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Grey Knight Terminator Captain


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I've been working on a squad of Grey Knight Terminators for a little while now but just recently pushed to finish the captain for a local miniature painting competition. I used metallic paints for the armor but utilized NMM techniques to force placement of shadows, highlights, and reflection points to make it look as good as possible.


I thought long and hard about what to do for the weapon because I was worried that making it metallic would cause it to blend in with the rest of the mini. After looking at a recent edition of White Dwarf I decided to do a lightning style power weapon, although I have to admit I didn't completely sell the lightning effect... room for improvement I guess.


I sculpted the asphalt base so he would match the space marine army I'm working on... it's also a test piece for a set of broken asphalt bases I'm hoping to start selling soon. The flowers are from my back yard. I used Darklord's tutorial over at WAMP to preserve them and then painted highlights on the petals to make them pop.


This picture is pretty good, but the camera kept adding a sepia wash over everything no matter what I did. I use daylight bulbs to paint by and for photography... maybe light pollution from the overhead incandescent that was on at the same time?


Here's the CMON voting link if anyone's interested.



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I'd actually say you've done the blade very well, it has a sort of shattered glass look about it, seems more like its got phykic energy running through it than lightning which is good ;). As for the rest of the paint job it's all very nicely done if a little dull in regards to the metal, just my opinion but I like my knights to have a bit of a shine :). As for the base I think you gone a little over the top with the flowers, I get what your tryin to do but they just look a bit to out of place to me.
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