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Shadow Force Dragomir - A Raven Guard Army


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Why you may ask?


Because they may just have dissolved my 'no JP Raven Guard army' resolution in a single blow:


Mk II Assault squad :D Which I've just ordered...


There's a Mk.V one too but Mk.V armour just isn't as cool as II, IV or VI for me. I chose the Mk.II partly for that reason and partly because I already have some Mk.V armour and didn't feel the need to double up on it. I hope they release some Mk IV assault kits, the Red Scorpion one is nice but has modern JPs and gear (including the legs which are the coolest Mk.IV piece).


I'm thinking I can drop a few bikes to get a Vanguard Squad in and use those lovely chainswords - the extra teeth on the back are fantastic - and old school BPs together with that delicious jump pack. I figure I can mix'n'match some Mk.IV-VI bitz in there too to give them the feel of a squad kitted out with Heresy era equipment. I also still have a few RG bitz leftover and a ton of Sevrin Loth body guard bitz too, so making some cool minis should be simple enough. I'm tempted to use Korvydae's body for the Sergeant too, though I did want to use him for my senior 1st Co vet (counts as Captain).


My argument for including them will be that the older JP is more efficient than the 'modern' one and the squad will DS in only in case of emergency - thus spending as little time as possible in the area ruining their wonderful old JPs...


OK, so it's flimsy, but I must have models with those chainswords and packs! Alternatively I could have a small Heresy era RG force I guess...hmm...

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For the Heresy Era Raven Guard, why don't you try another Legion? Would be nice to see what you would do with another colour. :P And I'm looking forward to seeing the progress of this log. Some amazing stuff here. Very inspirational ^_^



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I'm thinking I can drop a few bikes to get a Vanguard Squad in and use those lovely chainswords - the extra teeth on the back are fantastic - and old school BPs together with that delicious jump pack. I figure I can mix'n'match some Mk.IV-VI bitz in there too to give them the feel of a squad kitted out with Heresy era equipment. I also still have a few RG bitz leftover and a ton of Sevrin Loth body guard bitz too, so making some cool minis should be simple enough. I'm tempted to use Korvydae's body for the Sergeant too, though I did want to use him for my senior 1st Co vet (counts as Captain).


My argument for including them will be that the older JP is more efficient than the 'modern' one and the squad will DS in only in case of emergency - thus spending as little time as possible in the area ruining their wonderful old JPs...


OK, so it's flimsy, but I must have models with those chainswords and packs! Alternatively I could have a small Heresy era RG force I guess...hmm...




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So tell me SCC, is it possible for you to create a force that represents a Chapter better?


I haven't visited this in months, but after getting caught up on all the work I missed I must say that everything looks better than I remember. Well done, man! :lol:

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For the Heresy Era Raven Guard, why don't you try another Legion? Would be nice to see what you would do with another colour. ;) And I'm looking forward to seeing the progress of this log. Some amazing stuff here. Very inspirational :devil:



Thanks, I have to admit I am considering a different Heresy/Great Crusade era force instead of Raven Guard, that really is a lot of black...Thousand Sons and Ultramarines are probably top of my list right now though to do either in a reasonable time frame I'd have to resort to an airbrush or spray basecoat I think...


@Race Bannon & Pulse: Really? You feel that strongly about the possible addition of some JPs? Huh. Well, if it gives you guys any comfort I most likely won't swap Bikes for Vanguards, mostly because I like my JP free RG list too (and also I can't be bothered re-doing things like my force org chart ;) ).


I admit that, like most hobbyists, I get caught up in the excitement of new releases, my particular weakness though is FW, the GK didn't do much for me - I picked up the basic box 'cos there were some interesting parts, but I can't see myself actually making any - but FW, FW...I'm a total sucker, so I will use some of the bits - the chainswords and pistols in particular - in this force, I like those and I think they'll look good on a Sergeant or two or maybe even in the command squad.


Of course that does mean I need to pick a pre-Heresy Legion to paint those models as, they're just too nice for me to not paint...which leads me to...


@Ravendove: I have to admit, you're Sons of Orar have me leaning towards the Thousand Sons and a very similar red for those Mk.II Assault Marines...


@DP: Thanks mate!


@KK: Cheers :) I think the older armour and JPs would add some nice touches to those early BA successors, show that they do have a history almost as long as their parent Legion/Chapter...

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OK, a coupla quick shots of Brother Pallas in his near completed state. Really all I have left to do is add the Greif lenses to targeters and so forth, other than that I think I'll be able to put Pallas on the shelf and move on to the next unit...or that uni assignment I've been procrastinating over.



I'm not 100% sold on the white autocannon barrel shrouds, I had hoped it would offset the white raven on the left leg - a sort of diagonal offset. I'm not sure it does really, plus it's a touch flat, I hate highlighting big areas of white.


Turning to the DCCW you can see the 'obsidian' look is a bit disappointing too. It's almost worked but despite many, many applications of purple glaze on top of the grey highlights you pretty much have to be told it's there in these two images. It is a little more noticeable in real life - as you move the model to look at it the gloss varnish gives it a proper glassy look and you can see the purple laying underneath it a little more easily.




