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Alternative Seismic (War)Hammer

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After revitalising my Assault on Black Reach Dreadnought using Cathar the Great's tutorial (Linky) I wanted to make it possible to use my Dreadnought as an Ironclad, should the whim take me to do so. Instead of paying money for a Seismic Hammer arm from Bitzbox I decided to make my own for use with my existing pair of close combat arms. The thought then struck me that I could make a literal "Hammer" like Cathar did. After a little rummaging around in my bitz drawers I discovered that the construction of one wouldn't be that difficult.

Here is my tutorial on how to make a Seismic Warhammer for a Dreadnought:

I have used various bits of things in this modelling project that you may not have available. This tutorial is just to give you an idea of how to make a hammer, I have no doubt that you will be able to find similar, suitable pieces to fit the same purpose.

First, I rummaged around the house and found a big felt tip pen lid of about 12mm diameter it had an interesting end that I thought I could use. Cut the end off and sand it down to give a level edge. I glued that to an old piece of Dreadnought power fist. The spike on it is actually a piece of an engraving bit that I broke a while ago and stuck in my bits box, you will surely be able to find a similar pointy piece somewhere in your house that will look similar enough.


Next, find a piece of dowell (I used an old paintbrush!) of 5mm diameter and drill into the end so that you will be able to pin it to the hammer head. This piece will need to be 30-45mm long depending on how long you want the handle to be.


Next, drill through the hammer head, whatever you have decided to make it from. It is very important that if you are drilling all the way through that you make your hole straight or you will have a wonky looking hammer!


Add bits to the hammer to finish the butt of the handle (I used another old grinding tool) and a square piece (I used one of the ammo boxes from the devastator sprue filed into a more suitable shape) to the side of the handle that is the "business end" as I have done.


Thanks for looking at the first half of the tutorial, next time we will be adding power leads, and additional details to the hammer to finish it off. Here is one last picture to show you the scale of the hammer.


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