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Which unit do you have the most fun using?


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Well the question should be clear for everyone. Please also give (the) reason(s) why as that makes it a little more interesting ;)


For me its always been Berzerkers. I got hooked to them when I used them for the very first time, I havent played a single game without them I think! I love the amount of high quality attacks they have on the charge and the awesome little Skull champion who killed so many stuff with his powerfist that I lost track of it! Its also a rewarding unit to play with, because getting the charge with them isnt all that easy when they are mounted in a rhino.


Whats yours?

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After my one squad of Berzerkers chewed through 2 carnies and a hive tyrant (previous nid dex)in one game, they certainly became my favourite unit. There is also something about the look on some SM player's face when he recieves his first zerk charge! Especially if they are young! Oh, the shattered innocence!


My second favourite unit is the humble, Defiler. The defining momement in its career was when it blew 19 space marines to smithereens in ONE shot! Never again will my opponent pack his tac squads in front of my Defiler and never so closely again! There is just something about a massive cannon attached vicious claws and piloted by an enraged deamon!


Glory to Chaos!!!

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Plague marines, sitting in cover on an objective...... absolutly a monster to dislodge. love it.


and my often ignored chaos spawn. they are so bad everyone ignores them but they give a decent cover save for troops behind them and can eat up scouts and snipers if my opponent lets them get close. more of a fun unit than a practical one.

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Whats yours?

The first time my frequent opponent met my Warptime/Wind of Chaos Tzeench Prince. The priceless look on my opponent's face whilst he eats his way through Shrike, Five Terminators, Ten Tac Marines, their Rhino and finally his Dreadnought without so much as a scratch

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In smaller games, it's gotta be my Vindicator. Hit or miss, in a small game, the look on the other players face when you roll those scatter dice is great! Apoc games, my wall 'o' Dreadnoughts. Dreadclaw'ing 8 insane 20 ton monstrosities directly in the rear of their lines always gets a laugh, even when they turn on each other.


Edit: Poor spelling.

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It's usually my 4 flamer + power weapon Chosen unit for me, outflanking them in a rhino and dropping four templates on any unit is quite enjoyable. Let's just say that my regular ork opponent has taken to arranging all his squads in a large grid slightly inside unit coherency (which usually covers his whole deployment zone) just to avoid my flamers :)


I haven't played apoc with this force yet, but I can imagine that my 8 DP's will be quite fun when dropped anywhere close to the enemy.

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That has to be my unit of 10 Berzerkerz with Power Fist in there Land Raider.

The sheer amount of attacks they do is always fun and the look on your opponent face when you say: '9 times 4 is 36 attacks' :)

And then when he is happy he got something still standig you say: '4 more Power Fist attacks':lol:


I'm loving it :FA:

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That has to be my unit of 10 Berzerkerz with Power Fist in there Land Raider.

The sheer amount of attacks they do is always fun and the look on your opponent face when you say: '9 times 4 is 36 attacks' :P

And then when he is happy he got something still standig you say: '4 more Power Fist attacks':D


I'm loving it :D

I did that today, and my opponent was dumbstruck. Wiped out two Combat Squads, Five Assault Marines and ID'd a Librarian in two turns.

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That has to be my unit of 10 Berzerkerz with Power Fist in there Land Raider.

The sheer amount of attacks they do is always fun and the look on your opponent face when you say: '9 times 4 is 36 attacks' :verymad:

And then when he is happy he got something still standig you say: '4 more Power Fist attacks':D


I'm loving it :D

I did that today, and my opponent was dumbstruck. Wiped out two Combat Squads, Five Assault Marines and ID'd a Librarian in two turns.


I wouldn't really call it "dumbstruck"...


I just rolled poorly and couldn't take out enough of them to have much of a definitive effect in the long term assault. A 40k player with poop for brains knows that Khorne Bererkers are good in close combat :/


[Edit] Typos

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Basic chaos marine squads.