These pics also show the two pieces of etched brass I decided to add to the model at the last mini - the RG symbol on the arm and Aquila on the autocannon arm. All up, I'm pretty happy except...I forgot to drill placement holes for the Greif lenses so I'm going to have to be very careful when drilling them to allow the lenses to fit properly now. So dumb :P

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Pallas looks spectacular.

One thought might be to add some weathering and wear to the barrels, though.

Thanks DP, these boys are fresh off the Strike Cruiser though, so no wear or tear - weathering isn't a strong point of mine, clean and neat however are so...

And here's Pallas with his Greif (actually MV brand) lenses in place:


As I said previously, the banner is staying off for now, I need to do some Uni work and then keep moving forward with the army rather than concentrating on one specific unit. All up I spent around 14-15 hours on Pallas, that's more than I'd hoped but I think the results speak for themselves ;)

Bigger pictures:





Front left quarter (and finally a pic showing the purple properly!)


Rear quarter


Front right quarter




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I get them from my local model train shop - about AU $4 gets four the size of the red on on the wreath or two of the big weapons targeter ones. I love em, so easy to use, such a good result.


They go by a variety of different names - Greif lenses is the most common name but MV Products call 'em Realistic Light Lenses, Roundhouse sell Marker Lamp Jewels (these are faceted - like the yellow one used here, rather than round/lens-like and make great decoration) and so on. Drill a small hole - the lenses are symmetrical so they need a depression to sit in properly, add a dab of superglue, place and grin :D


Just be careful not to varnish them they don't seem to like that....

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He looks really really great. Knowing how black is a difficult color to achieve on a mini, you deserve congratulations.

And definitely, autocanons look ace on dreads. You definitely pushed me to buy the same RG ven dread from FW for my diy chapter (chapter badge based on the one of RG).

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@Race Bannon & Pulse: Really? You feel that strongly about the possible addition of some JPs? Huh. Well, if it gives you guys any comfort I most likely won't swap Bikes for Vanguards, mostly because I like my JP free RG list too (and also I can't be bothered re-doing things like my force org chart :P ).

The JPs are fine, its the actual FW models of mk2 i don't like. ^_^

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Nice dreadnought. Very impressed with the lenses. It's good to here where I can get them. :pinch:


As mentioned; some word-squiggles are missing on the purity seals.

Edited by Olisredan
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Mate, those gems/lenses look spectacular! The dread is really neat and good looking too. I would consider painting the barrels of the ac black or metallic over the current white, but it isn't the end of the world if you keep it the way it is.


This is a really interesting thread to follow...specially since i'm also a sucker for anything forge world does.

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Mate, those gems/lenses look spectacular! The dread is really neat and good looking too. I would consider painting the barrels of the ac black or metallic over the current white, but it isn't the end of the world if you keep it the way it is.


This is a really interesting thread to follow...specially since i'm also a sucker for anything forge world does.


I agree, now go update your biker/terminator thread!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys, there will eventually be script on the Dread seals...eventually...

Now dear reader,

My apologies for the lack of updates, real life insisted (again) upon interfering with my hobby time :)

As a result all I've been able to do is finish up Brother Dienekes of the Vengeance Hawks for Bro T:


I've stuck firmly to the 5 hour rules for Dienekes here and finished him up pretty quickly and simply. As a result Dienekes has a blade with a 'fire & ice' thing going on, a tremendous clash of green, orange and blue from the back and the bone areas are a little flat. Still, I'm hoping Bro T will be happy with the end result when he makes his appearance on the B&C Arena of Death at a US Games Day in the not too distant future...

I've also been thinking about what minis I'll donate to the Arena of Death as the pseudo-avatars for some of the other Admins...

Elijah7: There are three options here - Sallies, Steel Jackals (E7's DIY) or Legion of the Damned. I'm leaning towards the latter for a few reasons - first, I love the models, second, I love painting LotD models and third an LotD Marine might make an interesting character for the AoD battlefield...

Kurgan: I'm thinking Salamanders here too, definitely something with a meltagun or combi-melta. Maybe a Master of the Chapter mini of some sort, I do like those...

Nihm: I think the obvious choice for Nihm is some sort of Night Lord. Possibly a Pre-Heresy one. Or maybe a nice, corrupted Terminator of some kind...

Argos: This is a tough one. I'm actually thinking Tech Marine here, it's a little odd, but when I think 'Argos' I think of all the cool tech-creations he's made for the board like the various Painters. I could also try and paint a lex-Servitor to represent me, Argos is always making me write stuff down for him...

Scuzzy: That leaves our resident art Admin - madscuzzy. And that leaves me in a quandary 'cos the best I can come up with is an Imperial Fist, what with their scrimshawing and what-not or maybe a BA given their artistic bent. But neither really says 'Scuzzy to me. I do love his SoB drawings, maybe something really different like a Cannoness?

Feel free to chip in with suggestions folks...

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