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The Emperor Protects - The Imperium Destroys


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After reading here for quite a while I decided to post my army here. The images come from my blog (which is in German). The photos are in chronological order with the oldest on top.



My first combat squad!



A few Marines, a lone Terminator and my Razorback






Army Overview.



Librarian in TDA



Assault Terminators ready for battle!



My 2nd Rhino



Magnetized Razorback battleready!



Chaplain with Jump Pack



Ironclad Dreadnought



Librarian with PA (face not done yet)



More Rhinos for the army. Mecha up!



Assault Marines



Imperial Bastion



I know my skills are not the best, I still hope they are not tooo bad ;)

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I forgot to add that I am planning to drybrush the bastion to bring out all the small detail in the walls. I just can't decide on the right color ... Thanks :D


if you drybrush it with forteress Gray (or any other light gray) it would look like stones or concrete. if you wash it with black it would more look like painted metal. the choice is up to you :)


I especialy like the white helmets on the terminators, the shading are realy good!


Edit: Typo...

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Solid looking army with a nice, coherent feel and colour. One major improvement would be to shade your marines and tanks in the recesses - for example with a mix of 1:1 chaos black & regal blue thinned quite strongly and painted directly into the recesses. This will add depth and really show off the details of your models - as a contrast to the somewhat flat appearance.



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Thanks for your comments! :P I will post some more photos when I get the time to make them.


@tiny sam

I will try and get a hold of some light gray, I don't have any at the moment ... THanks for the idea! The shading on the Terminator helmets is just Badab Black wash :lol: I love how it turned out!



I already washes many marines with Badab Black but I don't have any photos at the moment. That already takes care of the depth issue I think ^_^

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Sorry for the double post, but new pics are worth a new post :HQ: I just took a couple of pics with my mobile phone so sorry for the bad quality ...



Tactical Squads, Devestator Squads, Rhinos, Command Squad



Droppod, Dreadnoughts, Terminators, Land Raider Crusader, my girlfriend's Tyrannids



Imperial Bastion, Terminators, Assault Marines, Land Speeders, Predators



This second predator just got finished about 10 minutes ago. It has magnetized sponsons and can be used with them, with just the turret and it can also double as a Rhino if necessary.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another mini is finally ready for the table: Marneus Augustus Calgar, Lord of Macragge. Against fluff I decided to paint the Ultramarine symbols and the Crux Terminatus in silver instead of white and I do really like the result. This might also lead to me switching my army from Ultramarines to some unknown Ultramarines successor chapter which differents specifically in that color ;) Sorry for the bad pic, my camera is just not good tonight ...



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you might want to paint Lord MacCragge's face, he looks a little empty in that region.

Also, you may want to add more depth to his model, he looks a little different to the rest of your army. Those first ones seem to have some shading on them, but you appear to do less of that as you move on. Some sort of wash is in order, no?


And is that how everyone else sticks the smoke launchers on their Predators? I always tacked mine onto the sides, and at an angle.

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I did not wash/ink Calgar, yet. I am actually waiting for the rest of my army to be done and then I will wash ~ 30-40 minis in one go. So yes, until then he does look kinda flat ;) Overall I am not a fan of highlighting, I just don't like it very much ^^ But wash is going to come quite soon! Thanks for the comments :D
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks again Mick B)


So here is a newer and better pic of my Scriptor. Sadly you can clearly where I missed with the blue paint. Shame on me!



And here is my Honour Guard, without Wash (like all my newly painted minis atm)... I'm out of sand for the bases, too ;) The Banner Bearer is still WIP. Not sure how to paint the banner right now.


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You mean the quality of the picture? A friend of mine took it with her really expensive camera last Friday. If you mean the painting quality then that's probably because of the wash. It is the last mini I washed and I hope that the newer ones (like Marneus and his Guard) are going to look as good after being washed!
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Actually I meant the quality of the model. But stupid as I am I didn't take enough time to watch it close enough. Washes! Should have seen that!

First of all, your friend's camera is top notch. I envy you!

Second, I was worried of the librarian actually was your work, which I doubted, to be honest. But considered that the other fellas just aren't washed yet, suddenly everything makes sense!

It's really incredible what such a little amount of colour and chemistry can change, isn't it?



Well... I guess they will look as good. May I suggest that you take the pictures after washing them? Might get you some more feedback. :-)

After washing your minis, do you highlight them again?

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It's really amazing what some Badab Black can do to a model ^^ Especially Calgar looks kinda crappy right now ... Of course I also spent quite a lot of time on the Librarian, more than on any other mini ;)


I will repost them after washing anyway :) My own good camera will arrive an Saturday so then I can make high quality photos, too ;)


Usually I do not highlight again after washing. I like the results enough the way they are.



I just noticed I did not post my Captain in TDA, so here he is:




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I got myself some Badab Black again and started applying it. I like the results =) I posted all of the below models before without the Badab Black on them, so compare :lol:



Honour Guard



Terminator Captain



Libby in PA

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  • 2 months later...


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