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Allies for my Iron Warriors


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Ok I have 2 spawns, a box of possessed, and a box of raptors leftover from when I bought the army box. None of these models fit in with my Iron Warriors so I am looking at using them to start an allied force for my Iron Warriors. Right now I am torn between Black Legion, though I don't think Iron Warriors would trust them too much, and World Eaters. I would like to hear others opinions on this before I choose which path to take.
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To go with something different, you could try Night Lord Raptors.


They have a history of working with other warbands (see the attack with the Red Corsairs) and neither army is particularly faithful to the dark gods so that have that.

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Why not a few things?

Possessed are for instance Khorne nuts of a sorts or Wordbearers.

The Raptors are Night Lords.

You could integrate a few elements of other forces. Just say that during the campaign a few squads of allies ended up with them on that front.

Chaos Marines in large confrontations do fight together against the enemies of the Chaos Gods.


Also you could make your own little warband and give them that scheme. In time you could even expand them.

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