I've done godly things with these guys. Long story short, 3 marines assaulted and killed 3 separate 12man fire warriors squads over the course of 3 turns. Had their consolidation rolls been poor the broadside and sniper drone teams would have killed them. Plus flexibility and the overall badassery of CSM makes them a favorite.

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Chaos Space Marine squads.


Marked by Khorne.


With a power fist totting champion.


And two plasma guns to boot.


Nothing likes getting close to these guys. From Striking Scorpions to Grey Hunters, these guys eat through anything, and can shoot stuff dead too!

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Basic chaos marine squads.


I've done godly things with these guys. Long story short, 3 marines assaulted and killed 3 separate 12man fire warriors squads over the course of 3 turns. Had their consolidation rolls been poor the broadside and sniper drone teams would have killed them. Plus flexibility and the overall badassery of CSM makes them a favorite.


I have to agree with you, I use 3 squads in Rhino's and most of the times it is those 30 Marines that win you the game.

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All things considered, I have to go with my squad of Berzerkers. The whole unit has done awesome things in the name of the Blood God... except for their sadly inept Aspiring Champion with power weapon, who, for whatever reason, rolls the worst attack rolls EVER, in every game. I'm thinking about permanently sacrificing him to Khorne and starting over.


As an alternative, I have a squad of cultists, converted from Empire Flagellants, who are, for some reason, the most survivable speed bump in the game. I had one guy, the flamer bearer, inexplicably (and quite improbably) survive multiple barrages from a drop pod, followed by three turns of close combat against a squad of Blood Angels and an Inquisitor Lord, before he finally fell in glory to the Ruinous Powers. Of course, they're not covered in the current C:CSM, but they are a recurring unit that I use in all my games under our house rules and I relish their employment.

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Mine is one of my bezerker squads. Turn one of a DoW deployment they assaulted a 30man combined guard squad they were in a raider. Killed around 8 lost one. Next turn he charged me with 2 10man pineal legion squads. That turn i lost another zerker so I was down too 6. My champ slapped his commissar with his fist insta killing. Total I killed 10 he failed his non stubborn LD and tried too run I chased the remains of the 30man down and one of the penal legion squads with a physic in it to there deaths. The last squad ran off the table.So too recap my 8man squad of zerkers killed 52 guardsmen.
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I fear NO berserker, due to having played my friends world eaters all the time. ( in fairness he does not field them in rhinos or raiders due to price! so they dont get to close) As i play deathguard my fave has to be ol typhus. I dont care if people say he can be one hit KO'd. Best moment was when he faced of against night bringer and didnt die. Friend exclaimed "ha ha ha hes T8 not much he can do" i laughed and said i just got a 6 for demon weapon and its poisoned............... Dead night bringer!!!
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I really like our chaos dread! Please dont flame me ;) I just think the dread is crazy and you never know what he will do. The good thing, neather is your opponet which make them be very careful around him. My dread has killed whole squads of marines eith no damage back. That leaves room for you other forces. Of course you lose a marine or two of your own every game but thats chaos for you :D I think we should have more of this crazy random stuff, only dread and possed so far and I love both.
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I really like our chaos dread! Please dont flame me ;) I just think the dread is crazy and you never know what he will do. The good thing, neather is your opponet which make them be very careful around him. My dread has killed whole squads of marines eith no damage back. That leaves room for you other forces. Of course you lose a marine or two of your own every game but thats chaos for you :D I think we should have more of this crazy random stuff, only dread and possed so far and I love both.

I believe we should be able to buy this randomness. Have a Chaos Dread that is the same as a SM Dread with Chaos tweaks, then a "Possessed Dread", with a bunch of +1's on his statline, but with Crazed as it's downside.

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While that 'possessed dread' idea is actually pretty good, I have to say I too enjoy using chaos dreadnoughts. Initially I had them as dual close combat arm monsters, running towards the enemy like a mad wall of iron, but I've switched to multimeltas and since then my opponents have really started to poop their pants and put more effort into dealing with them. Considering I also have 5 rhinos, a vindicator, a predator and a defiler, that is what I'd call a good change in enemy tactics. :P


But it's still the basic chaos marine squads that carry the day for me.

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