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Majorpayne327's Painting Questions

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Every Model that I paint has a new technique or something that I fix that makes it deifferent from the next. This time around I figured its time to learn how to properly blend, Highltight and apply Extreme Highlights.



How do you do it?

GW's How to Paint... Blending (Dry) vs. Wet Blending


Highlights and Extreme Highlights:

Blending Highlights

How to determine where they go?


Please help. Anythings fine for me to look at (Links, Photos, Long Essays)

Thanks and Hopefully this will contribute to anyone else who has similar questions. :HQ:

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Sorry but this post sounds a bit like "felt lazy to google"... so I don't adventure many replies... specially since many are also in this board so...


But just so you can't say nobody helped: try looking up Light Source Object (that's for highlights among other things).

There are as many different techniques for blending, layering, shading and highlighting as there are miniature painters.


First, STOP looking at GW's articles & tutorials as they are all extremely limited in scope. They will only get you 'so far' because all they do is push "paint by number" with pushed products, and not actually teach you the underlying techniques involved.


Second, narrow down your painting terminology. Are you blending or highlighting? Blending is generally (not always) saturated mid-tones mixing to other mid-tones or darker shades as blending up to lighter shades usually ends up looking "chalky" (especially with paints that have a high concentration of Titanium White pigment). Also, wet blending is typically extremely difficult to control for beginners.


Third, have a look at coolminiornot.com's article section and start reading.


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