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+Blazing Sons+

Grey Hunter Ydalir

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Ah awesome! I am rather happy about that, thanks mate. I look forward to seeing a new iteration of Coenwalh and some guys, make sure to make a good record of them so I can take a look and be inspired!


The Blazing Sons are really attracting a bit of a crowd here, I suppose I need to work harder on some updates! :P


Good thing I'm doing that, well, not 'as we speak' but very much within the same time frame as I am typing this. Sort of.


Anyway, cheers SP.

Well, it's as up to date as it could be without me having added anything for a while. I actually have some extra work on some paper hanging around... somewhere...


I really need to write some new stuff here. This is getting silly.






Along with a set of similar beliefs to most other Astartes in the Imperium, the Blazing Sons are fierce proponents of individual choice. Stemming from the formation of the native church on firaxis, crucially, the shifting of faiths from the original and since corrupted religion. Growing from the original Imperial cult, the church's holdings increased substantially when the planet's tribes and clans began to settle into larger city states.


As the cities grew and became more established so too did the church's power extend from simple rituals to mass conversion of hard bitten, miserable workers and warriors that comprised the world's most easily swayed. What is now part of the world's origin history comprises a powerful collection of priests and ministers that rose to prominance in one of the smaller city states. What follows depicts a few, stalwart heroes who were, as legend has it, given visions by the Emperor himself, directing each of them from their various homes to an old and long forgotten Imperial Colony administration complex. There they found the true remnants of the Lectitio Divinatus, using it as evidence of the church's corruption.


The retaliation of the church was fierce and war raged over the lands for decades, a coalition of disgruntled and power-hungry city states finally driving the church's forces back. As the bell tolled for the church's final defeat, the unthinkable occured. The dead began to rise and horrific entities began to shamble through the carnage, driving the victorious armies before them. It was then that the Blazing Sons had found the now beleagured world.





Oh man that's getting wordy. When I get back from work I'll cut it down and stick something into the first post, but that's the gist of it.


Good? Not particularly, but it's a start! :lol:



Along with a set of similar beliefs to most other Astartes in the Imperium, the Blazing Sons are fierce proponents of individual choice. Stemming from the formation of the native church on firaxis, crucially, the shifting of faiths from the original and since corrupted religion. Growing from the original Imperial cult, the church's holdings increased substantially when the planet's tribes and clans began to settle into larger city states.


As the cities grew and became more established so too did the church's power extend from simple rituals to mass conversion of hard bitten, miserable workers and warriors that comprised the world's most easily swayed. What is now part of the world's origin history comprises a powerful collection of priests and ministers that rose to prominance in one of the smaller city states. What follows depicts a few, stalwart heroes who were, as legend has it, given visions by the Emperor himself, directing each of them from their various homes to an old and long forgotten Imperial Colony administration complex. There they found the true remnants of the Lectitio Divinatus, using it as evidence of the church's corruption.


The retaliation of the church was fierce and war raged over the lands for decades, a coalition of disgruntled and power-hungry city states finally driving the church's forces back. As the bell tolled for the church's final defeat, the unthinkable occured. The dead began to rise and horrific entities began to shamble through the carnage, driving the victorious armies before them. It was then that the Blazing Sons had found the now beleagured world.


I have but one problem with all of this.


This is a history of the Blazing Sons beliefs. Not what the actual beliefs are. I don't want to lecture at you, but the point of an IA is to explain the chapter. Combat Doctrine explains the combat doctrine of the chapter, that they are used to making and winning wars of attrition. Beliefs explains that they believe in... what? That you can choose to ascend to Chaos?

I have but one problem with all of this.


Frankly it's an explanation of why they believe what they do. It doesn't fit in Origins, Home World or History as easily as it does here. Is it a bit rambling and wordy? Yes definitely and it's something I'm trying to cut down heavily. I tend to ramble on and go slightly off topic when I do a first draft as I tend to imagine things in my head like a movie.


What I'm trying to do basically is to get all areas of the outline filled with at least a preliminary draft before going ahead and trying to polish it.


Beliefs explains that they believe in... what? That you can choose to ascend to Chaos?


