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Exploiting 'a word in your ear'


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Hi all,


Was just readin' up on the codex and I came to the Callidus Assassin entry and the rule 'A word in your ear'. Could this be used to move your opponent's models off the edge of the table providing they are close enough?


I'm sure someone must have thought of this before.


Thanks in advance.



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  Bradskey said:
Hi all,


Was just readin' up on the codex and I came to the Callidus Assassin entry and the rule 'A word in your ear'. Could this be used to move your opponent's models off the edge of the table providing they are close enough?


I'm sure someone must have thought of this before.


Thanks in advance.




Don't think so, but you can always move a devastator squad behind impassable terrain, or move camo-cloak scouts into the open.

Oh my favourite dont forget to set a Mined area and move some troops into that.

Move Vehicles into terrain is fun, love those Difficult terrain tests. Heavy weapon squads out of buildings is a real kill joy, and finally my favourite dont forget to target transports. Nothing spoils a day when there transport finds itself in some impassable terrain/mind field or even in the open.

I like to move opponent LR into difficult terrain. There is some debate if you need to take the test moving in, but even if they do not to move out I would pay 35 points for the chance to immobilize it turn one 1/6 of the time. Better odds than shooting it with my exorcist.
  calypso2ts said:
I like to move opponent LR into difficult terrain. There is some debate if you need to take the test moving in, but even if they do not to move out I would pay 35 points for the chance to immobilize it turn one 1/6 of the time. Better odds than shooting it with my exorcist.


I had a discussion about this on DakkaDakka with Insomniac (mainly).


AWIYE is a redeployment 'move' and it is a non-standard move, meaning an action that follows all the rules for movement including coherency, impassible terrain, et cetera. This is similar to other non-standard moves like, a Scout move which requires difficult/dangerous terrain tests as well. It even occurs at the same time as scout moves. What it does not have anything in common with is Eldrads or the Deceiver's redeployment which is not called a move (and which I agree does not require DT)


I think it does require a DT test, but I can see why someone may think it does not. Even if you only take 1 test it is a 1/6 chance to immobilize in their DZ which is not bad or a chance to move something in front of an Exorcist.

In that case, if you use it to move a Sniper Scout Squad out of cover, do you have to roll dificult terrian tests, and potentially only move them 1", and not out of cover?


I'd rather have the full 6" 'move' available to me, than to globally implement difficult terrain tests on my AWIYE.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm, the codex isn't clear on whether you are moving your opponents unit or your opponents unit is making a move and you are facilitating it.


Personally, I would argue that no dangerous terrain tests should be rolled. I think this because the unit in question is not moving onto/into the terrain; rather, you are placing them directly onto it so it is not a move that they are making. It is a placement of your opponents unit.


Also, the DH codex states that you can move them 'upto' 6 inches, not that it must be six inches.

  Brovius said:
  Bradskey said:
Hi all,


Was just readin' up on the codex and I came to the Callidus Assassin entry and the rule 'A word in your ear'. Could this be used to move your opponent's models off the edge of the table providing they are close enough?


I'm sure someone must have thought of this before.


Thanks in advance.




Don't think so, but you can always move a devastator squad behind impassable terrain, or move camo-cloak scouts into the open.



I would laugh if you would do that on those scouts, i would just scout them back in terrain with my scout move wich is done after the word thing.

  Bradskey said:
Hi all,


Was just readin' up on the codex and I came to the Callidus Assassin entry and the rule 'A word in your ear'. Could this be used to move your opponent's models off the edge of the table providing they are close enough?


I'm sure someone must have thought of this before.


Thanks in advance.





  Chapter Master Ignis Domus said:
If you move them to a place you bought an artillery strike for, you can probably keep them there until the strike comes in, especially if they're a heavy weapons unit of some kind.


Like those slow obliterators!

is that in the FAQ, in the rules it just says you may move one enemy unit 6 inches and that it must stay in their deployment zone, it says nothing about making a move as in the movement phase. Now I don't think I would try to do this because it is rules lawyering at best, and just Cheese, but I am not sure that RAW that you would be unable to do this.

Especially when you're risking the counter of "dice sock to the face" :)


Technically, yes, yes you could. The FAQ says the following on the subject:


Q. Is a Callidus Assassin’s ‘A Word in your Ear...’ used before or after Scout moves are made?


A. The redeployment move and the Scouts move are both described as happening after deployment but before the first turn. In such cases the best way to proceed is to dice off for which takes priority.


Q. Can ‘A Word in your Ear’ be used to move units that are outside of the normal deployment zone (like infiltrators or units that have already made their Scout move) ?


A. Yes, so long as the Infiltrators, Scouts etc don’t end up in a position they would not otherwise be allowed to deploy in.


It'd be a cheesy move and in poor taste, but technically the rules seem to allow it.


EDIT: The thing is it isn't making a move, it's altering an initial depolyment position. This is important because it happens in that awkward "after deployment but before the first turn" phase, or in essence altering deployment but not creating any moves. If you redeploy his Devastators, they still get to fire if they don't otherwise move in their initial turn as an example.

  breng77 said:
I prefer to use a Dreadsock. It's more fulfilling.


Only if it is the old venerable Kit :P

Hell no, the old ork dread has more spiky bits and I dare say weighs more than anything short of a 2nd Ed lead SM dread.


Hmmm, maybe an ExorcistSock instead, those babies weigh quite a bit....


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