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Black Legion in the UM movie?

Captain Tezdal

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Well looking at the trailer for the new Ultramarines movies, seems the bad guys happen to be the Black Legion. Think GW will do Chaos Marines right in this movie, or or just spikey Gargamael types failing at everything, ether way looks like some lovely eye candy, and hopefully the "Chaos Ultramarines" Can lay a smack down on the actual Ultramarines,

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Not impressed at all by the Black Legion here. From the looks of it they are charging mindlessly into the teeth of the Ultramarines guns. In fact I don't think any of them speak coherently at all.


It looks like they will be just a fodder enemy for the Ultramarines here.

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I am sure when Dan Abnett wrote the scene where the Black Legion Marines are charging the Ultramarines defending their position it sounded awesome. But then the production team put them on an empty plane only obscured by dust and had the Chaos Marines charge straight across said plane.
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The only think I see is that the Chaos Space Marines just die as quickly as a naked Imperial Guard on a bad day. Although I understand the concept of "75% of the people like it when the 'good' guys win", I'm a bit sad of how the Chaos SPACE MARINES die so fast :ermm:
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:lol: :P :eek


Wow!! The rendering on the BL was completely non existant compared to the UM, and that is saying something.

I laughed when the sergeant/company champion carved through those legionnaires and the killed one with a thrown knife...laughable.

"we shall cleans the taint of the warp", yeah well i would :cuss well hope so if that is how they fight!!

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I laughed when the sergeant/company champion carved through those legionnaires and the killed one with a thrown knife...laughable.


Yeah same...something these movie people probably don't realize (or refuse to recognise just to please the Ultrafans) is that many of these Black Legion would be many times older and far more exprienced (and more warp-powered :P ) than the Ultramarines, who, considering they are somehow involved in every single major war at all times across the Imperium, would cycle through recruits faster than a Guardsmen being chased by a Daemon Prince. Since it is Astartes-VS-Astartes warfare, casualties would be expected to be high on both sides, but the Black Legion would realistically have a higher kill to death ratio.


My opinion anyway.

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Well, the graphics seem to be a little better than previously seen. Makes it watchable at least.

But the way they scythed down the Black Legionnaires - huh, make them to put up a decent fight at least. It's only a trailer yes, but the Black Legion aren't some drooling World Eaters who advance through an empty sand plane, no matter the odds.

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Yeah same...something these movie people probably don't realize (or refuse to recognise just to please the Ultrafans) is that many of these Black Legion would be many times older and far more exprienced (and more warp-powered :P ) than the Ultramarines, who, considering they are somehow involved in every single major war at all times across the Imperium, would cycle through recruits faster than a Guardsmen being chased by a Daemon Prince. Since it is Astartes-VS-Astartes warfare, casualties would be expected to be high on both sides, but the Black Legion would realistically have a higher kill to death ratio.


Since when are the Ultramarines involved in every single major war at all times in the Imperium? To my knowledge they Guard the Eastern Fringe and maintain a prescence at the Eye. I don't think even the Black Templars have the numbers to be at every single major war in the Imperium.

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Since when are the Ultramarines involved in every single major war at all times in the Imperium? To my knowledge they Guard the Eastern Fringe and maintain a prescence at the Eye. I don't think even the Black Templars have the numbers to be at every single major war in the Imperium.


I think he is talking about the fact that about 3/5 of all the Space Marine chapters are from the Ultramarines. So about atleast 60%+ of all the wars in the Imperium should have an army with a connection to the Ultramarines

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Since when are the Ultramarines involved in every single major war at all times in the Imperium? To my knowledge they Guard the Eastern Fringe and maintain a prescence at the Eye. I don't think even the Black Templars have the numbers to be at every single major war in the Imperium.


I overly exagerated, I personally cant stand how GW finds some form of excuse to put them wherever they want them to be, just so they are there (worldwide campaigns come to mind, which are ridiculous anyway, but still). Theres only a finite number of Ultramarines...


I think he is talking about the fact that about 3/5 of all the Space Marine chapters are from the Ultramarines. So about atleast 60%+ of all the wars in the Imperium should have an army with a connection to the Ultramarines


No not meaning that, talking about the Ultramarines themselves. Note I don't dislike the Ultramarines, just the way GW promotes them as the "best things EVER" (thankyou new SM codex!). Sort of getting off topic though so I'll stop there.

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Since when are the Ultramarines involved in every single major war at all times in the Imperium? To my knowledge they Guard the Eastern Fringe and maintain a prescence at the Eye. I don't think even the Black Templars have the numbers to be at every single major war in the Imperium.


Ultramar on one end, the Eye on the other, and everything potentially in-between.

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Since when are the Ultramarines involved in every single major war at all times in the Imperium? To my knowledge they Guard the Eastern Fringe and maintain a prescence at the Eye. I don't think even the Black Templars have the numbers to be at every single major war in the Imperium.


Ultramar on one end, the Eye on the other, and everything potentially in-between.


The presence of the Eye was only there to specifically counter Abaddon's Black Crusades. Seeing as the Ultramarines have enough on their hands with the Charadon Empire and the Tyranids one would think they would be thinly-spread already with just those zones.


I am sure when Dan Abnett wrote the scene where the Black Legion Marines are charging the Ultramarines defending their position it sounded awesome. But then the production team put them on an empty plane only obscured by dust and had the Chaos Marines charge straight across said plane.


I realize you made a typo here, but the image is too funny.


Chaos Marines on a Plane.


Captain Severus: ''I've had enough of these motherfrakking Black Legionaries on this motherfrakking plane!''


I would pay money to hear John Hurt say that.

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Captain Severus: ''I've had enough of these motherfrakking Black Legionaries on this motherfrakking plane!''


I would pay money to hear John Hurt say that.


severus is played by terrance stamp, john hurt is the voice of the fists chaplain.. also funnily enough the guy who voices the sugar puffs monster plays one of the ultramarine voices..


As for ultramarines, i get kind of bored listening to the "why them" complaints.. they have to start somewhere so you shouldnt expect anything else..

the only person cutting through the BL is captain severus, Even BL puts the heroes far above chaos.

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Which is still odd because even a single one of them should be his equal, or better.

The same goes for BL fiction that suffer from favouritism, I am looking at you Uriel Ventris and the Paper-, sorry, Iron Warriors.

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What we may be seeing here may be the rare space-time thingy-mabob you know the word... known as reverse stormtrooper (Star Wars) syndrome which basically states the more stormtroopers you have at any one point the less effective they become... so if you have a load of Black Legion goons attacking a few Smurfs then the Smurfs will win and the Black Legions goons will die like kittens in a kitten stomper (not to be confused with an Ork Stompa).
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Which is still odd because even a single one of them should be his equal, or better.

The same goes for BL fiction that suffer from favouritism, I am looking at you Uriel Ventris and the Paper-, sorry, Iron Warriors.


Don't forget the Zerks, and countless other Chaos Space marines gun downed by Lasguns, looking at you Gaunt's Ghosts.

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Sad...sad trailer. Did anyone else get more excited watching the Dawn of War trailer?

Looks like a badly done fan animated Dawn of War spinoff.


I always thought any 40k movie should be shoot in Noir style. But that's just me.

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