Exactly. The belief in personal choice, that you are afforded that choice is key because it is one of the things that makes you a sentient being, that makes you human. What I'm trying to get across is that the Blazing Sons, as a result of their interactions with and being influenced by their homeworld.


Admitedly I should have put in a more concise summation of the beliefs to afford easier assessment of the above rambling nonsense.


In a nutshell: They believe in personal choice, no matter what. That you always have a choice, that there are never any excuses to be made and no mercy to be meted out to those that make the wrong choice, to those that choose to betray mankind. Each individual man is judged for their own personal choices, there are no excuses.

In a nutshell: They believe in personal choice, no matter what. That you always have a choice, that there are never any excuses to be made and no mercy to be meted out to those that make the wrong choice, to those that choose to betray mankind. Each individual man is judged for their own personal choices, there are no excuses.

Speaking as a Discworld fan, this is the perfect opportunity to quote/paraphrase one of my favourite lines:

"What practical definition of freedom would be complete without the freedom to face the consequences?"


Not that I'm suggesting you use a similar line as a quote for that section or anything. ;)

Speaking as a Discworld fan


You're not alone! Have you ever dabbled in the Discworld MUD by the way? Always good for a laugh, off the wall as it is.


Not that I'm suggesting you use a similar line as a quote for that section or anything. ;)


I like it, and I think I might steal and reword that into 40k-isms. Thanks Ace! :tu:

Speaking as a Discworld fan


You're not alone! Have you ever dabbled in the Discworld MUD by the way? Always good for a laugh, off the wall as it is.

Can't say I have, but that's getting off topic anyhow.


Not that I'm suggesting you use a similar line as a quote for that section or anything. :P


I like it, and I think I might steal and reword that into 40k-isms. Thanks Ace! :lol:

Fair play. But don't have Lord Vetinari (or any derivatives thereof) say it. :)

Saxon/Anglo-Saxon inspired culture. Small, cold world. Harsh climate a knock on effect of climate changing tech being abandoned during the Heresy. Cold but also sunburned, metal poor and rocky. Was part of the Imperium Pre heresy but was not important enough strategically to fight over and when the war moved past it dropped out of record. Rediscovered by the Sons (somehow), who then rescue them from an invasion by the forces of Nurgle.

Emperor's Tarot is great for divine coincidences like this. The Sons checked, and "Oh! Look! A planet in need of Space Marines!"


(( Would it work to have their homeworld be the world they refused to cleanse by order of the Iron Hands? Maybe they saw what the embittered, older cadre could not in the people who fought so valiantly against the incursion. or something. ))

Definitely, they cleansed the Plague of Nurgle without killing all the civilians, and the Iron Hands were rippin' ticked because they had ordered a complete extermination.



Rough, unrefined, uncompromising and intolerant of others failures and on the surface this makes them similar to the Iron Hands. Collectively sombre, honour bound and driven by duty. Their respect is earned and constantly reinforced by your actions though a single miss step can bring you back to square one very easily.

Coolio :) I like.


Along with a set of similar beliefs to most other Astartes in the Imperium, the Blazing Sons are fierce proponents of individual choice. Stemming from the formation of the native church on firaxis, crucially, the shifting of faiths from the original and since corrupted religion. Growing from the original Imperial cult, the church's holdings increased substantially when the planet's tribes and clans began to settle into larger city states.


As the cities grew and became more established so too did the church's power extend from simple rituals to mass conversion of hard bitten, miserable workers and warriors that comprised the world's most easily swayed. What is now part of the world's origin history comprises a powerful collection of priests and ministers that rose to prominance in one of the smaller city states. What follows depicts a few, stalwart heroes who were, as legend has it, given visions by the Emperor himself, directing each of them from their various homes to an old and long forgotten Imperial Colony administration complex. There they found the true remnants of the Lectitio Divinatus, using it as evidence of the church's corruption.


The retaliation of the church was fierce and war raged over the lands for decades, a coalition of disgruntled and power-hungry city states finally driving the church's forces back. As the bell tolled for the church's final defeat, the unthinkable occured. The dead began to rise and horrific entities began to shamble through the carnage, driving the victorious armies before them. It was then that the Blazing Sons had found the now beleagured world.

"We believe in personal choice. It's important." Blah blah blah History of why we believe it. Everything after the first two sentences is unnecessary and adds nothing. I hate to agree with DAT :) but he's right. This isn't a good place for this. Perhaps early history in the homeworld section?


