Legions codex, so I'll assume thats what you mean, not a single codex dedicated just to Word Bearers.


1. Dark Apostles. Gameplay wise, I would see them as halfway between a Lord and a Sorceror. Though instead of spells, he would have different litanies of hatred and excerpts from his own personal copy of the Book of Lorgar to recite in battle, conferring special abilities to him and nearby followers of the Word.


2. Cultists of some sort, maybe different types depending on how in depth the Word Bearers section of the codex would be.


3. Possessed that are actually worth taking, considering their place in Word bearer's fluff.


4. More Daemon types. And Daemonic upgrades, such as mutations etc, though this would be cool for any CSM codex really.


Can't think of anything else, but point number 1. is what I would consider the most important part of a Word Bearers codex. Maybe even having certain "vows" like the Black Templars have that you choose each game, but obviously they would not be Vows of the Emperor...

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Honestly, I wouldn't want to see a separate Word Bearers Codex. They don't need it - the Legion has never been portrayed as having a notably different structure or assets from the other Undivided Legions. What I'd like to see is an all-around better Chaos Codex.
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