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CSM Armies...that aren't mechanized

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Hello all,


As the title suggests, I wanted to ask you more experienced Chaos players if it is possible to win competetive games using non-mechanized Chaos forces. I understand the vast majority of people are "meching up" in 5th edition (including me :P ), but since I can't really try it out for myself at the moment (not enough models), is it actually possible to do well with a primarily infantry force, or any other variation?


Primary reason being that I want to collect another Chaos army after my Word Bearers have reached a good enough size, and I think it would be cool to do something different, whilst still remaining at least slightly competetive. What can I say, I can't get enough of Chaos.



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To quote myself:


If someone was dead set on using a footslogger list, here is what I'd do.


1) Start with 1-2 larger squads of either Thousand Sons or naked Terminators on the front line.

2) Use 1-2 squads of Sonic Blaster Noise Marines behind the TS or Termies

3) Fit in 1-3 squads of 2x Melta/Power Fist Plague Marines

4) Finish up with 2-3 squads of Oblits



Terminators or TS provide a cover save to everything behind them while making the most of their enhanced saves. They are the bullet sponges.

SBNM provide the mobile anti-infantry firepower. The fact that the targets get a cover save for shooting through the first rank should be mitigated by the fact that their normal targets (Guardsmen, Orks etc) will probably have a save anyway.

MGPM are your main short range anti-tank. They also benefit from the 4+ cover save to help protect them against AP2/S8 weapons.

Oblits are your mobile anti-tank and general fire support unit.

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well one could play 1ksons or NM , but even those are better with rhinos doing walls or in the case of 1ksons getting in to rapid fire range. but on general csm slogging armies suck .without a way to get cover saves for oblits and DP they die realy fast and playing havocks aint realy an option , because its not a good [as in we cant go las , RL cost too much and LR make us weak against av 13+,and unlike devs or SW they cant target two units per turn].
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well one could play 1ksons or NM , but even those are better with rhinos doing walls or in the case of 1ksons getting in to rapid fire range. but on general csm slogging armies suck .without a way to get cover saves for oblits and DP they die realy fast and playing havocks aint realy an option , because its not a good [as in we cant go las , RL cost too much and LR make us weak against av 13+,and unlike devs or SW they cant target two units per turn].


I would back the Noise marine or Thousand son list and as Jeske says they do better with Rhinos but I think you will find they still have a different style. I suggesting buying one or two of each squad (if you have non at the moment) and trying them out in your normal army and seeing if you like them and using them in different ways... see what works for you and then build an army from there.

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you wont tar pit because even if you move and run on turn one the LSDs will still be out of charge range , that is if you actualy run enough on them to see them on turn 2.[and considering we run around 3-4 rhinos in our lists it is not enough points to buy enough big enough LSD squads].
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I dont think its a viable option. Dont get me wrong, it looks amazing. I recently played my friends World eaters, 4 squads of 8 zerkers, 2 squads of 8 "assault" havocks, 2 squads 8 of CSM and a squad of 8 terminators. He walked them towards me, my DP, plague marine's and oblits punched hole's right through him.


Although if he had of hit home..............

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Thanks for the replies folks.


I would back the Noise marine or Thousand son list and as Jeske says they do better with Rhinos but I think you will find they still have a different style. I suggesting buying one or two of each squad (if you have non at the moment) and trying them out in your normal army and seeing if you like them and using them in different ways... see what works for you and then build an army from there.


Good idea, I think I might try that out.


If someone was dead set on using a footslogger list, here is what I'd do.


1) Start with 1-2 larger squads of either Thousand Sons or naked Terminators on the front line.

2) Use 1-2 squads of Sonic Blaster Noise Marines behind the TS or Termies

3) Fit in 1-3 squads of 2x Melta/Power Fist Plague Marines

4) Finish up with 2-3 squads of Oblits



Terminators or TS provide a cover save to everything behind them while making the most of their enhanced saves. They are the bullet sponges.

SBNM provide the mobile anti-infantry firepower. The fact that the targets get a cover save for shooting through the first rank should be mitigated by the fact that their normal targets (Guardsmen, Orks etc) will probably have a save anyway.

MGPM are your main short range anti-tank. They also benefit from the 4+ cover save to help protect them against AP2/S8 weapons.

Oblits are your mobile anti-tank and general fire support unit.


Interesting strategy, I might have to try that out too!


Looks like I'll be getting a box of Thousand Sons and Noise Marines in a month or two. I hope my Word Bearers don't mind... :P

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Frankly I see the Thousand Sons and Noise Marines as overpriced units. If you want to build a list around them due to fluff, ok. But taking them just to 'make a foot-slogging list work' isn't a good idea in my view.


Obliterators and havocs are key in a foot slogging list. 8 Havocs with autocannons will mince through transports, obliterators take care of heavy armour when they deep strike. Add to this some zerks and plague marines with meltaguns, or, at worst, csm squads with icon of chaos glory of Khorne with some meltaguns or plasma guns and just run towards the enemy (unless he's totting land raiders, in which case finesse will be required, or a squad of obliterarors deep-striking close enough to enjoy their melta weaponry).


You also have raptors which can be very useful in a foot list, either as assault units (big squads marked by Khorne or Slaanesh, with lightning claws and maybe flamers) or as tank busters (5 guys, meltaguns, optional icon of chaos glory).


A Lord with Steed of Slaanesh, wings or disc of Tzeentch should also complement the force, by popping out of the carrier squad an charging whatever support unit he can take on by himself.

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I just tried one in a recent tournament and got eaten alive, although that may be because I wasn't able to bring oblits or havocs. I think it's certainly possible to have a comp. footslogger army, but it will get trumped by a comp. mech. army every time in the current edition.
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