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Which unit do you have the most fun using?


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I enjoy running a winged unit of hacky-slashy doom, specifically;


Winged Lord with (undivided) Daemon weapon, attached to an


8 - man Raptor Unit, including a Champion with Dual Lightning Claws, and 2 Meltaguns.



It's not the most efficient use of points, it's the biggest fire magnet I have ever run, the Champion really should have a Powerfist to make the unit more versatile, and the Daemon weapon always backfires when you can't recover from it, but when this unit hits, it completely vaporizes what it touches.

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It just feels nice to roll 8 autocannon shots... with my 200 point unit..... Dakka Dakka Dakka.. I can just picture them on the battlefield and there is a wall of firepower raining down on their target.

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It's a tie.... this is a very cool question though, but for me it is a tie.


Strangely enough my answers come from the third edition era... remember when chaos was fun?


Anyway, first answer: Oblits. It takes me back to an era where I felt like Iron Warriors really had a foot hold in the 40K table top. It was like IW created these guys, and they are a real threat. Perhaps used by many Chaos legions, but the point is we (Chaos/IW) had a really unique unit that was a serious pain in the aquila to take care of. The Oblits, to me, represented Chaos VERY well: Unorthodox. Terrifying. Powerful.


The second is the third edition Chaos Lord. How fun it was to face another chaos army that could be completely different from my own. That truly was a fun era and you could really make your basic lord represent any -flavour- of chaos you wanted to. Could it be abusive? Sure but unfortunately many open ended, creative units are. It depended on who was fielding him. The point is there was enough freedom for you to make a truly excellent HQ without using a named character, and he would really be representative of your Chaos faction regardless of Legion. I miss that a lot.

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Sorceror with Gift of Chaos and wings. I usually give him Mark of Tzeentch and warptime too, just to mkae him more durable and more decent in Close Combat, and I don't normally use him for competitive games. What I use him for is random fun, Deepstriking, creating a spawn, and survivng the until next turn, where he creates another spawn, charges some vulnerable unit, and consolidates towards cover. Repeat previous turn :HQ:
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The Defiler, for the simple reason that few units define Chaos as well as a possessed battle crab walker with a giant cannon. Tactically, I really like the fact that it always has a use somewhere on the battlefield.


As an aside, I'm kinda taken back by the Berserker love. From someone who only plays non-cult, I might be missing out on a whole lotta fun.

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The Defiler, for the simple reason that few units define Chaos as well as a possessed battle crab walker with a giant cannon. Tactically, I really like the fact that it always has a use somewhere on the battlefield.


As an aside, I'm kinda taken back by the Berserker love. From someone who only plays non-cult, I might be missing out on a whole lotta fun.


You remind me of how much fun I had with my dual Defiler list. Back when I was doing pure World Eaters (See my albums for examples) I ran a great army that had no shooting.... except the Defilers, but I basically kept fleeting them up with the Rhino's full of World Eaters.




I gave them an extra close combat arm, and I really didn't care about armour.... I mean between a DP, Khârn and 2 defilers.... Basically if I was still alive....the other guy wasn't. I also preferred to use the Daemon Soulgrinder model for my dual armed Defilers. Great model.


SO I guess I do have a current edition 'favourite' to use. That would be it: Defiler.

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I really like shooty lists, and Oblitterators have really grown on me. At first I did not enjoy the fleshy mergings of the models, or their fluff itself, but chaos' more disgusting looks have, again, grown on me. Plus the reactions of my opponents, who've come to truly hate them.


Imagine how much scarier they'll be in the next codex (S5 T5, probably more... shut up I can dream).


Berzerkers are pretty cool too, I've taken to using them every game as a counter attack unit, they're the only melee combat I use really, but boy do they take skulls.


But something that's always stuck out at me since the beginning, through the concept, the rules, and the fluff, is the chaos defiler. This baroque beast of iron and rage has seen many marines "trapped behind their own defences", and despite it's inadequate rules, it has a place in my blackened heart.

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MY THAT WAS FUN! :devil:


So what made you stop?


That's a good question.... my knee jerk answer was going to be: Repetition.


But then I recalled I used this tactic with only one of my chaos armies- World Eaters. In 4th edition I recall getting my arse handed to me by Orks... over and over. I just couldn't crack their lines... since they too had furious charge, an extra attack, and toughness 4 for quite a few less points. That was before the -critical- change to the fearless rule.


I never found another army that the dual charging defilers worked better in though. It really felt like you were playing World Eaters in a time where the codex made no such allowances. Something about being in the enemy's turtled up, back lines, wreaking total havock with Khârn and two defilers munching on tanks buffet style. :pirate:

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Imagine how much scarier they'll be in the next codex (S5 T5, probably more... shut up I can dream).

in the next dex they will be both over costed and nerfed , that is how GW works . Good options from one dex become bad in the next one .

Yeah, I already prepared myself mentally for the fact that I'll be shelving all my Oblits and Princes hehe.

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I don't know if Oblits will get further nerfed... I mean compared to third edition, the current Oblit rules are nerfed.


I guarantee if they do new models... no nerf.


Daemon Princes on the other hand have a new model so I would be shocked if they don't get nerfed.

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Daemon Princes on the other hand have a new model so I would be shocked if they don't get nerfed.


Well is there anyone who doesn't think that the Daemon Prince is underpriced for what you get?


Or at a bare minimum, the other options are overpriced?

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I don't know if Oblits will get further nerfed... I mean compared to third edition, the current Oblit rules are nerfed.

you played IW right ? because everyone else had 1 squad of them , and cult guys couldnt even do that. . now they can have 9 . it was a buff. if codex chaos had the same price/rules for havovks/preds/vindis and 0-1 oblits it would suck hard.


