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Advice for Assault Squad


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Okay. I am still very new at WH40k and I just bought a SM assault squad, I am converting them to a more CSM look. This is what I was thinking for them:


Power-axe Plasma Pistol


Bolt Pistol (he is dual wielding them for the look)


Power sword (don't know two Power Weapons is okay) and Shield (don't know name)


Chain sword and Bolter Pistol


Storm Bolter (don't know if that is able to happen) and Chain sword


I am limited mostly to some plasma pistols, chain swords, bolter pistols, Bolters, powerfist.


PS: Is this in the right forum section?

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Firstly, if you're turning Assault Marines into Raptors, they're all going to start out having a bolt pistol and a chainsword. Kiss the storm bolter and shields goodbye, you'll never be able to take them. You can have an Aspiring Champion upgrade which will get you the ability to purchase a power weapon (sword or axe), power fist, a pair of lightning claws, and/or a plasma pistol. Two other guys in the squad can change out their pistols for plasma pistols, flamers, plasmaguns, or meltaguns. The squad can be upgraded with an Icon if you choose to buy one.


This is all detailed in the Codex in full. Parts-wise, there's only so much crossover between Raptors and Assault Marines.

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Unfortunately, the SM assault squad does not allow you to equip the best loadout for Raptors, which is 2x Meltaguns, Powerfist, Turning them into flying CSM's.


Raptors seem to be our only useful Fast Attack units, so equipping them for Anti-Tank is a good plan, allowing them to support your mech'd up CSM's by jumping around hiding behind the Rhinos/Raiders and then Jumping out and Melting something big.


Remember, Raptors have the advantage over CSM's that they can move 12" AND Charge. Exploit that. Melta a Vehicle, and if that doesn't work, Powerfist it. Or take on a MC, burning off two of its wounds before you even get there.

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Of course if you have a good bitz box you should be able to equip them easily enough.


There are two configurations I see as useful.


5 men, two meltaguns, 120 points. Their function is like Land Speeders in the Marine 'Dex. Just jump close to a tank and slag it. If they then die they die.


10 men, two meltaguns, aspiring champion, icon of Slaanesh, lightning claws. 280 points. I favour the IoS because it allows you to get your licks in first against your most common enemy, Marines, which is the only thing I can see compensating for the numerical advantage that Marines have.

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5 men, two meltaguns, 120 points. Their function is like Land Speeders in the Marine 'Dex. Just jump close to a tank and slag it. If they then die they die.


10 men, two meltaguns, aspiring champion, icon of Slaanesh, lightning claws. 280 points. I favour the IoS because it allows you to get your licks in first against your most common enemy, Marines, which is the only thing I can see compensating for the numerical advantage that Marines have.

Seconded. That IoS and those LClaws are a kick in the points department, but can be worth it. I tend to take a fist instead but if you are more interested in killing MEQ's then take them.

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Of course if you have a good bitz box you should be able to equip them easily enough.


There are two configurations I see as useful.


5 men, two meltaguns, 120 points. Their function is like Land Speeders in the Marine 'Dex. Just jump close to a tank and slag it. If they then die they die.


10 men, two meltaguns, aspiring champion, icon of Slaanesh, lightning claws. 280 points. I favour the IoS because it allows you to get your licks in first against your most common enemy, Marines, which is the only thing I can see compensating for the numerical advantage that Marines have.



I only have a 5 men squad atm. And my bitz box is low on the melta/flamer/Plasma Gun side..Mostly just have tons of Chainswords, Bolt Pistols, and a couple Plasma Pistols. Got the power fist, power axe, and power sword from Assault squad, and have a Storm Bolter, Combi-Melta, Termi Power Fist, and the tentacle part from Termi squad.


So yeah, not the best two work with, but I do have a Chaos Lord Termi ordered and don't really know if the Lightning Claws from it would work or not.

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They're large, but can work with a bit of cutting.


GW sell metal meltaguns in packs of five. I'd recommend a couple of packs for a Chaos army. I don't think Chaos do a balanced army as well as Codex Marines do, so they're pretty much restricted to short ranged/close combat units (although Obliterators provide flexible ranged fire) like Space Wolves but costing more so less effective overall.

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Yes, I know.


Wondering if any manufacturer makes scantily clad warrior women to act as Slaaneshi cultists.


Copplestone Castings does cavewomen in 28mm scale. Hasslefree Miniatures and Fenryll Miniatures have also got some less-than-socially acceptable 28mm scale female models, but expect to pay a small fortune for the numbers you'll be looking for.

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