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I Am Legion's Blood Angel Terminators

I am Legion

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Very very nice. I love the red you managed to get, and the NMM (I guess it is, at lest) gold is great as well. Only thing is that the black areas look at bit unfinished. They are very... black. Maybe try some very dark grey blends or something.


- Natanael

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Agreed, top notch paintjob.

If I may make a suggestion myself, I would probably pick a color other than yellow for my gems. Don't get me wrong, you made them look good, but it can't be an easy color to work with trying to build up the highlight.

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Thanks for all the great comments brothers. Everything on these guys was tedious to do from the red to the nmm gold. keep in mind im still figuring nmm out, but it's not that hard really. I seriously just went by what the white dwarf sanguinator paint job suggested for it and it works. The yellow gems may be changed some day, as I'm not a big fan of them, but I can't stand the purple either....some people on this site made them look really good mind you, I just don't see myself painting them that way. things change of course.
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@ Tigon - See I didn't think the terminator sergeants have black shoulder pads, but now i'm not so sure. I am trying to make my army as close to the actual Bloo Angel look as possible (which includes the black trip on red shoulder pads).


By the way I did drill out the bolters now. They look much better that way.


As far as battle damage. I've always prefered the "just came off the line" look. But I have been thinking about it lately. I may do that on my regular marines. And I Just primed the first one last night!!! Give me 2-3 weeks to paint it ^_^ .

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Thanks again. I Just finished the red on my first RAS marine for my new BA army. and I got the parts for the next two set up already. I think I may be done this one guy by the end of the week, but of course the camera was returned to my friend. I have to steal my GFs.......
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