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Help needed Calling all Chaos players


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Posted this earlier on Work in progress site but have realised while paint wise and modelling I need help I need more help with fluff to work it out how the paint and modelling would fit in.


So if that's clear ;) Any help anyone could give would be great! Thanks!!


Original thread:


So where to start, well normally I'm a loyalist player although I love some of the traitor Legions before they turned traitor (Emperor's Children, Iron Warriors and Night Lords) anyway I have a lot of parts left from a previous project (enough legs, torsos etc from Khrone Beserkers boxes for large force of 50+ Marines). I also have a small bulk stock of paint that I need to either use or chuck out as its getting old - Scorpion Green, Bilious Green, Fiery Orange, Tentacle Pink.


I'm not a fan of mutations or daemons but do want to do a Chaos army - I was thinking of a Grand Company from the old legions but can't decide which and have no clue how to work in some of the paints mentioned above - I was thinking of Night Lords but there seem to be a lot of Night Lords players around (inspired as I was by Soul Hunter I guess).


Anyway grateful for any advice anyone could give me on what to make and how to use both the paints and my love of the legions.


I was thinking of using a range of pre-heresy helmets and jump packs, maybe some shields, bionics......my loyalists make use of a lot of jump packs but no bikes so was thinking of adding some bikes but not sure? Was thinking of maybe some sort of Greek/Celtic theme not sure.


Also have quite a lot of spares from sanguinary guard and dark angels veterans.


Was also thinking of using some of the Maxmini wings with a jet for some jump troops (night lords theme but not so sure now could use feather wings as well)


Also not sure whether to use Codex Space Marines or Codex Chaos Space Marines as love scouts but have three/four Codex space marine armies and no Chaos Space Marines.


Like I said any help would be great as as you can no doubt tell I have no real ideas at the moment which is rare for me.


Thanks in advance!





Today, 02:50 PM

Post #2







Posts: 36

Joined: 2-September 09

From: Adelaide, Australia

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Pots o' paint and parts a plenty.

Maybe plough through the codex and build the 'warband' of your choice?

Colour wise you can break your warband up a bit if you wish to develop some backround.




soon-to-be-assembled, soon-to-be-painted, soon-to-be ...... oh darn I,ve got to do the chores first.





Today, 06:21 PM

Post #3







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Joined: 26-September 10

Member No.: 57297




Journeyman thanks for the advice.


I'm wondering if I should move this to a fluffy post given I'm struggling with fluff as much as paint and models - I'm growing on the idea of a Celtic theme....although just seen some amazing Egyptian parts which could be interesting, also like the idea of bionics, and pre-heresy helmets and jump packs but no idea on colour because I've no idea about the fluff - is there anyway a night lords company and iron warriors company would end up together?


Anyway like I said maybe should move this to a fluff post

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Of course, I'm completely biased, but I might suggest that Alpha Legion might fit some of your criteria; Scouts used as Operatives, the green would work well, and the DA vet parts would also fit in.


However, those bright colours and the bling on the sang. guard parts might also suggest a slaaneshy feel.


Other than that, maybe a newer fallen company/chapter not linked to the heresy era; the parts and colours you have could suggest a newly fallen force, but being pulled in seperate directions; maybe two strong characters (like a captain and libby) are starting to fall into the camps of two rival gods - maybe the greens and DA robed bits could show an affiliation with nurgle whilst the orange and pink blinged sang gaurd bits follow the guy whose leaning towards the slaanesh side of things. Should you wish to, you could even add some narrative to building the army, and should you have enough parts/enthusiasm end up with two seperate chaos armies having used them together initially.

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Thanks WarpWhisper you've certainly given me something to think about....I'm certainly liking the orange and pink together as a colour scheme.....Now just want to try and think of a way to work in scorpion green. As for where they're coming from I think, (thanks to chaplain belisarius) I'm going to go with an offshot of Thousand Sons.....this allows for the use of pre-heresy equipment and allows me to incorporate the Egyptian theme......my problem now weren't all thousand sons that weren't psykers turned into dusk husks by the Rubrik? Also would love to know what people think about Sons using jump packs or bikes and also whether I should use Codex SM or Codex CSM - guess the choices are Scouts/sternguard etc against chosen, daemonic weapons etc. what do people think?
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my problem now weren't all thousand sons that weren't psykers turned into dusk husks by the Rubrik? Also would love to know what people think about Sons using jump packs or bikes and also whether I should use Codex SM or Codex CSM - guess the choices are Scouts/sternguard etc against chosen, daemonic weapons etc. what do people think?