The Blazing Sons bring their uncompromising attitude to the battlefield with the cold fury their parent chapter is infamous for. The Sons are similar to many of the Astartes in that they believe the best defense is a good offense and as such are rarely found on the redoubts when aiding other Imperial forces and in fact will launch counter offensive operations almost constantly until a forward momentum is established to drive the fight forward to the enemy.

Good. Solid. Straight to the point. Everything it should be. I like it. More fire though. BURN THE HERETIC!


Their battle tactics reflect their wider strategic mindset. Once committed to the field the Sons are rarely found in stand off engagements or exchanging heavy weapons fire with enemy emplacements. The advance is constant, brutal and rarely ceases. Overall pressure is preferred to pinpoint strikes and as such the Sons are commonly seen across the length and breadth of a campaign front, each force a handful of squads that support each other when needed.

I love this part. Just conjures up a very strong image. Perhaps add more adjectives to really drive it home?


"The advance is constant, brutal, and ceaseless; an inferno that consumes all in their path."


Each man's loyalty is owed to the Emperor before any other and as such the Sons have no sympathy for those rebels and traitors who claim only to have been following their superiors orders. They had a choice and whether they knew it was wrong is irrelevant. Their choice was made and the Sons arrival, the consequence.

Again, excellent. I definitely want to see a quote involving them executing a traitor who's only defense is that he was following orders.


"We were ordered to burn a world and we refused, casting aside the trust and respect of who were as fathers to us. You pitifully claim orders as justification for your Heresy?! You will find no pity here, no empathy for your crimes. Die traitor." *Boom!*




The Sons are mostly Codex adherent bar a few minor quirks. They field ten companies of roughly one hundred marines in each. However where the codex advises the presence of reserve and support companies, the Sons have replaced with full battle companies. They believe that their presence is required on far too many worlds for them to ever allow more than only those marines too wounded to carry on to leave the fight.

Larger than average recruiting program then?


Other than the replacement of the dedicated support groups, the chapter has inherited a few terms and smaller quirks from their homeworld. Each company has one 'Shield Captain' and is supported by his own household veterans who are permanently sworn to that company and that companies captain. When one captain is elected Chapter Master, the previous masters veterans elect a new captain for their company from their ranks.

Seems vaguely Black Templar-ish. Not bad mind you, just a thought.


They do not obsess over the weakness of the flesh, but instead focus on a weakness of spirit and lack of will. They may endeavor to afford you the choice as an individual but they will have no mercy upon you if you make what they consider to be the wrong choice. Their uncompromising nature makes this a bit of a game of Russian Roulette for anyone who is forced to deal with them.

Leave out Russian Roulette. Russia doesn't exist in 40k. Just say that it makes it a gamble for anyone who is forced to deal with them. Otherwise, I like this. Giving them a "choice," even though the only right answer is theirs.


Me too. In fact I'd link the Blazing Sons and the Corsairs to just about everyone who has a compatible chapter (or even an incompatible one that they finally begrudgingly accept as worthy allies! Much more interesting).

Saw this in the other thread :) Pick me! Pick me! My Sons bring a level hatred that even the Blazing Sons can't fathom. Work against the Eldar and we are best friends. Work with the Eldar... well... Don't do that. :) Kidding aside...


Really good start Grey. Looking forward to seeing them fleshed out more. I want to see them crush all resistance, burn their way across the galaxy, and generally make the rest of the universe their...harem?

"We believe in personal choice. It's important."


The problem is being able to explain it concisely when in the context of 40k, the Imperium and the Astartes are so far from freedom of choice and democratic life that we enjoy right now (most of us) that not having any justification for the belief seems rather flimsy and arbitrary. More "this is cool" than "this is why it's cool", if you get me.



More fire though. BURN THE HERETIC!


More fire? How could I possibly-


"The advance is constant, brutal, and ceaseless; an inferno that consumes all in their path."


-right. You really like the fire don't you? :P Joking aside, I do like that quote.


I also greatly appreciate the help with grammar and structure as it's one of my weaker points. Much thanks! :D


Larger than average recruiting program then?


