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Rogue Trader-styled army


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I plan to do a Rogue Trader-styled army soon, utilizing Forgeworld's fantastic Mark VI kits and various plastic bits along with the Umbra-pattern boltguns and their other RT-style special weapons. I have all my plans done, including what I'm going to use etc. but I'm having a little trouble with two things:


- Paint scheme

- Basing style


For the painting scheme, I'm open to any ideas.

The basing style should be distinctive, but simple to do. It should also evoke retro callbacks to the RT days, so a few suggestions here would be helpful.


I should mention that I'm only sixteen, so obviously I wasn't around in the RT days, but I do have my uncle's old Space Marine Painting Guide somewhere in my room, back in the days when there were only the Big Four and Salamander Green and Blood Angels Orange were real colours, so I have access to a bit of background :D

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Honestly, don't do RT era basing. It is awful (sand, goblin green, drybrush sunburst yellow). Best to use RT era insignia and markings with modern techniques - you'll be much, much happier with the result. The RT rulebook has a markings guide. In short no squad designations, no distinction between assault, devastator etc for the most part - these came later, with the MkVII armour. Weapon specialisms (even amongst squad members) had badges awarded which were on the plain shoulder pad, just under the chapter insignia. Rank markings were usually on the forehead area of the helm and/or also under the chapter insignia. Graffiti / slogans were much more prevalant (kiss this / adios / kil kil kil) as RT era marines were basically press-ganged psycho-indoctrinated lunatics, rather than the mentally disciplined 'it's an honour' sort of backstories we have now.

I was thinking that myself. I wasn't planning on any special distinction between the different squad types and I never have done that in the past, as I figure their purpose can be inferred from their loadouts, but I don't think I'm going to do any heralrdry or squad markings either. I think my veterans will have white helmets, and command characters will have golden wreaths on their helmets and shoulder pads. Also, for the bases, I've decided on a grey rocky moonscape sort of idea. It's just the colour scheme I'm having a bit of trouble with. I was going to do an Enchanted Blue base layer with white shoulders but then I realised this would look far too much like the Ultramarines back in the day.


So, still looking for colour scheme suggestions, guys.

That's a pretty useful resource, averykiss.


But, I think I've figured out what I want in the colour scheme. I think something along the lines of the Sons of Medusa or Sons of Orar, with a distinctive main colour and white shoulderpads would suit the army well. I plan on getting the army display in my local game store, and I think a colour scheme like this would really stand out amongst the dark, grimy marines also in the cabinet. Does anyone know of any chapters with a colour scheme like this, without any major fluff on them?

I was thinking DIY, but I'll have a look into those Chapters as well.


EDIT: Thanks for the suggestions, but camo is way above my level and split scheme aren't really my style.


What do you guys think of the Sons Of Orar as a theme? I know that the Chapter posesses a high amount of Corvus armour, which is ideal, and there isn't much pre-defined fluff on them, leaving me free to do my own interpretation of the Sons as a whole.

Good idea, I like pre-Heresy, but I see Space Marines as a methodical strike force, rather than the "ARGHAAHARBARGH" of the World Eaters. thanks for all your suggestions, guys, but I think that I'm going to go with the Sons Of Orar for my force. Now, just to learn how to paint red well B)


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