You could aim for a post-heresy/pre-rubrik force; traitors but not dusted. Problem with this would be that Ahriman cast the rubric because of the excessive mutation occuring to his legion - not in line with your no mutation policy :P

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If my guys had broken away from the Thousand sons before the casting would they still be affected? I guess potentially fluff wise could allow for all the bionics I want to give them.....those touched by mutation have the mutation removed and replaced with a bionic....perhaps this would lead them to be less devoted to the gods of chaos - hence no daemons but still bitter about the way Magnus was treated by the Emperor and their betrayal.


Here's a question all that glorious geneseed stolen by the Iron Warriors which made it to the legions (especially Black Legion) would there have been enough time for a current (if somewhat young) Chaos Space Marine to have been created?


Seems I finally settled on Celtic theme from Egyptian (I seem to be as decisive as my missus in a Kurt Geiger shoe shop!!!)


and lastly it's been a while since I actually played WH40K - can you still take allies? And do you know what the rules are about allies in general?


Thanks again seem to be making some headway at least...... :thanks:

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Allies are generally out.


The geneseed question is a little strange, as depending on 'when your game count as' alters the answer. However, it might be a moot point, as Loyalists have been corrupted on several occaisions, so an earlier incident might have occured; in fact if someone was desperate enough to want to say, recreate the thousand sons legion post rubrik, they might stoop to harvesting the geneseed from fallen Loyalist Space marines in battle, and use them to recreate a 'proxy' Thousand Sons Legion (The Thousand Grandsons? :P )

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At first I considered the possibility of me seeing double, but I see you've simply moved your thread here.

Anyway, I'll just copy-paste the reply I posted in the other thread and hope it isn't outdated by now.

Good luck with your fledgling Chaos army and remember to ask for a receipt when you sell your soul to the Dark Gods. It pays to keep a tidy administration!


In response to your first post: considering you already own several Loyalist armies it could be interesting, for the sake of diversity and such, to use these as full blown Chaos Marines. Raptors are both fun to model and quite handy on the tabletop but bikes are often considered to pricy points-wise for what they offer. The collection of bits offers a lot of conversion opportunities, but you might want to take a look at the fluff for your force's background to either justify feathery bits from DA and BA or concoct a cunning scheme to avoid any Loyalist associated iconography all together.


Which brings us to your second post: A Celtic feel could be nice for a Chaos warband, but I'd stay clear of any Egyptian looking bits. Ancient Egypt is most often associated with the Thousand Sons. They could be used perfectly for a Sorceror conversion though, Sorcerors-for-hire could very well originate from the Thousand Sons legion.

Iron Warriors and Night Lords might seem like an improbable combination at first glance but if you think about it, they make quite good sense. A siege relies on accurate intel on the state of the besieged and can be shortened considerably by a timely act of sabotage or terror. An Iron Warriors Warsmith could no doubt appreciate the value of a band of expert infiltrators and power armour clad terrorists. Enter the Night Lords. Their Legion is commonly considered fractured beyond repair, so a band of Night Lords hiring themselves out to the sons of Perturabo is not just possible but even probable.

A precedent even exists as there is a story in the core rulebook about the Red Corsairs attacking a loyalist Marine fortress-monastery. To sabotage the defences and sow confusion, Huron Blackheart hired Night Lords to infiltrate the fortress beforehand. It's in the "centerfold" part of the Chaos Marine section if I'm not mistaken, look it up.


If this Iron Warrior/Night Lords alliance is what you're going for you'll need to avoid any feathered parts and try to hide or remove the Khornate symbols from the Berzerker bits though. Neither Legion is particularly fond of the worship of one Chaos god over another, and the Night Lords tend to shy from overt Chaos worship in general. The bright green, orange and pink colours are sort of useless with these two Legions too. Dark blue and burnished iron would be the main colours you'll paint. But the greens can come in quite handy for plasma weaponry...


Best of luck and welcome to the Eye of Terror!


Death to the False Emperor!

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Ok Thanks for all the help.


So I think I'm roughly there.


Celtic theme with pre-heresy armour and jump packs - no mutations but lots of Bionics.


Old school bolters and special weapons (from Forge World), Celtic shields and spears on some raptors.


Army list roughly:





6 Chosen


10 Chaos Marines with Rhino


8 Thousand Sons


8 Raptors


6 Raptors


All with various weapons such as Power Swords and Lightning Claws.


I'm thinking that some of the force are original Thousand Sons from one of the few Assault Companies they had with some newer Marines based on geneseed from an Ultramarines successor chapter. None of them believe in one Chaos god over the others but rather want revenge for the betrayal of Magnus and the Legion. They detest mutations and believe in replacing mutations with bionics.


I'm thinking of using the Fiery Orange and Tentacle Pink.


So what did people think?

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