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Hi people


I have decided to collect a salamander after reading the current books that they have released, plus I love their scheme.


I currenly collect a 4th company ultramarine army and have around 3000pts worth. I was thinking with the salamanders, that I could allie the two chapters. but now intend to concentrate mainly on a salamander army. ;)




I have started painting a tatial squad and would appreciate any feed back.


enjoy the pics ;)





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Looking good, bit glossy looking for my tastes but that may just be the lighting. Nice use of the Alpha Legion shoulderpads too. Any ideas how you're going to base them? I'd love to see you do something different to the standard Salamanders "rocks above lava" approach.
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Traitors! Those are clearly alpha legion in disguise


Don't worry, if they are, they will be purged by fire :drool: . I actually do the same thing. It's a good stand in till GW gets on the stick and gives us something. *cough* noctourne pattern weapons *cough* (for those of us not great with greenstuff that is)



Edit: quote fail

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thanks to everyone for their feedback.


funniest thing happened friday, a good mate of mine and I were due have a game at our local gaming club friday afternoon, and between us ended up forgeting three models that we had listed on our armylists. ;)


In the the end we ended up hitting southend to raid gamesworkshop, winding up the annoying staff :o , and chilling to a few beers in the pub. My mate nogel "freaky fryer" said that "it was down to old age" ?. Mate, if that is the case, aslong as it ends me up in the pub, so be it. . . lol. :D


anyways back to 40k :to: , we didnt play the game, another is planned for monday. I did however take a pic of a couple of my newly collected salamanders in scenery.


thanks :)




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They are looking pretty awesome. I might add one more highlight to the eyes to make them pop a little more, but other than that, I'd say throw some sand on those bases and you'll have a great looking army.

Also, I have never gotten any from them, but there are a bunch of shoulder pads fromChapterhouse Studios that are Salamanders themed, if you are interested. Let me know how they are, if you get some, I'm curious.

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To answer your question to how the Chapterhouse shoulder pads look, well there just what you really want.

Firstly they have two types you can use disntictly for Salamanders, one being a scales look with a dragon motiff in the scales, and the second one with a dragon skull potruding from it.

I use the first on all troops except the seagants who i use the later pad for. Combine this with you can buy tactical, assault and devestator marked shourlder pads as well, there great for the right pad to mark which squad there from. Again i use these for every trooper.


May want to also consider the Dragon scaled Storm Shields available for any termies, they also have skull helmets that are perfect for characters. Oh and lastly they actually have a Chaplain/Comander resin character that looks amazing, i combined this with an original scaled backpack with cloak from some miniature of past for use as my Chaper Master.


All together Salamanders got lots of cool bits from Chapterhouse, and if any of this interests you check what they did for the the Rhino an Land Raider too.

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I have since completed two more salamanders and am currently working on a sargent convertion. That will give me as combat squad that I can use. See work in progress "salamander sargent" for full low down.












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Well to start with it was a case of practicing different schemes I undercoat the model using chaos black (spray). then dry-brush the model, using chainmail silver, to pic out all the detail.


I then paint the chest piece, first toning down sinning gold for the first coat, then dry-brush it gold, then highlight chainmail and shinning gold 50-50.


I then paint the model snot green and layer it using a combo odd camo and snot green 50-50, then camo alone.


It all comes together, inks are important too. A good tip is to water the colours slightly and as they dry they will blend natrally. It sounds complicated, but its worth it. . . . lol





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  • 2 weeks later...

Well people the sargent is finally complete, which means I have s whole combat squad to allie with my 4th company ultramarines.




I dont have any photos yet, because as you can understand, I need natural light. Im still getting used to painting these dudes, so im kinda making em up.


Watch this space for new pics people as I will have them on within the next couple of days.


Check out my whirlwind in work in progress. It is for my 4th company army, I have a couple of games coming up, and a tournament at the begining of december.




thanks people B)

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Thats right people, as promised here he is.


my salamanda sargent is now complete, If im honest I struggled to get him done, I kinda started to loose interest, but once I start a model I finish it!! ;)






However, I now have a functioning command squad that can allie with my ultramarines, its a strart. ;)






Here are the photos guys, let me know what you think, I appreciate any and all comments, enjoy the pics. :D


thanks :P

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