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Which unit do you have the most fun using?


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My favorite unit is definitely my Dark Apostle. He's a CSM lord with daemon weapon (unmarked), power armor and plasma pistol. It consistently has uncanny luck, frequently wiping out entire enemy squads in cc before his CSM bodyguards get a chance to swing.


A close second is the Possessed vindicator. Daemonic possession as an option eliminates everything I didn't like about the loyalist version - specifically that a glancing hit shut it down for the turn.

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my MoN warptime daemon prince....there is nothing that monster can't do...from a 5 man bike squad eaten in a single turn,

to taking out a trygon, to tearing open a land raider, he is a the ultimate heavyweight.


A close second is my chaos lord with a daemon weapon....he usually dies due to istakill, but usually take a lot of

enemies with him....on one memorable occasion he single-handledly took out a mawloc...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Either my Berzerkers or my Bloodfeeder lord that often goes with a unit of them. That combination won me a 500pt tournie with a clean sweep, utterly annihilating everything they touched with my Lord not suffering a single wound from his weapon during the whole thing. Just the amount of dice is enough to make people groan, telling them that ~7 of those dice are power weapon strikes adds to the groaning, as does the "End of assault? Nope, my Skull Champion has a powerfist!" for that extra added groan.
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Add me to the Dread-wagon, because I just can't get enough of these nutty b@stards!

Every game I play now - no matter the points cost - has at least 2 of these monsters! And 3 if I can afford it! Haters gonna hate - but there is something maddeningly fun about these things running about and murdering friend and foe alike!


After Dreads... Khârn sure gets a positive note in my book :)

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Haters gonna hate - but there is something maddeningly fun about these things running about and murdering friend and foe alike!


After Dreads... Khârn sure gets a positive note in my book :lol:

Having a mad killing machine that kills friend and foe alike IS hilarious (Putting a Plasma Cannon template into your own unit never gets old), but it does screw up your chances of winning.


Khârn = 165pts


3x Plasma Cannon Dreads = 315pts


Look on your opponent's face when you wipe out everything on the table including yourself = priceless :)

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Having a mad killing machine that kills friend and foe alike IS hilarious (Putting a Plasma Cannon template into your own unit never gets old), but it does screw up your chances of winning.


Khârn = 165pts


3x Plasma Cannon Dreads = 315pts


Look on your opponent's face when you wipe out everything on the table including yourself = priceless :)


Give this man a medal!


He understands :P

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Having a mad killing machine that kills friend and foe alike IS hilarious (Putting a Plasma Cannon template into your own unit never gets old), but it does screw up your chances of winning.


Khârn = 165pts


3x Plasma Cannon Dreads = 315pts


Look on your opponent's face when you wipe out everything on the table including yourself = priceless :(


Give this man a medal!


He understands :D



Well if he 'understands' then I think GW has lost the message because current codices do not have down sides anymore. "Special" rules are nearly free and have almost no downfall.


If they wrote the Chaos codex with their current mentality in play, the Dreads would fire multiple times as a bonus only. Perhaps Khârn would only attack enemies... and heck, while they're at it, how about Possessed that won't start the game picking their noses as a special warp induced power? :P

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Look on your opponent's face when you wipe out everything on the table including yourself = priceless ;)


Give this man a medal!


He understands :D

*accepts medal with pride*


Well if he 'understands' then I think GW has lost the message because current codices do not have down sides anymore. "Special" rules are nearly free and have almost no downfall.

Before this goes down the "Our Codex sucks" route again, let's nip this in the bud.



If they wrote the Chaos codex with their current mentality in play, the Dreads would fire multiple times as a bonus only. Perhaps Khârn would only attack enemies... and heck, while they're at it, how about Possessed that won't start the game picking their noses as a special warp induced power? :P

But the point is that THEY HAVEN'T. I kinda like the randomness, it just needs to be less debilatating for us.


Khârn - Meh, at 165pts he can kill as many friendlies as he likes. He's a steal.


Dreads - I wouldn't mind the Frenzy if we could buy it away for a small cost, or heck, even have a lower costed dread that suffers from it.


Possessed - Ugh, don't get me started. Yes they suck, but they were written for a different rules edition. Sure they sucked a bit even in old rules, but they were a bit better.


But I digress. This is not an "Our Codex is Lame" thread (trust me, it's been done a million times!), it's a "What do you find fun?" thread, and contradictory to a popular phrase, "Friendly fire, IS [funny]"

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For me, it's a tie between my regular CSM and my dreads. Both get fielded in nearly every army list I write.


Of course, the good 'ol CSM will get stuck in doing the job they need to do, whatever it may be. They consistently have won games and proven their worth it, time and again. Over time, I built about four units with nearly all options available, except for most heavy weapons.


My dreads are great for the nuisance factor, both to me and my opponent. The first few times I fielded them, my regular opponents thought it to be a bad move. But then, they are too dangerous to completely ignore. It's a risk I'm well aware of, and I do realize their're not the competitive choice to take. These days, they're usually one of the first units to be taken down, as my opponents see the danger they pose, Crazed or not.

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and heck, while they're at it, how about Possessed that won't start the game picking their noses as a special warp induced power? :devil:


I cracked up, well played. I would have to say my favorite unit was my squad of Iron Warrior berzerkers. They almost never survived a game, but they always made a mess of things while they were up. I also like obliterators, although I guess this makes me a bad general, the cheesy gits have won me a whole lot of games. Heck I've won games in which the only thing left standing was my oblits. This is especially as I would bait expensive enemy units with a troops squad somewhere outside of cover and then drop plasma once my bait squad was horribly butchered, usually killing 300+ points of enemy models for my ~190 point squad. Power demands sacrifice.

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