Indeed. The home world is very much a warrior culture, as it should be, and if most of the population isn't in the pseudo PDF or a laborer, they are preparing their children to try out for application to the Sons. The Order of the Sun takes in all these applicants and trains them. The recruitment section of the Sons then induct all they can, any that fail the procedures and live are returned to the Order to become warriors there. The Order also serve as the chapters serfs.


At least, that's the idea and it hasn't had a second look since the last thread yet like just about everything else.


Leave out Russian Roulette. Russia doesn't exist in 40k. Just say that it makes it a gamble for anyone who is forced to deal with them. Otherwise, I like this. Giving them a "choice," even though the only right answer is theirs.


Whoops, the Russian Roulette thing was a bit of a failure on my part. I'll edit that post haste.


Saw this in the other thread :D Pick me! Pick me!


Well when my IA is of quality enough to stand on it's own (if not be admitted to the Librarium) then I think I can add a sidebar perhaps on your guys. What kind of link do you want? I can't see the Sons allying with the Eldar any time soon. They might postpone shooting them till after a larger threat is destroyed, but they would drive them away nonetheless.



Thanks for the encouragement and exploration of what I've got here already mate, it's heartening to see that I haven't fluffed it completely with this most recent rewrite and I think this is the closest thing I've come to a decent draft IA in a while.


It may be grinding onwards, but progress is being made, just as the Blazing Sons would want. ;)

Well I hate to double post, or bump or anything like that, but here it is.


I have been working slowly on various sections here and there, but a real bad speed bump has cut my time to work on such things, and post them, severely. I'm being evicted, and no I didn't do anything! :huh:


Yes it all sounds terribly tragic but really it's just a massive pain in the rear, the landlord wants his house back to live in for some reason and I have to find somewhere else, therefore I shan't be around much for the next month or so while I look for somewhere else to live and then get myself online again.


The Blazing Sons are not forgotten, nor are the people who have been a godsend in keeping my work from going native, as it were. I'll still be here on and off, but a few quick looks don't quite warrant the time I usually spend when writing up an addition to my chapters.


Well this turned out a bit more sombre than I'd intended. I'll be back, sooner rather than later I hope and who knows, I might be able to get some work done unexpectedly during the interim.


Thanks for the help my friends and comrades! :)

Well I hate to double post, or bump or anything like that, but here it is.

Heresy! :P

I have been working slowly on various sections here and there, but a real bad speed bump has cut my time to work on such things, and post them, severely. I'm being evicted, and no I didn't do anything! :lol:


Yes it all sounds terribly tragic but really it's just a massive pain in the rear, the landlord wants his house back to live in for some reason and I have to find somewhere else, therefore I shan't be around much for the next month or so while I look for somewhere else to live and then get myself online again.

Hmph. Give me a minute - I'll send the inquisitors 'round and they can ask this landlord guy what he thinks he's doing by delaying work on the Blazing Sons. :lol:


Well this turned out a bit more sombre than I'd intended. I'll be back, sooner rather than later I hope and who knows, I might be able to get some work done unexpectedly during the interim.


Thanks for the help my friends and comrades! :)

Best of luck with the house-hunting.

I reccomend secret caves - damn fine places to hide out from the rigours of the real world whilst you pen your IA. :P

That is, if there are any secret caves in Australia. Geography was never my strongest subject. :lol:

Well I hate to double post, or bump or anything like that, but here it is.


I have been working slowly on various sections here and there, but a real bad speed bump has cut my time to work on such things, and post them, severely. I'm being evicted, and no I didn't do anything! :P


Yes it all sounds terribly tragic but really it's just a massive pain in the rear, the landlord wants his house back to live in for some reason and I have to find somewhere else, therefore I shan't be around much for the next month or so while I look for somewhere else to live and then get myself online again.

Be sure to check with a legal representative that the eviction is "legal". There is supposed to be allot of renter protection clauses and stuff these days.

So I shall again hold off on sending Coenwahl till you find a new Fortress Monastary. Good luck with the house hunting and all that. I know how much of a pain that can be. You should come down here to Tassie. Plenty of places to rent or buy down here for far cheaper then you guys have on the mainland. Of course you wouldn't be able to get yto work from over here. But, hey, work just cuts into model time anyway...


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