I guarantee if they do new models... no nerf.

like possessed or spawn in the Gav dex?

Well is there anyone who doesn't think that the Daemon Prince is underpriced for what you get?

I do. he is properly priced . if he cost 15 pts more chaos at 1500 pts would be unplayable.

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Mine has to be the Greater Daemon! For some reason my opponents cant seem to kill it (without throwing ridicilous amount of time and effort, (now that is if he is not fighting against Njal or DH GM), but that is mostly because of the fact that I never ever fail his Inv saves xD I do fail all of my Smoke launcher saves :) but that just balances things out. The GD is a killer, never fails to get its points back!
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I don't know if Oblits will get further nerfed... I mean compared to third edition, the current Oblit rules are nerfed.

you played IW right ? because everyone else had 1 squad of them , and cult guys couldnt even do that. . now they can have 9 . it was a buff. if codex chaos had the same price/rules for havovks/preds/vindis and 0-1 oblits it would suck hard.


That's true. I just don't know why you would nerf them further. In a codex with so little going for it, the Oblits are at least different, and a very 'chaosy' feeling unit. I am going out on a limb and thinking they go plastic, and get back the ability to shoot projectile type ammo like before. If I'm wrong.... I'll be pretty disappointed.


I guarantee if they do new models... no nerf.

like possessed or spawn in the Gav dex?

Well is there anyone who doesn't think that the Daemon Prince is underpriced for what you get?

I do. he is properly priced . if he cost 15 pts more chaos at 1500 pts would be unplayable.

That's not fair and you know it. Any reference the Gav-dex and common sense is unfair. That may sound harsh, but it's true. Or else spawns would have made some sense too, and terminators would have been better. :o

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I'm not entirely sure that GW makes new models and gives them boss rules. If that is a rule, it certainly has a lot of exceptions, the pyrovore, chaos spawn, possessed, flashgits, the list goes on.


I also would call the change from T5 S5 a nerf, I believe the only reason they did that was because they were removing a lot of "Y-X" choices, not as a buff.

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I just don't know why you would nerf them further.

every chaos player bought/made 6-9 oblits. new codex comes out , oblits still good... no one buys new stuff and GW is all about buying new stuff.



Any reference the Gav-dex and common sense is unfair.

how about oblits in the JJ dex [ok that is unfair too]? thing is GW always does this . rhino good rhino bad rhino good again . mini max , 10 man , mini max etc.

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how about oblits in the JJ dex [ok that is unfair too]? thing is GW always does this . rhino good rhino bad rhino good again . mini max , 10 man , mini max etc.


If you're asking me honestly? I thought Oblits were fair in the Gav-dex and in the Pete Hanes dex. So I guess that would be it for that theory.


I think things have changed so much since Chaos came out. I think unofficially, the 'rules' for making a codex changed just after Chaos. They all have so much going for them now. It's like there was a complete mind set change starting with Orks.... I'm not saying 'all codexes are equal', but they seem to have followed a similar direction.


I really think the next time they visit Chaos it will be really good. They shunned a lot of players, and now there is a huge, untapped resource there. I hope they see this, and capitalize on it. After all you can't have this omnipotent, heroic Imperium if you don't give the bad guys (Chaos) some serious power as well. Right now we're a fringe 'dex at best. I really, really hope that we will see a total reversal of codex style next time around. :)

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It's like there was a complete mind set change starting with Orks

only we both know that codex orks was ready before codex chaos was done . The main part of why the new codex looks how it does is because they had to find something fast to fill in the gap the missing ork range created . they just didnt have time to test stuff , so legion rules were out , demons where planed for the dual w40k/WFB [with Matt doing the WFB dex :) and more or less killing 7th ed single handly] so they cut them out too . + they had Thorpe to do the dex , so he just did some copy past , ploped some alternated ways to painted models[and realy some of those are different shades of legion :o]. And codex was done. There were so many ways to do the dex better , even with the same copy past mind set [not talking about lords opening slots or changing FoC etc] , but Thorpe was never good at writing codex. In the end even if the codex is boring right now and kind of a sucks for someone who doesnt not want to play DP/oblit set up , the worse part is that the next dex is going to be based this one , not the 3.5 one. So the next one will be legion free , maybe we get some extra specials [all other codex have more HQ then we do] , probably set up of units will change [maybe csm will get better then pms/zerkers , maybe defilers get better then oblits or maybe havocks get some buff etc] and that will be it . After 5-6 years of waiting and before the 6th ed we will be where codex SW is now .

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mine has to be chosen terminators. 3 combi meltas, a chain fist and a champ.


i was using this set up x2 before i heard the term "termicide" and its tried and true. even after they dump their load of melta the champ almost always survives and of course ya can guess what happens next.... he turns into a cheap killing machine called a greater demon. 100 points of bad azz!!!


besides that cheesed out trick that makes me laugh everytime i love death guard in hard cover. might as well ignore me cuz i aint going no where hehe.


ill also throw in my fav from back in the glory days.



mark of slaanesh

doom siren

combat drugs

twin master crafted lightning claws

demonic aura

demonic strength

demonic mutation

demonic speed

furious charge



this guy was my MVP .first turn in your lines with always strike first rerolling hits and wounds on 6 power weapon attacks!



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most certainly Abaddon, I converted a model to represent my warsmith and everygame he just kicks so much ass. Hes our only durable close combat machine anymore and in my local meta game filled with grimnars, mephistons and calgars i still feel like i can go toe to toe with their characters and still come out on top. except when he trips on his shoe laces and pokes his eye out.
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